coins protect money

in #piotr4 years ago


greetings to all the PH community, I hope you are well in this opportunity we will talk about what is happening in afghanistan and how the coins can give a chance to the people who left the country with nothing more than what they had on, I hope you like my article, I look forward to reading you in the comments

I think by now we all know what is happening in Afghanistan, the withdrawal of US troops from that country left a power vacuum that was exploited by a group of extremists and now they are the ones in power, at this time the bankers of that country fled and left millions of people without their savings.

Nowadays this reality is common, dictators come to power and the first thing they do is to control the arms and money of that country, this guarantees them to leave the people defenceless against them, also the people who left the country cannot count on the money they had in the banks of that country, only the people who saved money outside the country are the ones who have the opportunity to have a life in exile.

With all this in mind we can see the importance of having savings in BTC or usdt, to avoid the state taking control of our money and we can count on the money no matter what country we are in, because with the advent of the currencies people have the option to safeguard the money so that no one knows how much they have, the currencies protect it from devaluations and takeovers by dictators and extremists.

Those who are aware of the need to migrate their money to cryptocurrencies will always be more protected than those who rely on traditional financial systems, it is sad to see the images of millions of Afghans trying to get their money out of the banks in vain, they in their desperation do not understand that the bankers have already taken the money out and left the country leaving them with nothing.

this reality would not happen if people would save in cryptoassets, I understand that there are risks in currencies but as it is the world you have more risk leaving your money in traditional banks than saving it in currencies, especially if you live in a country that is not a power, it will always be exposed to all these financial disasters.

In conclusion, if you don't want to live a reality similar to the one the Afghans are living right now, you must learn to save in currencies and to use all this technology, if you do it now that you have time, maybe you will have more possibilities if a military takeover or a large scale devaluation happens in your country, nobody is safe from living this reality, Remember that Venezuela went from being one of the best economies in Latin America to being a poor country, And it all started when a former military man took power bringing with him policies that restricted us and did not prohibit us from taking money out of the banks with the excuse that it was for the good of the country.


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