For some reason, I really enjoyed pixelating birds so I'll show them first!
A toucan
This has to be my favorite one! It's steampunk Tux! Inspired from this sudo card
A second penguin!
Went with a background for this one, it did not turn out too bad!
Our last winged creature! A duck!
This is a shinesprite from Super Mario Sunshine
A cute little crab
A dark mage, empowered by a circle of fire. Beware of his lightning strikes!
Mountains that are reflected in water
A very simple city
If you made it up to here, thanks you very much! These images are the ones that turned out well, however most of them did not!
Woa, this is really impressive. I have a fondness for pixel art!
Thank you ! :)
They look cool
Hey thanks!
it's nice! :)
Thank you! :)