Also known as the Tasmanian Laurel, Anopterus glandulosus is one of the only species that originate in Tasmania that has been successfully cultivated.
As you would expect of a plant that originates in Tasmania it can only be grown a cool humid climates of Tasmania and south eastern Australia. For those living in these areas this plant can make an attractive addition the garden whether planted directly into the ground in a large container.
It is a very attractive medium sized upright evergreen shrub growing to about 2.5m tall.
The large glossy, dark green leaves tend to cluster towards the end to the branches giving the shrub and very dense and full appearance. In late spring the delicate white flowers appear at the branch tips.
The leaves of the Tasmanian Laurel are very large, leathery, spathulate in shape with a shallow toothed margin and they can be as long as 17cm and as wide as 4cm.
The new growth is a wonderful deep red to bronze colour and adds colour to the shrub in spring.
The flowers are cup shaped and are arranged in terminal racemes, they can be white or slightly pink.
Soil: They require moist, humus rich, lime-free soil.
Maintenance: The Tasmanian Laurel is relatively easy to grow when planted it in a sheltered place in semi-shade.
Water and fertilise regularly during summer and in spring spread mulch and compost on soil for additional nutrition.
As a slow growing plant, prune only to maintain shape.
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