UPDATE. The father of the two children mentioned in this article has now been confirmed to have worked for LuvForHaiti, which is owned by Josiah Bruny, a man that has been linked to Pizzagate. Read more here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1435605
Short summary of the Hampstead case (facts only with a minimum of names, you don't have to read it all just now, I just wanted to make sure that it was all saved in one place for future reference):
While on vacation in Morocco in August/September 2014, two siblings aged 8 and 9 from Hampstead, London revealed to their mother and her new partner that they along with 18 other children had been sexually and physically abused by their father and their teachers at school and in church. They described their father as the local leader of an international cult dealing in child trafficking, ritual murder and the production of child abuse material.
According to the children a coven of satanic families exists in Hampstead, often several families on the same street. They have infiltrated schools, churches, child protection services and the police. At least 5 primary schools have been compromised. At the two children’s own school 20 «special children» were taken out of class on Wednesdays to be kicked in the genitals and anally raped by teachers and others coming to school. The women raped the children with strap on dildos. The children who screamed the most were injected with sedatives and all children were bribed with sweets afterwards. Babies were sedated and flown in from foreign countries (Thailand, South Africa, USA, Hawai, Portugal, Spain, Gayana, China, India) and ritually sacrificed in a secret room in the school and the meat and blood was consumed. The meat was often mixed into the school dinners. Ritual sacrifices also took place on Saturdays at church and the cult members and children danced around in costumes made out of human skulls and slippers made out of human skin. The two children had been forced to hold the knife while ritually murdering a baby. They were also taken to parties were they were introduced to drugs by their father. Hard to believe, but this what the children were disclosing to their mother, her new partner and the police.
Most notably regarding #Pizzagate there was a link to a McDonalds restaurant, a Starbucks coffee shop and a Pizza Express. The children disclosed that employees at these three places were involved in child abuse and ritual sacrifice taking place inside these businesses.
When they got home from their vacation the mother and her partner reported this to the police, who then referred it to Scotland Yard. When the siblings were taken in to be interviewed the first time, they were happy to disclose their experiences and seemed to expect that these would be investigated.
The second time they were interviewed they were however taken into state custody on the grounds that the mother’s new partner had tortured them to make the allegations. The mother's new partner however was never interviewed by the police!
After having spent nearly a full week in the company of strangers the children in their third police interview retract some but not all of their allegations. The father was interviewed about some of the allegations two days prior to this.
The interviews were transcribed by the investigative community and can still be read in their entirety here:
An expert on child abuse examined the children and found conclusive evidence that they had been sexually abused. Then all of a sudden the case was closed citing no crime had occurred.
The mother and her new partner fought on in the family courts to have the children returned to them. They sacked their first legal team.
A person on the mother's second legal team leaked the story on to the internet before fleeing the country after learning that an arrest warrant had been made out for her. https://web.archive.org/web/20150205013813/http://tapnewswire.com/2015/02/courts-want-crime-kept-quiet-while-the-innocent-are-punished
The mother narrowingly escaped out of a window and later out of the UK when a large group of police came asking for her.
The person who leaked the videos online then spearheaded a campaign that gathered 16000 signatures in support of the case before the campaign was deleted by the petition website Change.org because of a violation of a court order.
Peaceful demonstrations were held outside the church that were disrupted by two agent provocateurs that started shouting and harassing the church members before being arrested some weeks later.
The case got some exposure in the alternative media and the children, their mother and partner gathered a large following of supporters.
http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/02/12/whistleblower-kids-expose-satanic-pedophile-ring-in-schoolchurch-they-need-our-help/ (removed, also from archive.org)
One of the supporters created a blog that released 27 investigative videos with further speculations about the case based on the social media accounts of the alleged cult members before it was removed by the blog service Wordpress for violation of terms and guidelines. http://www.hampsteadresearch.com
The videos are still online though: http://tinyurl.com/hampsteadccpsvideos
Another video investigator: https://vid.me/EpicAngel
The father of the children referred to them as «his» children in a Youtube comment under a false name.
This sock puppet account is one of many that are believed to have been set up solely to discredit the case and are believed to be one and the same person: the father. One supporter of the children made a blog about this:
The many trolls and sock puppets then set up a spoof blog of the investigative blog previously mentioned and for months and months, supporters and investigators were heavily trolled by the «people» surrounding the spoof blog.
