If you believe Pizzagate is fake, then it is your moral duty to confront the evidence we have provided below. Debunk it and help us put it to rest. It’s also the moral duty of the media to do the same. Screaming “FAKE” won’t make Pizzagate go away.
We want answers. We want investigation.
Learn more at pizzagate.com
I'd love to be wrong about this. Someone please debunk pizzagate :)
I discovered this via Thomas Bernpaine on twitter .
In related pizzagate news:
Wikileaks tweeted about pizzagate today ! They linked a short but positive report from CBS reality check (fb, steemit ) and the FBI pedophile symbols report
Project veritas released parts 1 and 2 catching what seems to be a terrorist plot being planned at comet ping pong. Oh and for bonus points, one of the main agitators seems to be a pedophile too..
Matthew Lessner , the director of "secret pizza" - has written an article about pizzagate .

Lets connect !
steemit / twitter / gab.ai / keybase
Lulz, this is great for anyone who says people like me covered PizzaGate for clicks and views therefore $, this should make you:
If I was covering PizzaGate for fame and money, I would just debunk it and get a ton of both. So that little bullshit attack on me and anyone else can now get tossed out.
Peace Everyone, oh and if you can debunk this you may want to contact the DC and the FBI who are both investigating this now according to multiple contacts I have.
As I wrote elsewhere on this page, the issue is that much of the evidence provided could be used by both sides + there could be any number of new missunderstandings, degrees, other variations and new claims made that would then in turn need new debunking.
I don't think it's gonna be possible really.
Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!
Their souls are damned for all eternity.
Shame on them !!!
That's one bounty that I won't be wasting my time trying to win.
This is like asking atheists to prove God doesn't exist.

That's not how burden of proof works.
I disagree. If pizzagate is a hoax then there will be evidence out there that speaks to that.
Not in a world of cognitive dissonance.
You do realise that you just did exactly what those you were just condemning do right?
A piece of information comes across that you did not agree with, and rather than inviting critical debate or conversation, you dismissed the comment because it does not adhere to your current paradigm. This is the cognitive dissonance that you speak of, demonstrated by none other than yourself.
I have neither the time, patience, or interest, no matter what my opinion is. I have too many projects I have to complete, and this is a time waster. Not even sure why I said anything to begin with, frankly.
I'd also like to point out that I actually like you as a Steemit user, and I'd rather not jeopardize that with some stupid conversation about topics that we happen to disagree on, and which neither of us are even directly involved in.
[Nested Reply]
Well that's not too dissimilar from what I said.
But, I think anyone that still believes in the moon landing after seeing the evidence that demonstrates the plethora of inconsistencies with the official story, is mentally impaired.
Even NASA admitted not too long ago that they have never been beyond low Earth orbit because of the radiation belt, debunking their own moon-landing claims.
Aaaand we're done here.
An opportunity to learn should never be regarded as a waste of time. Whether it is learning new information that helps you make better sense of the world, or a new perspective that helps you understand humanity a little better, there are always lessons to be learned through conversation.
I'll let you get back to your projects. If you ever feel like continuing the conversation, I'm not difficult to find on here. Good day-
Please do not worry in this regard. Nothing is in jeopardy from my perspective. I invite conversation with those whom I have a conflicting opinion with, because I am always open to having my mind changed given new information being presented.
I have had some very long, very interesting conversation with people on here that held a dichotomous point of view to mine, and in the process I believe we established somewhat of a friendship.
As I say, I am open to converse at a time when you are not so busy. I should be writing myself now, but become too distracted by comments and by content.
You're right in your implication that there will be those who will dismiss even irrefutable evidence as fallacious if it contradicts with what they want to believe, but there is still more of those, I believe, that are willing to accept facts when presented correctly.
I was actually referring to having something that could constitute proof, only for those who want pizzagate to be true to somehow debunk the truth to perpetuate the conspiracy. It happens with all conspiracies, or people wouldn't still be arguing about the moon landings.
The first problem that you're gonna run into is that many, including me, consider much of the so called evidence for the other side of the argument to be false and even in of itself evidence that pizzagate is false.
Where as some would consider the misinformation you speak of, an attempt by the guilty parties to discredit the investigation. It's going to be a very difficult one to put to bed, for sure.
True, although that's likey to be a whole lot easier than debunking most rumours being spread on any one issue....
The pizza place is a building right? I mean if someone where to have full access to that building or place it under extreme surveillance or something along those lines. Literally swab the whole thing down for any fingerprints or evidence. If not so much as even one thing pops up. That would be enough to debunk it.
nice post!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with this one!!! The more I investigate, the bigger it gets...I've accumulated so much info, I'm at a loss as to how tie it all together! Upvoted & resteemed!
Meet The Kakistocracy - Tjeerd Andringa on The Corbett Report
Good idea.
PS. Why is pizzagate.com for sale?
Will be interesting to see if pizzagate goes away after it's sold ;)
Maybe it's just held since way before by some hosting company though.
Nice initiative, but I don't think it is possible - on a theoretical level. It is roughly identical to asking you to prove you are not secretly a Satanic pedophile yourself.
Still, I hope it draws attention.
Part of me likes the initiative, but I fear that there are way too many different claims on that site to ever be fully debunked.
That's the problem with so many rumours being spread on the internet. They may all be false, but dare I say: You will never debunk all of them.
Btw, can we get some of these pizza investigators to start investigating this whole fraud claim against Jeff Berwick (The Dollar Vigilante) instead? Maybe put out a similar bounty?
I don't believe they have the money and it's unlikely they will pay up.
Put the money in escrow, with someone nuetral like dan. come up with a list of specific claims you want to see verified or debunked. Come up with a list of acceptable proofs for each point.
Do that and I'll tear this #pizzagate junk apart for you.
P.s.It is interesting to see the overlap between people who believe the moon landing is a hoax and who believe that pizzagate isn't.
What about Eath? Is it flat or not? :D That is the last trending thing I have seen so far.
P.S. I neither believe all those pizzagate things are true nor I believe it is a lie. I just know that we will never know.
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