As the year 2016 comes to a close, the one thing becoming very clear is that how an individual obtains information about the world is changing. What has been commonly referred to as the “MSM” is a dying institution which is hastening its own collapse with scandals of lying to the public and undisclosed meetings with politicians which have shown the media to be merely repeating the messages their political sugar daddies instruct them to parrot.
Many youtube videos compilations can be found where all the major channels have their hosts using identical phrases or key words to paint a false picture to the public. More examples can be found while looking at debate questions which were leaked to HRC by the news outlet prior to the event, completely bullshit polls presented to paint false pictures to their audience, private meetings between media executives and top personalities and political insiders, etc. At this point, I personally have zero faith in anything I hear from a television news source. They have used up all credibility and been caught lying about or omitting to many critical pieces of information. The deserve nobodies trust at this point in time.
The good news, if one can call anything occurring at the national or world stage “Good”, is the rise of the Alternative Media. The Information Age kicked off with the rise of the internet in the late ‘90’s, and less than two decades in, the first changing of the guard is taking place. We’re seeing individual people with no special resources or informants produce more thorough and accurate broadcasts on youtube, podcasts, and blog sites, than we’ve seen out of television or radio ever. The control filter which the ruling class has had in place on what the average person can see or learn about is mostly gone.
Just recently we’ve seen the man who will become President of the United States in under two months personally call Alex Jones of Infowars fame and thank him for helping spread truth. This was a big moment in my own world view changing. For years I had been aware of the topics brought up on infowars, but I had mostly figured these were speculations based on half truths at best. I still can’t fully get on board with the infowars movement for reasons I’ll get into another time, but I will say I believe more information coming from that source than I do any television or am/fm radio source.
The President-Elect of the United States has publicly praised Infowars while completely berating a room full of MSM players just days later. Let me put this in different words and see if it hits home for you.
The news channel which regularly reports on Deep State conspiracies that are so dark they can only be described as Evil is being promoted by the man who will be running the most powerful nation on earth. Taken at face value, this hints at some huge changes in perception this country will be experiencing very soon. Could at least some of the popular conspiracies about suppressed technology, aliens, clandestine groups ruling from shadows, etc. be true as well? That is something only time will tell, but I personally can't shake the feeling that something extraordinary close.
As a timely example, earlier this morning (11/28/2016) I saw video of a mass UFO sighting in turkey which appeared to be a real phenomenon. Putting this information into my current world view, I get the two following most likely scenarios;
A - The UFO phenomenon is real and aliens have been covered up by governments for many decades
B - The UFO phenomenon is real, but it is really just advanced military tech which has been funded by dark budgets and is being used to once again alter public perception in a major way.
The first thought I had after seeing this video with my own eyes was the allegedly leaked report from the Beneson Strategy Group which recommended various controlled crisis that could be used to alter public opinion in favor the current political establishment. One of the options the report concluded would be significant enough to alter public opinion to the point where we accept the status quo governance was called operation FireSign. The report (which I have read multiple times) stated this was to be a fake UFO sighting used to cause panic amongst the public. The sighting was described as being created by advanced technology that can create massive visible illusions that are visible over many miles. Operation Bluebeam is another name for this sort of illusion that has been reported on by alternative media for many years.
From my perspective, I cannot verify the validity of the Beneson Report. I have searched through the Podesta wikileaks files to verify the Beneson Group has had regular contact with the top advisors in the HRC team. With all the lies and misdirection, that is all I can be sure of. Likewise, I have no way of verifying the allegedly leaked report I reference above.
The bottom line with all of this is that I cannot be sure of what is actually real. I use the example above because it is symbolic of the larger picture one gets to when trying to sift through what is real and what is not. There is enough evidence out there for one to confidently state, something is going here that the public isn’t being told about, but we have no real way of getting past that point.
#PizzaGate represents the pinnacle of these scandals. Until all of the dirty laundry gets exposed for the public to assimilate and put into perspective, I can’t bring myself to trust anything coming from any person of authority in the American government. This is a big problem. The highest level of reality I can see right now is the American (and western world at large) public is being herded into various emotionally charged groups, none of which have accurate information to make their decisions with.
This is how a group (America) is permanently fractured. When people cannot agree on Reality, they cannot be expected to solve the problems that they face in a cooperative and positive manner. From my perspective, we are now witness to the end game of a huge global conspiracy. We are witnessing the enemy JFK warned about in the following quote;
” For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”
I am crazy busy right now with you know what coming right on time, that I have nothing to say except that I am posting and upvoting every single post in this category I can until it gets "accidentally erased"
nothing gets 'accidentally erased' on the block chain. The only person who can erase anything is the stakeholder and then only within a short time of posting (before the last payout period I think? Currently a month)...after that it's permanent. NO ONE can erase it then.
They are all at it! Try this out: The news - allegedly The secret is to keep the populus in cognitive dissonance. Try the system out. It will be implanted into Steemit soon if not already!