A person using her full name stepped forward as an independent witness in a Youtube comment: http://ibin.co/2UiKlbURLRW4
A judge ordered that the mother and her partner had tortured the children to make the allegations and that everyone who thinks otherwise is "evil and/or foolish".
The case was reported about in the mainstream media under these pretenses. The BBC airs a half hour long interview with the father who can be seen "crying" on camera.
http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-32357195 and full interview here
https://vid.me/vuMc/ricky-dearman-interview-by-bbc or on Youtube:
The children still remain in state custody having been moved between at least three foster families. Their mother and her partner in exile is currently campaigning for the release of the children. Here is their website: http://hampsteadcoverup.com
The mother released a statement early on:
that was transcribed here: http://pastebin.com/RXZPG2Ka
Technical details about the leaked material:
In early February 2015 a series of video interview clips with two siblings, a boy aged 8 and a girl aged 9, emerged online where they detailed their experiences of being sexually and physically abused by their father, their teachers and other members of what appeared to be an international ritual abuse cult.
33 clips found their way online, 19 short home videos recorded while the children were on vacation in Morocco and right after they had returned to London, and 14 longer police interview videos recorded by the police after the crimes had been reported to Barnet Police Station.
The video interviews with the children while on vacation and after coming home as well as the three police interviews were transcribed by the investigative community and can still be read in their entirety here;
The interview videos are illegal in the UK and has to be sought elsewhere.
How the material was leaked online:
Short story: A blogger picked it up after having been accidentally CC'ed in an email to the Home Secretary.
Long story: On 2 February, 2015 an email by Sabine McNeill was published on the "The Tap Blog" at the tapnewswire.com website that the editor Henry Curteis had received by mistake because he had inadvertently been CC’d in the list of recipients when Sabine was sending the email to Home Secretary Theresa May. He left out Sabine McNeill’s name in the email he published but included links to 19 video interview clips that he had uploaded to Youtube after downloading them from the Google Drive that Sabine McNeill had set up to share the videos with her fellow MacKenzie friends, and which she had also shared the link to in her email to Home Secretary Theresa May.
At about the same time a document was uploaded by an unknown party to the anonymous textsharing service Pastebin that contained the testimony of the children's mother. The text appeared to be the mothers notes summarizing her children’s allegations along with names and addresses to the alleged cult members. Original link: http://pastebin.com/TpbNgCVS (since deleted by unknown party but reuploaded to: https://www.zerobin.net/?5f64f96168dd5662#B6yEJCFcl9mCoNmyCUE+QMrma9y58C5BsKL46HWkhm0=)
The uploaded document borrowed parts of a text by the Anonymous operation "Operation Death Eaters" published no earlier than 27. Oct. 2014 and this copied part was pasted in before and after the text with the allegations to make it look like an "official" Anonymous document.
The fact that the document was released as though it was coming from an official Anonymous operation called Operation Death Eaters made this particular operation release a statement that they were not the originators of the document along with a general warning against naming alleged abusers online. http://youranoncentral.tumblr.com/post/111615312099/concerning-opdeatheaters-and-satanist-cult-leaks
Although the Anonymous Operation Death Eaters earlier had released a statement saying they wanted the recent strings of uncovered historical child sexual abuse cases investigated as being a single cult dealing in human trafficking instead of singular isolated cases, Operation Death Eaters has never since commented on the two children’s disclosures about just such an international cult. ~~~ embed:538183340642553856?replies_view=true&cursor=AFCItwMDeAc twitter metadata:WW91ckFub25DZW50cmFsfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1lvdXJBbm9uQ2VudHJhbC9zdGF0dXMvNTM4MTgzMzQwNjQyNTUzODU2fA== ~~~
This leaked document was then published in full on the Veterans Today website on 22. february. On the same day the editor Gordon Duff claimed in the Facebook comments to the article that «There are file tags from MI5 embedded in the original doc«.
Detailed timeline:
05/2014 – Ms Draper’s credit card is compromised. One of the children admitted (August 2014) getting the card details and passing them to the father, who forced to do it by threatening them. The card was used to purchase air tickets and software on several occasions.
07/2014 – The children admitted stealing about £2,000 from the mother’s and Mr Christie’s purse, his iphone and antique silver bracelet (£2,000) following Mr Dearman’s threats and demands.
