
I did everything I could to keep Trump and Hillary out of the White House. However if you think watching the same old politcal crap taking place is more important than exposing a child pedosadist ring that is abusing and possibly killing children...

You need to get your fucking priorities straight.

Thanks for the bullshit comment, now go back to your liberal confirmation bias.

just checking my juice...... hehehehe

Please explain to me how this post is a violation of the terms and conditions and therefore worthy of a flag? Anyone? Or is this just a butthurt steemit user who can't take criticism?

6 Up-votes against one flag and this comment is still censored = steemit is majorly flawed.

I upvoted your comment and it's still faded out. I looked and she has almost 18,000 Steem Power I roughly added up the steem power of our combined upvotes and it's almost the same -- we are probably short just a hundred or so steem power so one more upvote would probably make your comment show up again. She is being a poor sport. Sorry you are going through this.

You came here and flagged my comment? Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? #Censorship much?

BTW you upvoted her bullshit, you could take that vote back at least :P

OOPS my bad. Un-voted. I won't flag her. I don't believe in censorship.

stop swearing at me please and then perhaps you won't get flagged.

Swearing is not terms of service violation. Deal with it. You are just censoring me because you don't like what I had to say. You have no legitimate reason to flag my comments and swearing doesn't count. You don't get to decide what I can say or what words I can use, that is the definition of censorship.

Stop swearing = stop leaving comments that deserve it then. If you can't handle backlash then don't make comments.

Furthermore there are countless photos in your blog posts that are other people's work and you give them:

NO Credit, no links, nothing.

If you are going to steal images from the internet that other people took, you should give them credit in a image credit section in your posts or else it is plagiarism. Flag one more comment of mine and I will report every image you forgot to credit that is someone else's work to steemcleaners.

Example of how to credit someone: Chomsy Quote Image

Must .. resist .. urges..
This comment adds nothing, and if you think the term "conspiracy theory" is an insult or something that should be automatically diregarded then you clearly haven't been paying attention.

No she just calls me a conspiracy nut, then flags my responses to ensure no one sees me calling her out. This is why I hate steemit sometimes because these morons who have lots of steempower can censor people for nothing. Garden lady does nothing for society that is beneficial and her posts are filled with other people's work and no credit given. She is a plagiarizer and uses the flag to censor opinions.

Ffs :( I'll keep an eye on her posts in the future, if she plagiarizes I'll flag her.
I get the frustration, I've put more work into the wikileaks and pizzagate research and updated those posts more then any others in the entire time I've been here.

And I've gotten squat for the effort, nobody wants to upvote this stuff - but fuck it. I'm happy to have it embedded in the chain anyway.

One thing that I wish some whales would notice is how viral these posts are, and how many new users are signing up just to vote and comment on them..

now that I have found you ausbitbank and Titus I am excited to vote for your content as it is a great contribution to helping those who's eyes need to OPEN instead of eyes wide shut!

Yeah exactly, I should have referenced eyes wide shut in my film.

Thanks for the kind words namastaynpaint (neat name!) I'm following you back now too :)

Yeah but the whales are too busy up-voting doom porn by TDV, and irrelevant photo challenges to care if someone like me gets hundreds of thousands, literally of views on youtube that bring countless people here. No value in that I guess. Pictures of someone's cafe latte is more important.