Pizzagate repo updates for 14-01-2017 [Yoichi Shimatsu/PizzaSlut/PizzaBrain/Gary Ducket and more]

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

It never ends.
These are the latest discoveries from pizzagate researchers added to the archive.

See the full changelog on gitlab for everything since my last post

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The upstream repository is gpg-signed by pedo hunter

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Heres a quick look at what's been added in this batch of updates

[1] Articles from Yoichi Shimatsu

Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based freelance journalist that's written a series of Pizzagate articles for .

The series of posts are still live for the time being, so these titles link to - all articles from Yoichi on rense.
You can also find the archives in the research archive in the articles/rense folder.

[2] "Pizza Slut" photo archived

This photo of the girl tagged #carisjames all over Alefantis's instagram , seems to be the same girl a few months older in the "Pizza Slut" photo.

This girl was identified by Alefantis as his "goddaughter" , and by researchers as the claimed daughter of Cory Wren Woolman (previously comets "events manager") and Robert Scott Cummings (the "designer" of comet ping pong).

The same couple are also the principals of PORTLAND NATURAL CASKET COMPANY L.L.C .

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The photo was originally posted to the pizzabrains tumblr page .

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As time goes on I'm having more trouble trying to internally play "devils advocate" and find a way to justify these sort of repeated patterns. I tweeted my feelings on this one ..

[3] PizzaBrain

PizzaBrain describes itself as "the worlds first pizza museum" - it's in Philadelphia and the business shares space with "Gary Ducket" and "The World Headquarters of Little Babies Ice Cream" .

It was founded by Brain Dwyer and has been discussed on steemit here.

View the pizzabrain folder

[4] Little Babies Ice Cream

This isn't in the archive yet, but this is an example of more strange themes in connected businesses. These are official ads posted by the littlebabiesicecream youtube channel .

Published to youtube on Oct 30, 2015 with this description :

Little Baby's Ice Cream, creator of internet classics such as "This Is A Special Time", is proud to introduce the world's first 100% recyclable AND repulpable pint containers! Coming soon to a grocer near you!
Video by All Ages Productions

Voiceover by Matthias Bossi Music by Rick Rein

Published to youtube on Aug 1, 2012 with this description :

This is a Special Time. Check out our latest masterpiece!
Director / Creative Director: Doug Garth Williams / Copy & Voice: Matthias Bossi / Music: Jon Guez.

[5] Gary Ducket and his magic pickles

Gary shares an address with pizzabrains , and shows a repeated pattern of references to pedo culture, codewords, satanism , cannibalism and more as well as a policy of "not selling pickles to cops" .

Checkout his kickstarter and what you would get for $10k ..

View more on kickstarter

His tumblr and instagram accounts are "interesting"..

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Loads more images and voat posts has been archived to the pizzabrain/garyducket folder .

[6] Phat Tony Cannoli

Phat Tony likes pizza, hot dogs, Satan, drugs, kids, and transgenders.Phat Tony is one of the few people to use #taydd just like garyducket (#taydd means "Think about your dads dick")

He also has this photo which is near identical to the Nilay Lawson photo who is friends with James Alefantis.

This lead came from this voat thread and has been archived to the pizzabrain/phattonycannoli folder .

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[7] Los Angeles County Sheriff badge

Notice anything familiar in the Los Angeles County Sheriff badge ?

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Every time I read this kind of informative post, I get a sick feeling in my stomach. I hate that dark, twisty, disgusting place. How do you not fall into the abyss of terrible darkness after all this research and writing @ausbitbank?

It's messing me up a bit.. I see heaps of other investigators seeming to be having emotional breakdowns and I'm snapping at people that don't deserve it.

This is why I'm writing way less detail lately, I'm just trying to coldly report and archive new discoveries from others rather then pursuing many leads myself because I can't handle it on top of the heat and kids atm..

When I was in high school, one of my favorite classes was Psychology. For extra credit we could volunteer at the local mental institution. I remember having a conversation with one of the counselors there.

He said that I need to think carefully about coming into the psychology field. That more than half of therapists suffer from clinical depression and many wind up being short-term residents at the facility. That was a little scary for a 17-year old to hear.

What I'm trying to say eludes to that old saying: "You are what you eat". What I really want to say is don't let consumption consume you.

I know what you mean... I started writing a series on historical pedo scandals and could only make it through the first 2 before it got to much and I had to abandon it. I've had about 3 breakdowns of uncontrollable crying in the past couple months over this. The info stream hasn't slowed down a bit after months of this too. It just keeps going deeper...

Some kind of research suppport group here on steeemit? Not sure how... ideas?

ausbitbank AusBitBank tweeted @ 13 Jan 2017 - 10:49 UTC

How could you #standwithcomet over #pizzagate when James's "god daughter" #carisjames is posed like this. Fuck thes……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

These are terrible things to view. It makes me hurt to see this.

Me too man, I'm sorry. I purposely skipped heaps of images and only included the bare minimum to get the point across :o/

How can we form some kind of research support group on steemit? I posted about that and tagged rsg in hopes to start some ideas?

You can find more activist steemians in the Peace, Abundance, Liberty (PAL) discord chat that may be interested. We've started a few different pizzagate specific chat rooms over the time I've been here, but none are still around AFAIK

Looking forward to some real evidence and investigations, but until then I suggest users downvote content like this.

If you'd been following the investigation closely you wouldn't be saying that. Downvoted (fairs fair)