The one article you need to read on pizzagate before forming an opinion on it.

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

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Pro-pedophile trolls like @telos to look at while their souls rot away.

Listen. You seem to want some kind of war or something. You're just making yourself look petty though. I question your posts because you never post anything more than wild accusations with zero evidence. I am not "pro-pedophile" and fuck you for suggesting that. I was molested as a kid and my entire life is fucked because of it, so just utterly fuck you for being a complete piece of shit to bring that up to me.

I simply don't believe in accusing people of things based on flimsy evidence. That's what got is the inquisition, the Salem witch "trials" and other shit like that. You might think you're doing some sort of "good" but all you're really doing is spreading lies and distracting people from the real problems we face. You claim to be anti-pedo but you supported Trump, who raped a 13 year old girl and has spent time on that sex-slave island you excoriate Clinton for. You're hypocrisy is ludicrous. If you hate pedos so much how can you support Mr. "If she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her" Trump?

Labeling you as pro-pedophile for rationally pointing out a lack of evidence is truly a low blow.

I wrote a piece on PizzaGate if you would like to take a look - outlining the evidence so far. Sorry to hear of your past - I would suggest having a look into this all bit more. Admittedly the #PizzaGate investigation is 'loose' - it is more a collection of fragments that associate with taboo 'art', questionable photos, and affiliated names/events.

Most of this started just as the focus on Clinton and the Clinton Foundation was gaining attention - I'm not saying there isn't merit too it, but i doubt people will find incriminating and damning evidence that would hold up in court . The narrative of #PizzaGate is not far-fetched if you look back in recent history - The Franklin coverup with Larry King for example -

What lessons did people learn? Obviously not the one where the Media, Justice, and Law Enforcement, and high-ranking Political officials were all colluding to protect a pedophile ring. The same thing here in Australia were I live - only the case was squashed as it involved UK royalty.

It's understandable, to not want to touch this kind of thing at all - researching it for the last two weeks has been very draining and depressing. All I can say is, there is something there to look into - and we all need to lift our game when it comes to communicating with each other. The MSM news will not be doing this for us, don't expect it when you look at their share holders. We need to corroborate information as a community, and evolve from the character assassinations.

I wrote a piece on PizzaGate if you would like to take a look - outlining the evidence so far.


it is more a collection of fragments that associate with taboo 'art', questionable photos, and affiliated names/events.

See, that's the problem. Conspiracy theorists often create connections that aren't really there and color evidence to suit their predisposed beliefs. @matrixdweller has shown multiple times he'll take the tiniest shred of evidence against liberals without question, and to me that is very dangerous. That's the Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, and other tragedies. We have "innocent until proven guilty" in this country for excellent reasons... but there's a good number of people convinced of pizzagate because of "a collection of fragments."

Meanwhile the same people who are excoriating the government over this supposed travesty are ignoring the actual travesty of the DAPL situation. That's actually ongoing, well documented overreach of government authority... and all the same anti-government people who cry about government overreach are fine with it somehow.

Good thought. Is there a space where an actual citizen investigation is taking place? The back and forth FUs don't seem to advance the evidence. I'm looking for a real investigation.

~~~ embed:801529316701917184 - my tweet (for timestamp) about it. twitter metadata:dGhlb25saW5lbWljazF8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vdGhlb25saW5lbWljazEvc3RhdHVzLzgwMTUyOTMxNjcwMTkxNzE4NCAtIG15IHR3ZWV0IChmb3IgdGltZXN0YW1wKSBhYm91dCBpdC58 ~~~Yes there is. It was compiled originally on reddit - but the CEO spez deleted the whole thread of 25,000 subscribers to it 5 days ago - Archived here - Since then the contents was saved and reloaded on voat where the conversation is now continuing -

On twitter and gab you can also view #PizzaGate #TwitterGate #OpDeathEaters I recommend following @BrittPettibone

Much of new information is surfacing through 4chan/pol/ - careful where and what you click on there - not ya typical blog community.

theonlinemick1 Michael Collett tweeted @ 23 Nov 2016 - 20:54 UTC
active>>……@allidoisowen @Rambobiggs @margaretjhowell Text version:Reddit Thread now banned.

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Personally I think #PizzaGate will struggle to pin incriminating evidence on those in question, if any progress is to be made it will most likely come from expanding out and seeing if there are inroads back towards it. I.e. the Clinton Foundation is operating as a money laundering hub - this is provable and the focus of my attention at the moment.

There is suspicion about ties to human trafficking operations, but once again - difficult to prove. This whole PizzaGate investigation will gradually re-correct course towards the Anthony Wiener, Hume Abiden, and Hillarys handling of SPI/SAP information - this is essentially what the FBI investigation was founded on.

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Also, check out the documentary on Netflix called Who Took Johnny. It might open your eyes to how shit like this can happen.

This is crazy!

ghostillion SPduhGhost tweeted @ 26 Nov 2016 - 08:33 UTC

PT7 Source Verified Penetration into Comet Portal: Contains Highly Encrypted Media of CP.. This Is Real..……

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OMFG indeed ( @twitterbot should reconsider word choice "Verified Penetration" - might cause an uproar under circumstances!)

We found a direct connection between Pizzagate and the Hampstead Case just now:

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I am crazy busy right now with you know what coming right on time, that I have nothing to say except that I am posting and upvoting every single post in this category I can until it gets "accidentally erased"

EML0804 Lena42 tweeted @ 22 Nov 2016 - 16:37 UTC

The MSM version of #JamesAlefantis vs. pic from his Insta acct. You decide. #pizzagate #cometpingpong…

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