I see your point, gizmosia, but you are not taking into consideration the gatekeepers in academia and the media who constantly whine about "Satanic panic". Like the LSE's Professor Jean Lafontaine, whose books were/are used to silence victims.
Satanism is used as a COVER sometimes. People shy away at the mention of the word. It's been rubbished. Peopl think about the US in the 1980s when it's not over - it's current. What these people are indeed practising (or some of them anyway) is LUCIFERIANISM.
Get it? If people think it's Satanism then they can hide behind a false label. If you don't allow them that it makes life more difficult for them.
That is precisely my point. We strip away their labels so they have nowhere to hide.
As for the "gatekeepers" and academia, their culture of political correctness is over, done finito. They have been devalued and discredited.
You are right, gismodia, and when I posted my first reply to you, I realised that Maria A might have been trying to stir up arguments about Satanicsm v Luciferianism because she knows that happened on Hampstead (if she's being informed by intel). So we perhaps should not be diverted by that and we can sort it all out later when these people have been held accountable for their CRIMES. Peace