I've put in a modest effort at getting kicked off this site, so far to no avail. I'm proud of you folks and somewhat surprised because I'm pretty good at getting banned every where else. Especially so-called progressive sites. This 'progressive' silence cuts deep. As a reward for your good behavior, I've decided to forgo all fecal streamer jokes.
Pizzagate No Go Zones - All Self Proclaimed Progressives!
you're going to have to try harder than that to even get ostracized here. if you want trouble, you can find it. try messing with the wrong whale's ego, or get into a flag war with the wrong person.
short of crossing the wrong power player, actual spam or plagiarism are the only things that will get you messed with.
Pizzagate doesn't belong on any political spectrum. Some of us progressive truth seekers are actively participating on voat and pol to help expose these criminal fucks.
we literally CANNOT ban you (minus a hardfork...which the witnesses would not all agree on...)