
If you can possibly activate the Einstein Relativity Time Maker Machine so I can have a 30 hour day than a 24 hour day to implement your great idea. However It would throw a wrench into Temporal Continuity a bit but most of us could deal with seeing doubles of ourselves. Maybe easier if I won a huge lottery so I can quit my job and devote it to Steemit posting.

Screenshot_2018-09-11 TARDIS - Wikipedia.png

If I could just find the key to my tardis, we could play among the stars where time is all relative.

Does it have a coffee machine too?

A gift shop and a 24 hour Krispy Kreme Doughnut Store with the Red Hot Sign always on.:) Now if I can just find the key!

I know you find it at the last place you look, hurry man hurry! There better be a Chocolate glaze.