the fear of quality

in #piotr4 years ago


Hello my dear readers, how are you? This is a new article that I have the honor to write for you, I comment one of the things that personally prevented me from writing every day "the fear of quality", as you all know it is not easy to be a content creator and it is normal that while we are in the process of creating an article we do not like it or the quality of the article, if I am honest I do not think it is a question of quality but rather a question of knowing that the only way to improve is constant repetition, If I'm honest I don't think it's a question of quality but rather a question of knowing that the only way to improve is with constant repetition, with this in mind I thought I would touch the subject of what is better if we look for quality or on the contrary create and create until the quality arises from the constancy, what do you think?

one of the most difficult things to predict is the quality when creating content, especially if it is for an audience with such different tastes, the quality when it comes to an artistic work is very diverse, in general what one person may like may not have the impact you want in other people, This happens in different areas of art for example we have the case of Vincent van Gogh Quein was an artist that during his life nobody gave a penny for his works, but after his death he became a referent for his art, the quality always depends on the critical eye that the market has.

The most constant doubt that always comes up is, how to achieve a respectable level of any art, be it writing articles, painting pictures or creating music, the most accurate answer is a phrase I heard a couple of days ago from a friend, this phrase says that "the road to perfection is called repetition", since I heard it I really liked it because it reminds me that we can all be a very high quality version of ourselves, we just have to have enough discipline to create and create until our content meets the highest quality criteria.

don't feel bad if your content is from your point of view of low quality, remember that art develops like all other skills, mastering the skill requires you to make as many mistakes as possible until out of your failures can emerge the writer or artist you wish to be, the repetition quotient will make you a master in any art you wish, just relax and enjoy the journey that after all is what makes it worth all the effort.

In conclusion if we want to be better at the art of writing articles or any other art, you just have to allow yourself to make mistakes, find your own style and then develop it with practice, there are days when you create works of art and other empty articles. It's all part of the journey to becoming a writer, I hope you like this article, thanks for reading.

created by : @trabajosdelsiglo