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RE: “Silver Adventures”- Captain Joshua Slane – 25MR19 – 'Saipan Islain to Peleliu Islain Sailing Race!'

in #piratesyesterday

You have what it takes Able Seaman make us proud!

Sail Oan!


I love living in this virtual world, so to speak. I could say we live in a metaverse on the frigate , with an excellent captain and companions with whom we share and converse. Here, imagination has NO limits. For example, I make coffee and tea, and in real life I'm a bad cook. ....But I will gladly prepare virtually anything in the kitchen for you and my companions on the frigate and I do it with great pleasure.

When the winning is complete and called by the Keptin....What a celebration there will be....what a crew!

We will celebrate just like always, like the family we are. I don't mind serving everyone. In fact, I like to imagine myself going into the kitchen and preparing whatever they ask for.
I work from home I rarely go into the kitchen. I don't like it.. But I feel affection for everyone and I like imagining that I cook for everyone.

"Och aye, an' it's real matie, alive an' weel! (Beautiful sunset off th' starboard rail mates!)" 😉 -Keptin

(Swatches loch spyug Groober flyin' in froms th' west wi new race informations!)

It's aw' fer th' fleet! You aw' make me proud!