Nothing was proven fake btw. I agree its suspicious AF but until i see proof one way or the other ill keep it in the archive.
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Nothing was proven fake btw. I agree its suspicious AF but until i see proof one way or the other ill keep it in the archive.
If it were real, police would have been in the picture and there would be crime scene tape. If he failed to report it to the police, instead posting it as "breaking news", he'd be sitting in jail right now. There's a laundry list of charges there from obstruction of justice to disturbing a crime scene, to failure to report a crime, even disrespect of a corpse. I view the fact that there isn't a peep on the local police blotter about it as proof he decided to stage it and unfortunately, people are falling for it.
The hand is an obvious fake from an adult female mannequin, real dismembered human hands are limp like chicken feet. Children also have much smaller hands.
Mark my words, someone is going to think this is real and go try to kill someone again. Like when that guy walked into the pizzashop and fired some rounds and held the place hostage until he was satisfied no children were being harmed.
It's ok to be interested in this. It is interesting to examine how social networks unfold and just how connected we all are yet, how little we know about anyone, even people who we thought we knew well.
In reality there are no more than 6 degrees of separation between you and anyone on earth. Facebook did a study and put the number at closer to 4.5
Given the statistics of abused children, if you picked any 10 people off the street 1 of them would be a pedo with near 100% certainty. This means if you know 10 people personally, then very likely you know at least 1 pedo personally. This doesn't make you a pedo, it just means you know some sick people.
But not questioning the reality of this "global conspiracy" narrative is going to end up with someone dead who didn't do anything wrong. Just became part of someone's marketing campaign for their T-Shirt business.
My take on it is that this dude is selling T-Shirts and receiving "death threats" from a "likely fake" facebook account. This is just gamer gate redux. Sit back and enjoy the diversion I guess.
I was purely talking about the threats he claimed to recieve, not the kill room. You claimed it was proven fake, i disagree. Selling shirts isnt proof of lying ..
I was referring back to this discussion. I walked away feeling like it had been pretty well debunked.
I said "you're probably right" to titus. But this is still completely based on opinion and not PROOF of anything, so nothing is debunked imo