Steemit hammering voat on Pizzagate: the analytics

in #pizzagate8 years ago

Take a quick look at the December 2016 Similarweb analytics for Steemit:

Lots of people were coming in from voat (a massive 245% increase), indicating that Pizzagating was HOT STUFF on Steemit last month. You knew that but it's good to see some stats.

In fact, voat is not as successful in general as Steemit, with its tens of thousands of visitors compared to Steemit's couple of million. You can see a steep rise in voat popularity as tens of thousands of people waded in to research Pizzagate in October but popularity has been dropping, too:

We don't know why exactly this is but the analytics suggest that voat may be losing its Pizzagaters to Steemit.

There's been so much hard work put in on Steemit that it's good to see real results - keep up the great work, Steemit Pizzagaters - it pays to be censorship-free.


I don't think Steemit has a couple of million viewers. Couple of a hundred thousand maybe.

I was surprised, too - but check the analytics. They state that Steemit had 2.1m visitors in December:

Judging by all of the introduction letters (posts) it's getting bigger every day!

I'll be checking Similarweb next month to see to what extent....

I'll be interested to see. I guess I'm peculiar when it comes to who I follow. Most people get as many as possible for the money. I pick people that I would interact with anyway...sort of like on FB. So I read posts before following.

I've just checked your channel out - followed - your discernment seems to be working for you.

Anyone here knows I'm a big pizzagate promoter and tend to overpost. My enthusiasm quickly got me banned at voat for not following their many rules, i was banned with no warning in a final mod message where I was called a goof by a moderator and seemingly banned for life without recourse on the whim of a dick headed Millennial Flacon Turd. I know I'm a goof, but I still don't like being called one. Now if steemit could just get their servers juiced...

I'm sorry you had that experience. I had a quick look at voat but actually felt a bit intimidated. On Pizzagate, I was expecting heavy infiltration of the mods (sounds like you encountered that) so I had a close look and backed off - I hate all that aggression. I don't think it's cool at all to be a "hater". I'm going to follow you now so I get my Pizzagate dose. Thanks.