9/08–04/09/2014 – The children disclosed the sexual assaults and violence, committed by their father since their young age, his paedophile associates and a number of other abusers.
04/09/2014 – Private contact with Mr Christie’s brother in law Jean-Clement Yauhirou, police constable of Haringey police station, who took initial evidence, filmed the witnesses’ disclosure on his computer and made a note of the children’s drawings and diary pages.
05/09/2014 – Mr Yauhirou passed the information to the Child Abuse Investigation Team of Barnet Police station.
05/09/2014 – DS Johnathan DICKS, DS Cleo Papachristou visited home address of the victims.
05/09/2014 at 8pm – DC Steve Martin and DS Papachristou took initial recorded disclosure from the victims. DC Martin arranged with the family that a drive around would be completed on Monday, 8th September, to identify the properties where the assaults were committed.
08/09/2014 at 11am – Both victims were taken on a drive to identify possible addresses. One of the addresses was identified.
08/09/2014 - Initial strategy meeting held.
09/09/2014 – Strategy LADO meeting at Crowndale Centre, NW3 with Camden Social Services Department, chaired by Tina Bailey. It was agreed to take the children into protective custody.
10/09/2014 – Strategy LADO meeting with Camden Social Services. Second ABE interview was decided.
10/09/2014 – Visit to family home ahead of ABE interview.
11/09/2014 - Joint home visit with the police: ABE trained Social Worker Bethan Thomas.
11/09/2014 at 14:30 – Video interviews at Police station where the children give detailed accounts of sexual abuse, implicating some 60 adults who sexually abuse some 20 children and many more babies.
11/09/2014 at 14:30 – Significant Witness Interview with the mother. At 19.50 Police Protection Powers were used by Barnet Police to keep the children after their interview.
12/09/2014 – Hearing of Private Law Proceedings between father and mother in Family Court of High Holborn, with HHJ Gargan – used to ‘consolidate’ with Public Law Proceedings and granting the ICO. Transfer of Court Proceedings from LB Camden to LB Barnet, joining father Ricky Dearman as 2nd Respondent
12/09/2014 – LB Camden applied for and obtained an Emergency Protection Order.
12/09/2014 –Medical examinations of both children confirm the allegations of sexual abuse and violence. Dr Hodes says that the scars in the rectum area were caused by the insertion of plastic objects. She confirms that many injuries had occurred at least half a year to a year before the examination.
13/09/2014 at 11:23 – According to the CRIS report, another interview was completed which was consistent with the children’s previous accounts. However, no video evidence has been disclosed.
15/09/2014 – Interview of the children’s father Mr Dearman.
15/09/2014 - Strategy LADO meeting of Camden Social Services.
16/09/2014 - Application for Care and Interim Care Order, LB Camden
17/09/2014 – Further ABE interviews of the children where they withdraw their allegations, claiming that the details of their “made up” story had been taken from a film called “Mask of Zorro” (PG rating). They now make allegations against Mr Christie.
17/08/2014 - Case Management Hearing No 1 – Mother represented by solicitor, herself ill.
22/09/2014 – The case was closed by Barnet Police by DI Cannon with “no crime confirmed” status.
22/09/2014 – Review Strategy meeting: Barnet to present case and apply for Interim Care Order (ICO).
26/09/2014 - DI Fernandez of Barnet Police tells the mother that case is closed.
22/12/2014 - Judicial Review filed against Commissioner of Metropolitan Police to re-open the case.
Remember when Andrew Breitbart tweeted this ... and then ... died suddenly.
Just saw this, great article. Bookmarked it. Will go through it all when I get time. May cover this in a video. Thanks so much for writing this all up.
When the Beeb interviewed the 'distraught' father (he is an actor is he not?) that was confirmation for me as to the veracity of the children's testimonial interviews along with their mum's and her boyfriend. Rather akin to the New York Times writing the damage control hit piece about 'right alt fake news' falsely creating #Pizzagate. You know you're on target when the usual suspect state controlled pundits pump out the propaganda. Thank you for posting this.
