There is not one group of pedophile, children murdering occultists. There is at least one in every large city. In DC there are probably several. Look into the rates and locations of kidnappings.
Everything you have been told about kidnappings is false. All those TV shows and movies, completely made up. Ransoming a child is pretty fricken hard. Think about it, you need to know the child and the parents. You need to know the parents have money and will cave to demands. You then have to kidnap a kid, sit on him/her, and then place the demands, then get the money and escape. Almost impossible. A lot of work, and if you are caught in any part of it, the police are likely to use excessive force.
The other reason for missing children is the non-custodial parent, after a divorce, takes off with the kid.
Finding out numbers on missing kids is practically impossible. Of all the statistics govern-cements keep, missing children and recovery are really not tracked very well.
So, there are lots of missing kids. And there are lots of kids that are purchased from poor people in poor countries. This is not one little isolated incidence. And for the children, unless it is actually the kid of someone important, this ends in death.
Check out some of David Icke's works. He often has a part where he discusses missing children numbers.