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RE: These pedophile protecting neo-liberal politicians worst fear.

in #pizzagate8 years ago

In the NYT article Alefantis claims he has never met Hillary, but here he is with Tony P. He has logged visits to the White House. What are the chances he is telling the truth? Can we find evidence he has met her and at least establish him as a liar? And how is a pizza joint owner GQ ranked 49th most powerful person in DC ... Tony was also ranked.


HRC? doesn't ring a bell


69 pizza

long dong pizza shop

Fortune Mag states

“From this insane, fabricated conspiracy theory, we’ve come under constant assault”

Since being featured in a viral fake news story about Hillary Clinton, the owner of a Washington, D.C. pizza restaurant said the threats he and his business have received are “endless.”

A fake story published before the presidential election accused the restaurant, Comet Ping Pong, of being part of a child abuse ring led by Clinton and her campaign chairman, John Podesta, the New York Times reported. The entire story was false.

But in the weeks since the story appeared, restaurant owner James Alefantis has received hundreds of threatening messages and phone calls from people who believed the story to be true.

“From this insane, fabricated conspiracy theory, we’ve come under constant assault,” Alefantis told the Times. “I’ve done nothing for days but try to clean this up and protect my staff and friends from being terrorized.”

The prevalence of fake news on the internet has recently been hotly debated, amid questions about whether the spread of fake news stories might have helped Donald Trump win the presidential election.

Alefantis was a Clinton supporter, but he said he has never met her. The speculation about Comet Ping Pong began when Alefantis appeared in an email to Podesta, discussing a fundraiser for Clinton, the Times reported. Podesta’s email account was hacked and published by WikiLeaks in the months leading up to the election.

The conspiracy theory, dubbed “Pizzagate,” has continued to spread among adamant believers online.

“It’s endless,” Alefantis said.
Never meet her. Even though she runs a branch of the Clinton Foundation meters from Comet and there are photos of HRC inside the next door businesses.