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RE: Obama, Biden & Pizzagate

in #pizzagate8 years ago

this campaign to brand this fake news is a lot bigger now than i've ever seen it before. they must be scared.

i saw something similar, yet very much smaller, in the early 90's. there was a book called, "satanic panic", that was meant to discredit people looking into reports of satanic ritual abuse. at the time there was also movement in the psychological community to push the idea of "false memory" among people who had been targets of sexual abuse. sound familiar?

fake news and false memory, i think it may be the same person leading the damage control effort in washington, or they're just using the same playbook.


Great observation THANKS! I didn't make the connection. I think it's the same basic playbook. I remember hypnosis based memories that proved to be implanted by less than reputable members of the therapeutic community. I don't know why I didn't come up with it! I've written a lot about what I call Therapeutic's what's going on with Obama, the Clintons, Good idea for an article, the research is already done. Thanks millions...I owe ya!