🍕#PizzaGate Part 2: ACORN Controversy (DTube)

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

In this video I go over Part 2 of the #PizzaGate series. In this part, I take a look at the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, and the 2009 Child Sex Trafficking Controversy (ACORN). In 2009, James O'Keefe from Project Veritas went undercover as a pimp to 7 different locations, with Hannah Giles, playing the role of a prostitute. There plan was to talk with ACORN employees to see if they can help them set up, and cover up, a prostitution business which involves smuggling a dozen of underage girls from El Salvador, and have them "work" at a home, which they wanted ACORN to give them a housing loan for. The undercover videos, showed that nearly every ACORN employee, and from each of the 7 ACORN offices across the country, were very willing to help out James and Hannah in this illegal business.

The fallout from these videos, involved ACORN losing federal and private funding, and eventually shutting its operation in the USA. James O'Keefe had to pay one of the ACORN employees $100,000 in a settlement for illegally recording him, which apparently is against the law in the state of California. The California Attorney General Jerry Brown's investigation concluded that the edited, and unedited tape recordings clearly show ACORN willing to aid in a hypothetical child prostitution ring, but nonetheless, no law was violated since state law requires that both parties intending to commit an actual crime, and not just a hypothetical crime.

Regardless of all this, the mainstream media, including MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Forbes, Inquisitr, to name a few, have spun the story as James O'Keefe "heavily editing" the videos to make smear ACORN, and indicate to ACORN not being charged with any crimes as prove of such a claim. In this video, I go into detail to show how the mainstream media spin is just that, spin. This also illustrates how the mainstream media can be viewed occasionaly as fake news, something which they are branding alternative media of being.

This video is meant to show that government funded organizations such as ACORN can be used to help set up and cover up, ratherly easily, an international child sex trafficking ring. I highly recommend every to watch all of the undercover tapes, as well as watching Rachel Maddow's spin on the story to see just how good the mainstream media is at misleading the public. Keep this in mind for future parts to this series.

Stay tuned for #PizzaGate Part 3...

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The ACORN controversy shows just how easy it is to set up a child trafficking ring...

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Needs more digging but it doesn't look good...