Here's What's Wrong With Voat's Pizzagate

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I posted a video yesterday on Voat stating, "FBI Anon says a big pedo bust is coming this week".
It got 116 likes and some mild criticism.
The post was accepted and I was happy to do my bit - here's the title and link.

FBI Insider Exclusive - 33% of U.S. Government In A Pedo Ring

Afterwards I saw a post pointing out a serious and glaring grammatical error in the FBI Anon post.
Since the FBI do not make stupid grammatical errors, I figured I'd better fess up and admit I my mistake.
When I tried to post it on Voat, it was deleted because "It's not about pizzagate."

So my first post said "There's a big pedo bust coming next week" and it was accepted.
My second post said "Here's why there may not be a big pedo bust next week" and it was declined.

Steemit has a shitty server, but at least all submissions are accepted, without me worrying about the whimsy of mods who didn't get laid last night.


It is a complicated thing having moderation without centeralized moderators. Reddit and Voat are usualy pretty good but I think we need to transition everyone to a game theoretic and incentive based methods like here on Steem

Hey Kyle, I've been totally shadow banned on Reddit.
I've been totally banned on Voat without warning, or recourse.
Steemit's the best, but it gets pretty tiresome hitting the post button over and over again. 5th time... 6...