Ben is my favorite journalist too! I loved his Reality Check and started watching it in 2011/2012.
What happened to him as the result of his pizzagate segment is crazy, but it demonstrates how society works in these types of situations, when you threaten sacred narratives.
I don't know if any of the most serious accusations regarding Pizzagate are true, since it's all circumstantial, but what I do know is that apples don't come from orange trees. What I mean is this: the whole pizzagate things clearly shows an abundance of symbols and events that fit a certain pattern. I believe our surroundings and circumstances, at least those most predominant and recurring, can tell us a lot about ourselves and what we are thinking and attracting into our lives.
The pizzagate thing may not prove that those people are abusers, but it shows their toxicity and closeness to the state of mind that facilitates and drives abuse. Of that, I have no doubt.
We need to build a happier world, and we can't do that fighting against these people and their toxic system. Ben Swanns of the world can never win their game.
We need to build things that...well, I'll let Bucky explain: