So I've got a conundrum . . . . I've got a bunch of lines of code for upvoting like
steem5 = Steem(wif=["removed","removed"]), 1, "herpetologyguy"), 1, "davidjkelley")
They all work uniformly except for two name/key pairs (regardless of where I put them).
Now, the first obvious guess is that there is something wrong with the names or the keys -- except that I can copy paste them into steemit and they work just fine.
The only thing that the names have in common that they don't share with any other name is that they both contain the letter y . . . .
Any guesses? Thanks in advance! -- Mark
Error details:
piston.steem.BroadcastingError was unhandled by user code
One additional piece of information - I added another account. I now realize that these three accounts are the three with the least Steem Power (ranging between just over 70 to just under 105). Is there a minimum Steem Power required?
Now non-reproducible . . . . sorry to bother you . . . .