The weather in Cork City was probably some of the soggiest of our entire trip. During our time there we saw nothing but cool rain with small breaks of cloudy weather in between. Thanks to our raincoats and waterproof shoes, it didn’t dissuade us from getting out and exploring. We really took advantage of the one full day we had there.
According to 23andMe my ancestors come from County Cork so this region was especially interesting to me.

Blarney Castle is just a mere twenty minute drive from the city of Cork and of all the tourist attractions we visited I would say this is the one that was most worth the price of admission. Coming from a country that's not even three hundred years old I'm still in awe of how numerous and close to the cities some of these ancient ruins are.

The castle itself was still surprisingly intact and the grounds and gardens surrounding the castle could easily warrant a full day of exploring.

We climbed the narrow and seemingly endless spiral staircase to the top floor and the views were stunning. As luck would have it the roof is where the Blarney Stone is to be found.

Of course, I had to partake. Supposedly those who kiss the stone will gain "the gift of the gab" for the the rest of their days. I'll take it! Incase you're wondering, yes, they sanitize the stone with alcohol after each person. As an added bonus, after bending over backwards at nearly a forty-five degree angle my back felt a whole lot better afterwards, a free chiropractic adjustment!

This was the carriage house for the castle. I couldn't believe how elaborately painted the carriages were, they were like medieval RVs that had beds and even stoves in them to keep the royalty comfortable during long journeys. After our tour we had a fabulous traditional Irish lunch at the Blarney Castle Hotel. If you ever tour the castle I would highly recommend having a meal here. It was some of the best food I remember from the entire trip.
After the castle tour we had half of that afternoon left to explore Cork.

First, stop was the English Market. All of the YouTuber's mentioned this as a "must see" in Cork. It was nice and I wouldn't dissuade you from checking it out if you visit Cork but it didn't really live up to the hype for us.

Cork City, had a completely different feel to it that the other cities we stayed in. It is a huge college town and definitely grittier with graffiti everywhere. It took me a day to settle into the vibe of the place and really "get it". Once I did this Cork, with it's narrow alleys, great restaurants and countless shops revealed to us its charm and great beauty.

I'll be doing one final post on my thoughts about the great country of Ireland and tips for any of you who're thinking of traveling to the Emerald Isle. I hope you've enjoyed this series as much as I've enjoyed putting it together!
Click on the YouTube Video below for all of our pictures from this fourth and final part of our adventures in Ireland.
Thanks for reading! All for now. Remember…trust your instincts, invest in you, live boldly, and take chances.
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Let’s Keep In Touch

