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RE: PizzaGate - The Documentary: Podesta's Emails lead to Pedophilia Involving Obama, Clintons, DOJ and the DNC

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Really surprised there is no mention of the head Satanist priest in command yet, Marina Abramovic.... a Serbian Jew. No not all jews are bad, but for some reason they are behind a lot of international ploys of evil. Karl Marx was a 32nd degree freemason and he was also jewish.

"Marx was ancestrally Jewish; his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx."

Regardless, I'm not here to demean the entirety of the Jewish community. There are MANY good jewish people that are honest and like the rest of the world. Just as there are many GOOD chinese, Russian, European, American and African people.

Either way, they do for some reason have more of a probabilistic nature vis-a-vis Kabbalism of being involved in these higher creations of disorder such as Communism's creation by Marx and Engels (these creations are all designed to create a 1 world government and is Satan's original rebellion to God in hopes to deceive as many as he can). God in the Old Testament tried dearly to wipe out the occultic among his people who continually tried to raise Baal to the heavens over God while following Moses. Jezebel also brought Baal worship to Elijah. Satan's gameplan has always been to taint the original "chosen" followers of God. It's his deception, so what better way than to use those who are ancestrally Jewish in some way or some other form.

At any rate, Abramovic imo is the reference from the Book of Revelation. She is Scarlet, the one who rides the Beast to its final destruction (Beast is metaphorical for a world order). I could be wrong in my assessment but at any rate, KEEP your eye on her. Her twitter handle has "666" in it. It really does not get more obvious that this.

If you need more evidence than look no further than to her email connection with John Podesta (who she has claimed to have never met) despite the email condemning that bald face lie.

In the email she is really excited to do a "Spirit Cooking" and she wrote Spirit Cooking in capital letters. Who does this? Who makes a prominent notice to innocent words, unless that is they aren't innocent and it's in reference to a Satanic worship ritual.

You be the judge. Here she is throwing pigs blood on a wall and writing all sorts of blasphemous disgusting sayings on a wall with a human ritualistic puppet sacrifice in the corner:

Yea.... the Republic was almost lost in every sense of the meaning this election cycle to sick satanist Pedo pscyhos named Podesta and to their high priest named Abramovic.