i was being imprecise, i apologize. the "multiplying victims of pizzagate" are not, to my knowledge, coming forward. the missing and dead rarely do. they are actually the multiplying victims of the whole culture of this corruption that has been increasing over the years. pizzagate is only a small part of this. there have been many, who have come forward over the years, only to be denied the justice they deserve. the numbers of missing children are mounting. if you look here, you will see the numbers of missing children, by state population, considering the location of Washington DC, you will notice incongruities in the numbers, by population. this has been covered at much greater depth in posts by investigators much more thorough than i. a quick search will provide the data from previous years, demonstrating the increase and locations, and states not listed. thank you for pointing out my imprecise use of language.
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Thank you for your reply, I much appreciate your response. I would just say that saying "the missing and the dead never do" implies that there are missing and dead children related to Paedophilia. I acknowledge that in any large population I'm in agreement that it is likely that some children unfortunately fall prey to paedophiles, sometimes go missing or are found/presumed dead. I can clearly see how the figures for Virginia do seem incongruous and that it warrants further investigation. Virginia is where "pizzagate" is.....right?
I will check the different year stats as you suggest and thank you for providing me with something worth consideration and further investigation. Cheers
Edit: Unfortunately having done a 10 min search, I am unable to find any of these statistics, can you provide info on where you got them from. thanks
i found many charts by simply doing a google image search for "missing children by state". Virginia is directly adjacent to Washington DC.
this is a difficult subject. there is evidence everywhere, all one needs do is look. i never went searching for any of this. i have, since the early 90's, had my nose seemingly rubbed in this. i have met several people who have been victims of this sort of thing, and were afraid to come forward. i do not, generally talk about this, because i was told it by victims, and as a result, it is only anecdotal. the demonstrable, factual evidence is there, in the court records of successful prosecutions. look up Dennis Hastert, former speaker of the house of the US congress. he is a convicted pedophile. then look at the connections he has to the many scandals involving this, and the evidence speaks for itself. i never wanted any of this to be real, and if it did not continually shove itself in my face, i would be content to leave it alone, and chalk it up to isolated bad things happening in the world. the number of people i've known, personally, to be victims of this culture of corruption and abuse, is unacceptable to me. the evidence is overwhelming. the drive for knowledge is all that is required.
"i found many charts by simply doing a google image search for "missing children by state"
OK, I have found none, doing many variations of this, so can we cut to the chase - can you provide me with a link to the source of your information, or not?
"the evidence is overwhelming."
I'm finding it quite under-whelming at present tbh. Reading the rest of your post, it is clear to me that you are still arguing that paedophiles abuse and abduct children - this is not in dispute and I've already not only conceded this, but agreed with it. The point is that saying "it goes on" does not in any way shape or form have anything to say about "pizzagate".
The link, or not the link - that is the question........
i cannot, will not hand hold every doubter through this. i do not have the time or inclination to mollycoddle anyone who wants to have this handed to them on a silver platter.
if you do not know how to think, start with the Classical Trivium and Quadrivium, and learn how. i do not have time to do the research for you. if you want to be convinced so badly, convince yourself. i'm not getting paid to be your teacher.
saying "provide the link" over and over will never replace over 25 years of off and on research and piecing together the picture that i have, even if i gave you every reference and phone number of all the people that i've talked to about this.
the way that i know you want to deny all of this is happening, is that you are still here, replying to me, and not out trying to figure this out for yourself. if you want it, you find it. this gimmie, gimmie, gimmie routine is boring. i have better things to do, than continually provide real names, as starting points to investigation, to someone who obviously doesn't want them.
Lol....this is ridiculous. You lot are posting on here trying to convince others of the reality of "pizzagate" yet when asked for anything to substantiate these wild claims, all one gets back is abuse. Nobody wants teaching anything or mollycoddling etc, just something tangible to substantiate your actual claims. The burden of proof lies with those making the claim (you lot) not the people you are trying to convince and if you're not trying to convince anybody of anything, then what the fuck is the point in keeping on posting these claims which you collectively refuse to substantiate. If that is the case then you have just essentially admitted that it is just SPAM, with no intention whatsoever to engage your detractors or provide anything to substantiate what you are claiming. This whole "pizzagate" thing should now be treated as spam in my view, particularly as those who are not convinced of your claims just seem to receive ad-hominem attacks and childishly labelled as "pedo protectors" and such. Absolutely ridiculous........