Honeybee, sorry if I missunderstand now, got the flu and English is not my main language:
You write, Quote:
- "It gets even stranger because the address listed in front of the house in question on street view is 3509...which doesn't make any sense because that would be across the street"
..when we look for ElsaGate HQ in Praha, the adress on Google Maps was to an H&M Store, didn´t make any sense. But on the opposite side of the Road was the right place.
This has also been the case in other places around Europe, mostly in the UK, and as we was told from an Anti-Child Abuse Man in Britain, they "mirror" it, as the Luciferians they are.
Also I wanna say it made me angry and I not often angry, to hear that sick phone calls you got. Any chance to track down who made them? I know the Police in the USA have done that before.
Advice is to buy a phone for private use and one for other stuff. Google track every singel move and I never have my own phone for that reason when in the UK and stuff like that.