Pizzagate Meets Fake News: Washington Post Hires John Podesta

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)


this documentaryFor those not already familiar with #Pizzagate, this post will not be a review.  To get yourself up to speed, please check out created by fellow Steemian, @titusfrost, and/or any of the links he has listed for research.  

The only purpose of this post is to inform the Steemit community that John Podesta now writes for the Washington Post.  That's right.  The same Washington Post, owned by founder and CEO, Globalist Jeff Bezos, that falsely accused over 200 independent news reporters and organizations of being “fake news,” collaborating with and pushing propaganda for Russia.  And, even though the accusatory article now carries a disclaimer from the editor clarifying that the Post: 

“does not itself vouch for the validity of its sources' findings on any media outlet.” 

Clearly, the piece still remains as accessible content. Whereas information brought forward by independently funded health advocacy group,, has been completely blacklisted from Google's search index to “protect” the public from conflicting research. (Thanks, Big Brother)

They are not, however, concerned with protecting the Washington Post's image from being involved with the man currently under investigation for  belonging to the voice in this recently leaked video (WARNING: Audio content highly disturbing.)

I hate to thrust this type of psychological trauma on anyone who reads/sees/hears about it.  But in contrast to what these children--our children--have been subjected to for, arguably all of recorded history--we have to look.  There are helpless, crying, terrified children out there right now who need to be rescued.  Even if the thought police rounded us up and killed every last one of us for exposing the truth... isn't it worth it?  

The #informationwar is real, and it has begun.  The question is:

Will you fight?  

I don't care whose babies they are.  I would gladly die to make the institutionalized global epidemic of their torture, rape and murder stop.


Image: informationwar hash originated from @stevescoins :


Great article. Thank you for posting. You're welcome to the fight. Please don't give your life. Stay Truthful, Transparent and Trustworthy. The Deep State will go down this round. I promise you that!

~The Management.