Indeed. Also, the Hampstead Research blog was hacked. The owner claimed she was warned in advance by "the (alleged) cult" - and apparently the Satanists always warn you before they take these actions (ref previous assassin Chip Tatum). It's about karma. Interesting to note the Hampstead blogs that were NOT hacked or taken down - the one by that Anon woman who screamed outside the church is still going, also Sabine McNeill's and Dearman Does Hampstead (the one that never investigated anything but the trolls). This is not to distract from Pizzagate - that is the main focus here, but it is illustrative of the level of infiltration, trolling and infowarring that happens when the pedo sadists need to cover their tracks. Yet again.
Lol, that's funny, you say "the owner claimed" in third person, while it was YOUR info gathering blog Hampstead Research,. "Jacqui Farmer"/"Charlotte Ward"/"GumpGump" and now "Justout".
You're trying to discredit the whole Hampstead case by saying the mother, Ella, was in the cult too. You trash the other case supporters and their blogs to discredit the case. Which side do you work for?
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Thank you for linking this on my post. I was familiar with the Hampstead cover up but, I was unaware of this new found connection with pizzagate. It would appear that this evil has tentacles which extend to each and every part of the world.
Excellent work, and I hope you will continue to post anything else you find. I will be sharing anything new I uncover, also.
@jimble, would you be so kind as to explain this pizzagate story to me? Cause I feel like I'm completely lost in a sea if (dis) information.
So what is going on here? Or in other words, which witch is which?
Sure! In 2014 two children disclosed to their mother that their father was the leader of a local coven of a cult that deals in child abuse and human trafficking. The fact that they disclosed this can not be denied since their interviews were leaked online and later transcribed by the investigative community. In 2016 Wikileaks released John Podesta's emails which investigators found evidence of an international child abuse and child trafficking network. Then a few days ago it was found that the father of the two children in London was connected to this same network via a child orphanage in Haiti.
lets see if this leads us back to Hillary and the Clinton foundation in Haiti!
It does! Here is a tweet that links Josiah Bruny directly to HRC:
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
thank you so much Jimble...I will research this today....
Okay two questions if you may.
What's written in wikileaks cannot be disputed?
What is an investigative community?
hey guys. Steemle.com is down and I want to see how much (if any) steemit is growing due to the recent reddit and twitter censorship problems. Where's the best info? Thanks.
I am crazy busy right now with you know what coming right on time, that I have nothing to say except that I am posting and upvoting every single post in this category I can until it gets "accidentally erased"
Great summary, Jimble. So masterful it makes me wonder whether you might be E or A or Aziz! If you are.....respect. Lots of Hampstead investigators are convinced that the cases are linked - the evidence appears to be there, as you say. Cheers
Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers...
satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers.
Their souls are damned for all eternity.
Shame on them!!!
Great research. Now that Hampstead can be tied to pizzagate maybe we'll get a bunch more eyes and hears in our direction. We can only pray for such a blessing. #pizzagate
This is an excellent piece, thank you for your work and dedication to support the Hampstead case. I have posted this on several social platforms and appreciate it being so thorough.
I've started a petition here http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/believe-the-children as we have a second chance at an IPCC inquiry minus the original investigator Foulkes. We need comments from anyone anywhere supporting this investigation. The petition will be up for one week only, then being sent off to Ella's solicitor showing our support. Please, all good people help us fight these pedophile abuse networks. I'm absolutely NOT OKAY with this system being brought in...the pedophocracy is unacceptable to me. If you don't know what it is....look it up. Anyway Google "Trends" shows an uptick in searching "Hampstead Cover Up", word is out... same for "Ricky Dearman" looking at the last 30 days.
Thank you very much for this post! I am astonished by the amount of ignorance from people when it comes to that topic. Even though there have been several victims who told her story and have been speaking out, nothing changes! It is a fact that such clubs exist. Child trafficking, abuse and rape happens every single day. The elite's disgusting secrets are protected so well through the backing of media and the news. I truly hope that with the help of people like you, we can at least raise enough awareness that puts pressure on those secret keepers and cover ups. Thanks again for bringing awareness.
When looking at the Hampstead case, and looking at the three interviews of the children by the police it becomes clear that in the last one they were forced to lie and have now disappeared and are under "national security"
In this last video the "retraction" you can tell that they were forced to lie and say that they were making up the story, when any normal person can tell that the "police officer" who is part of of the cult is coaching the children and when Gabriel (the boy) first says what happened to him, looks at the officer then into the camera and then takes back what he said. Just take a look and see the difference between the tapes yourself. The evidence is clear
For anybody who is knew to the topic check out: