in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

So, have you seen the new Disney Film Zootopia? Its an interesting film...To say the least... But what if I told you ZOOTOPIA is Directly LINKED TO PEDOPHILIA. Once I present the following evidence to you... It will be close to impossible to deny it, I PROMISE YOU!.... Here we go... ZOOTOPIA is PIZZAGATE #DISNEYLEAKS

OK SO ...Lets start off with the plot of ZOOTOPIA. Zootopia is a about a young bunny who wants to grow up to be a cop, to help fight criminals. It is shown very early on in the movie that the "Animal Kingdom" is divided into two groups. One being "prey" the other being "PREDATOR" ....PEOPLE .....PREDATOR IN COP SLANG = PEDOPHILE
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The movie explains that being a predator is "in their biology"... In other words it is like a disease rather then an act of evil. This movie is 100% PRO-PEDOPHILIA. Need more evidence? Sure! Before the main character "Judy" leaves her hometown to become a cop, her father gives her what is called "fox away" clearly referencing to "pepper spray"... WEIRED THAT IS WHAT PEOPLE USE TO KEEP "REAL-LIFE PREDATORS" AWAY...CLEARLY REFERENCING TO SEXUAL ASSAULT
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Now lets get into the philosophy of this movie. The ENTIRE MOVIE IS ABOUT HOW PREDATOR DISCRIMINATION IS BAD....
Nick Wilde is the "Fox" in this film and their is an entire seen where Nick is discriminated for being a "predator"...
ALSO isnt it kind of weird the WHOLE MOVIE IS ABOUT SHEEP BEING AGAINST WOLVES... This is clearly a biblical reference... Oh yea spoiler alert the sheep end up being the bad guys!!!
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Photos from Cory Loftis instagram account (Why would someone who makes children movies post this directly to their official instagram account? This account is confirmed by his twitter account which was tagged in a post tagged by Rich Moore (DIRECTOR OF ZOOTOPIA )
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Disney has been know for its perversion and subliminal messageing since the beginning this movie is clearly referencing to "Child Predators" and the evidence is overwhelming. Be sure to check out my video for more info and a more detailed breakdown of what this is about....Lastly I advise you to watch the movie yourself and see how it can very easily relate to pizzagate and pedophilia... Its going to be a crazy year...!!!


Meh, I appreciate what you are doing here but this isn't at all the same level of inference that has been done with podestas emails. Also have to point out that Zootopia is how the preditors were manipulated into being violent so that the elite (not all sheep, but a single sheep) could frighten the vegan animals into handing her absolute power and get rid of the preditors once and for all. Kind of prophetic given the last election cycle.

If anything this is more revealing then the Podesta emails in its own mysterious way. This shows that the imprisonment of Hillary is part of the elites plan..I do believe PIZZAGATE is real but I also believe that these documents where released on purpose. You see, the elites culture is to promote pedophilia within their ties but they then use it to blackmail or overthrow people within their own system...This gives the idea that it goes deeper then just the democrats...much deeper...Also note their are 2 political candidates in the film...clearly referencing to the election...

Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!
Their souls are damned for all eternity.
Shame on them !!!

I just like truth, and I hate scum. Which, you'd think would be normal but... maybe not.