Bill Clinton had 9/11 set up, then Bush removed all the old leadership, so he was not informed. All the new leadership Bush put in place did not pay any attention to the signs they were being given from the bottom echelon of government. Does it sound like this is ready to happen again with Obama and Trump's new cabinet? Do you think Obama never watched/permitted/placed any group of terror cells to help prove a need for "gun control"?
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I just realized Cathy has contradicted herself in different videos. One she said Bill Clinton wasn't a pedo, but in another she said I thought anyway that she slept with Bill and Hillary. Later she said she slept with Reagan and Bush Sr. The Reagan thing is hard for me to believe. He wasn't a dumb actor. I wonder if her programming was to make Reagan and Bush look bad, but not Bill Clinton?? Not sure. All this is eye opening regarding the Bushes. But the skull and bones link and W's inclination to that press guy who was kidnapped as a child. All of that together makes me believe the Bush connection and the grandfather's link to the Nazis. The building 7 WTC what source do you have? Saddam said he was starting a propaganda campaign to say it was an inside job because he knew he would be blamed and there is evidence he gave the order. Still waiting for the primary sourced video from FOIA request from several years ago which I probably won't ever get. Obama shut down the section of government that held the docs and videos, the DIA I think it was.