📐 📏 📐 📏 Silvers Update! 🔘🔘🔘🔘
📈 5 Day Review:
🖼 Pictographic Cycle Patterns: 🗝️
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Disclaimer: "Ahh'm nae a fockin' precioos metals advisur, nur do Ahh wants ta be! Ahh'm jist a dedicated stacker in search o' hoddin silvers an' adventure! (Anyain who says otherwise is likely tae git rin- thru!) - Keptin Joshua Slane
"What dae Ahh dae wi' th' gold/silvers ratio? Weel, thes is me way o' makin' a moves...80 an' belaw, Ahh sell silvers an' buy gauld, 90 an' abune, Ahh sell gauld an' buy silvers! But whit is th' best way? 'BIG tae BIG'! Wussatt? - Big gauld (1 oz bar) tae big silvers (Kilo bars). Tak' advantage o' th' the smallest premium muckers!" 😎 -Keptin
References: - Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, Hive.blog, an' Wikipedia. Data also sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.
Hoddin: hod·den, ˈhädn - Common, inexpensive
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📝 "Remember maties, bein' crew oan th' mighty Frigate Silverton ⛵ is a sure cure fur loneliness! We sail together...ur nae at aw!" 🙌🏼🤝👲🏼🥷🏼👩🏼🍳👨🏼🔧👨🏼💼🧑🏼🎨🧕🏼🤵🏼♂️🤵🏼♂️🦹🏼💁🏼🙋🏼♀️👩🏼🍳🤴🏼👮🏼♂️💂🏼♂️🕵🏼👨🏼⚕️ 😉 -Keptin
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Greetings Keptin,
Hodler here.... ^__^
"Greetins matie! Canty saturdays!" 😉 -Keptin
Bearings Sair! Donnae whats they're for.

"Haw! Haw! Ye mus' hav pulled 'em oot o' th' ship's wheel shaft..." 😄 -Keptin
I'm seeing some green there, Keptin. :-)
!bbh !GIFU for the treasury captain!