Pixel Art Weekly Top 3~Voting Is Now Closed!!

in #pixelartweekly • 8 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone in Steemitopia!
Hope you all have a beautiful week!

It's that time again,
time for you to choose the winner of this round of
Pixel Art Weekly!

This week the theme presented to the artists was

We had a good handful of entries this week. Newcomers to both the contest and pixel art as well. All of you did a fantastic job and made it very difficult for me to pick the top 3.
I want to congratulate each of you for the efforts you put in. Please don't feel discouraged if you didn't make the cut this week, keep on pushing those pixels!

Very quickly I'd also like to thank
for donating 10SBD to the winner!
Also to
for donating 20 WhaleShares to the winner!
Thanks so much folks, your donations really mean alot!

So let's get to it already!
I present to you, the
Pixel Art Weekly
Top 3!!




Now it's time for the citizens of Steemit to vote!!

Voting Rules

~To cast your vote for the winner of Pixel Art Weekly, you MUST manually type the name of your favorite artist in the comments below~

Upvotes in the comments will NOT be counted! To Help Prevent Bot Voting, Votes From Inactive Accounts May No Longer Be Counted!!

A warm thank you to everyone that participated and everyone that helps support
Pixel Art Weekly!

Steem On



@w0olf too for me, although @kristyglas is a very close second

nice work everyone, my vote goes to @w0olf

@w0olf :D

Keeping an eye on this topic, pixelart is SO cool! My vote is for @kristyglas

Thank you!

Great entries all around, also those that didn't make the top 3 (*cough * bugs bunny *cough *) j/k

my vote this round is for @kristyglas I wish I could see it at 1x to though.

@fdataline77 is really great to, but I'm a sucker for non-aliased pixelart and @kristyglas' animation is so smooth ! @w0olf's entry appears to have some areas that could use a little bit of clean-up

Thank you very much for the vote! ^-^

aw yeah ! That's what I'm talking about !

Thank you for reminding, totally forgot to share :D

Don't worry about it, it's not mandatory. i just really like to see it at 100% as well ... it just looks so awesome so tiny

When I shared entry in the comments, it looked so much smaller.
I think ideal size is x2 or x4, still small but much clearer :)

I usually submit a 1x and a 2x by default. and if it's extra small maybe a 4x. That should cover most bases. Plus it looks nice to see it at different sizes all at once.

Thanks for the feedback @eqko! :) Yeah it seems a little "dirty" in some areas. But that's because I tried to do "shading" ;) That's my first pixelart. First I tried different shades of gray, but that looked terrible and flat. So I tried to crisp things up a little. Seems like that did not work out so well. But I like the outcome and there is potential to get better ;)

yeah don't worry about it. It's super great for a first try.
Do check out this link for the best advise and workflows on pixelart you'll read anywhere.

Thank you! :) And thanks for the advice! :)

any time

Good luck contestants!

@w0olf , but i guess the animation made by @kristyglas is slightly better. i didnt vote for that though because i think each pixel square size is too large for my taste.

Voting for my gurl @kristyglas

All the entries are great my vote goes for @w0olf

Good luck in the competition! U got my vote and Good Luck to all entries =]I am voting @w0olf entry. It looks like a little creepy ( and potentially painfully annoying) little creature that would appear in a boss level of super mario bros. lol

@w0olf fo sho

First @w0olf and second @kristyglas

@kristyglas did a stellar piece - Great job, Kristy! :)

Ty!! ^-^

@kristyglas and the awesome emerging butterfly!

Thank you so much! ^-^

 8 years ago (edited) 

For those interested, these were my references:
Youtube vid 1
Youtube vid 2
Youtube vid 3
This is the closest reference, but the transformation part is blurry:
Youtube vid 4

@kristyglas is my vote! That's really cool!

@kristyglas wins for me

Thank you very much for voting! :D

You're welcome

i want to be the winner xD

When does voting end?

Good luck everyone! Thanks for the support!

No worries, I enjoyed the post

My vote is for @fdataline77

amazaing jonny blearwater bro