Steve Pieczenik 11/2 Partial Transcript
“The Clintons have been involved in co-opting our Whitehouse, our judiciary, our CIA, our FBI, our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, and our Director of the FBI, James Comey for some time now….
However, in order to stop this coup we in the intelligence community and others involved have informally gotten together.
With their permission, I am beginning to announce that we’ve initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
I am just a small part of something far bigger than myself.
It was the brave men and women who were in the FBI, CIA, the Director of Intelligence, the military intelligence, and the men and women in fifteen other intelligence organizations who were sick and tired of seeing this corruption in the Whitehouse, justice department, and the intelligence system.
We decided there was something we had to do in order to save the republic.”