It's funny how you mention it, I've never been in the shop and I mentioned that to the lady at the stall.
I do remember looking in the window display when walking past, returning home from school, but that's as far as I got.
I remember when we used to comb the quarry, there was loads of olde worlde bottles up there, I really wish I'd kept some now.
Black Beer and Raisin sounds good, and yeah I can't find it on the website.
I tend to go for Blackcurrant & Liquorice and have a bottle of it in the house somewhere.
Last time I visited (ages ago), it was gone from the menu. I asked and all they had a 5 year old empty bottle sitting on a shelf behind them.
'we cant get it anymore', was the answer. I haven't been back since.
The original Mr Fitzpatrick was an old man when I was 18 or so. I am quite sure he's dead now. Nice bloke.
It definitely looks more commercialised now, but it's got history to back it up, shame about the Black Beer and Raisin, it sounds right up my street.