I'm glad to hear that you had a great time in Cork City, despite the rainy weather. It sounds like you made the most of your time there, and I'm especially intrigued by your visit to Blarney Castle. Kissing the Blarney Stone is a rite of passage for many visitors to Ireland, and it's even more amazing to think that the castle itself is over 600 years old.
I also appreciate your honest feedback on the English Market. It's always helpful to hear different perspectives on popular tourist attractions, and it's good to know that it's not everyone's cup of tea.
Thank you! We ended up being very happy with how the trip went overall. It wasn't without its mistakes but the good memories far outshined them.
this was a lovely read and vicarious adventure. Thanks for putting it together so beautifully. As always.
Thank you for taking the time to read it! I already want to go back. : )
Then you shall. :)
But there are so many places you could visit that you've never been to!!
Also... reading you is always a pleasure
Have a great day, Eric!
That's really cool that the Blarney Stone helped your back, haha it's a nice little added benefit. I've been to Cork a few times, but have never visited it, which is a shame, but it's on the list for the next time I'm down there.
I've always thought that Cork is one of my favourite places in Ireland, every time I've been down there I've had fun. The people are so sound, or at least anyone that I've encountered. Yeah, I agree about the English Market. It's cool and all, but it wasn't what I was expecting if I'm honest, great for food, but not much else. Although, there was a pretty cool pub down one of the alleys of the market which was cool.
Did you get a chance to go to Fota Wildlife Park while you were down there?
A little Blarney Stone yoga, it was. Lol. We missed so much of Cork since we just got to explore it for a few hours one afternoon. We stayed just a few blocks from the English Market and ventured a mile or so out from there. We didn't have a chance to see the wildlife park but I hope to make it back in a year or two and see more. I think the next time we visit we'll stay four nights in Dublin and then maybe pick one more city on the east coast.
To be honest man, Dublin is cool, but it's a tourist trap. You'd be better off staying in one of the counties surrounding it and just go there during the day.
Now, things might be different in a year or two, but I've been hearing a lot of bad stuff recently about it. I only go to Dublin when I need to because it's not the way it used to be.
In saying all that though, you might love it and have a great time.
That’s really good to know about Dublin, thanks! Killarney kind of had that same touristy vibe for us. If I had it to do over again I’d probably want to stay in the countryside outside of Killarney. There was so much to do right around that area.
Romany Caravan. or horse drawn caravan, something very romantic about the look, idea of holidaying in one for a weekend. Not very large but was home for many.
Lovely experience once in a lifetime visiting the Emerald Isles, thanks for sharing.
That would be a great idea for an Airbnb. I bet someone somewhere is offering it. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Joan. Thanks for following along!
Sure they rent them out in some regions, most probably take day trips out in them too.
They were very popular people thought they were gypsy homes, perhaps for awhile they were. Many lived in such small dwellings in the old days able to be drawn by horse or donkey.
Ireland simply has a different vibe from any other country in my opinion. From architecture to landscapes, from people to what is considered a point of interest for the tourists... literally everything.
I would agree. We haven't traveled many places yet but this was different from anywhere we've been. It felt like a pair of comfortable shoes, like "home".
Of course whenever one goes on such a trip it is very comforting to see such beautiful places as we are seeing these mountains and many special places. Maps of old buildings are much more beautiful as well. Trip is even more fun when the weather is beautiful like this.
Thanks! It was rare that we saw the sun, we just saw small glimpses of it. I tried to take photos when the clouds parted.
Most welcome dear.
Wow... Ireland is a very interesting place to visit. There are many ancient buildings there. You're really lucky to be there, Eric. Hope you enjoy your trip.
Thank you Eliana! I feel very lucky to be able to travel like this. We've been back almost a week now and are already planning the next trip. : ) I hope you had a good week!
Ireland is a fairy tale country. This is my dream. Well, acquiring the “gift of gab” would be a good idea. Although you are doing well with these things. Happy adventures!
Thank you!
Talk about a win-win. If you aren't going to be tripped by gaining "the gift of the gab" for a lifetime, then a free chiropractic therapy will do the trick.😉
I'm glad you guys got to explore the city despite the foul weather. True explorers indeed. Waiting for that final post as well.
I'm still waiting for the gift of the gab to kick in. : ) Thank you!
What's the gift of the gab about?
Yes, I enjoyed the series and learnt some new things about Ireland except the rainy weather :)
Thanks for sharing with us!
The rain isn't as bad as I thought. It's light for the most part. Thanks for reading!
Now I must call you, my lord Eric, knight of the eternal word!!!! All the images are interesting, though less dizzying than the cliffs. I would have liked to have seen what you ate and drank at the Blarney Castle Hotel!!! I remember going, here in Venezuela, to a quintessential university town. I remember that the whole city had a different movement, especially because there were many cultural events. Well, now to rest and plan the next trip. What are the plans? Halloween, Thanksgiving and of course, Christmas are coming. Have a nice Wednesday, my friend.
Funny! I certainly hope the legend was true and I get "the gift". The food was so good at the hotel we forgot to take photos. I had smoked salmon on Irish soda bread. The vibe in the part of Cork we were staying in kind of reminded me of the Ohio State University Campus in the city I grew up in. The college kids were drinking and partying until 3-4 am so we had to sleep with our windows closed. We don't have anything else planned for the rest of this year but we do have lots of airline miles to use or else we lose them so we may be doing at least one more trip before year's end. Have a wonderful Wednesday, Nancy. Thank you!
Thanks always to you, Eric!
Nice view from the top, i love the green environment , it feels so calm to be at those grassy places.
Looking forward to read tips from you, maybe one day i will visit it.
The wonder land of Ireland. So much I have read about that country. How is the weather condition over there also? Quite sunny right
It rained most of the time.
It looks like it was a pretty cool excursion. That is impressive how intact most of the castle still is. They really knew how to build things back then didn't they? I don't think I would have been able to get back up if I had been in a position like that! I'm glad you had a good time and were able to do some exploring. I bet there is still whole bunch of the country that you would like to explore. The carriages remind me of the caravans that the Romanians use in Peaky Blinders.
It was one of my favorites. They certainly were master builders back before computer modeling, things were made probably 50x stronger than they needed to be. The precision was astounding. When I leaned back it sounded like the 4th of July! I really did feel better after that though. We'll definitely be going back within the next few years. We missed one entire coast (east) and would like to explore Dublin. They are exactly the same as the Romany caravans! They have wood burning stoves inside. I imagine these are reproductions.
That is cool. It sounds like it was amazing! My sister in law has family on Arranmore so it would be cool to see that part of it. She went a couple of years ago I guess. I can't even imagine what it must be like.
What a unique place to live! In this day and age it wouldn't be a bad place to call home. I supposed with Starklink there's no issue getting WiFi.
Yeah, probably not. It always takes me a while to find it on the map. I think because I try to spell it wrong!
I had to look it up. There are quite a few islands off the coast that are inhabited.
Whenever I make a visit to a particular place the market place is always my first target. This will help in getting to know some basic thng and learn about some do's and don'ts for free.
Markets are some of our favorite things to explore in the cities we're visiting too. They're the pulse of the city. Cheers!
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