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RE: Dismantling Lazy Journalism from the BBC PizzaGate Article

in #pizzagate8 years ago

You aren't being objective and I'm unsure you know what "certainty" is.

Your own comment betrays itself.

"I'm claiming as a certainty"


"code language in odd contexts is something"

So you are certain that it means something. Wow what a claim. Words mean something.

"pedophilia stuff is conjecture"

Yea, that's why what you are claiming to be evidence isn't and the journalist you critiqued did a far better job of remaining objective than you did.


I AM CERTAIN they're not simply talking about pizza, pasta, maps, dominoes and cheese. No explanation of the common use of those words could answer for the broader context in which they're used in these emails.

Words do mean something, as do legal requirements for conspiracy to commit crimes.

I don't write for BBC and I didn't pretend to be objective about his piece -- my stated intent was to dismantle it.

So what was Podesta and friends talking about in the emails?