Oh lord, you haven't heard that this is fake news?? Do your research and stop spreading this nonsense. It hurts real people and simply enforces America's reputation around the world as being a country of fools. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/pizzagate-shows-how-fake-news-hurts-real-people/2016/11/25/d9ee0590-b0f9-11e6-840f-e3ebab6bcdd3_story.html?utm_term=.7aca2d3b06ae
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Yeah, NOBODY reads the washington post for news anymore.
Then read the other papers if you don't like the Post. The point I'm making is that Pizzagate is Fake News like so much that was posted online these last few months. Some of it was posted by the two young Americans who admitted they made up "news" for huge sums of money while other fake stories were written by young adults in Macedonia. I'm just shocked at how any sane person can actually believe some of the crazy stories posted online.