alleged hacker that found “Cheese Pizza” aka CP on Comet Ping Pong’s server but then I realized there were many more background topics to cover first, such as the alleged threat by James Alefantis towards PizzaGateGearRyan and also just the overall background context on James Alefantis and the strangely powerful Alefantis family lineage. But in the making of that video I got notified by Reddit’s r/Conspiracy forum that I was BANNED from the forum! So then I was working on that video, and in the middle of that video I was notified by an Insider with close ties to the Moderators at r/Conspiracy, and whom I like to call my very own “QAnon”, that the ban was actually due to a misunderstanding which then was resolved peacefully! Thus I deleted the video that I was making while literally in the middle of it. And combined with the hectic Christmas and New Year’s break, it’s about time I got down to work and made a new Math Easy Video!In #PizzaGate Part 32 I go over my recent Saga with Reddit’s r/Conspiracy in which I was banned and then unbanned; as well as illustrate how the Tamera Luzzatto rabbit hole has deepened. I had initially been working on this video several weeks ago and it was supposed to be on the
When I got banned, initially I thought it was due to my post about the infamous Tamera Luzzatto “pool entertainment” email and connected DISTURBING baby blogs “Evie’s Cribs” and “Jack’s Place”; watch Part 29 to learn more. I thought this because the Luzzatto email is literally avoided by EVERY Mainstream Media outlet, even those “debunking” #PizzaGate. Also given my previous experience with getting banned from r/911Truth for promoting the truth of 9/11, which is #FreeEnergy; see #911Truth Part 3, I thought censorship was just rearing its ugly head once again. And especially since the moderator that banned me from r/911Truth is also a former r/Conspiracy moderator! But it turns out that the likely scenario was actually due a misunderstanding of r/Conspiracy’s new “Rule 13: Submission Statement” and Reddit’s “Self-Promotion” Guidelines. And combined with me taking it to Twitter right away without messaging the moderators first, I had angered a few people within the forum. But luckily my QAnon helped all to understand each other’s position, and I have since apologized and deleted my Tweet regarding the ban.
Now Reddit is a GIANT website, so regardless of your views towards them, it is important to make a presence there to ensure more people hear any message you want heard. That is why even though I am unbanned, I will still be running my newly created r/ConspiracyMES forum to serve as what a conspiracy forum should be! I also have created v/ConspiracyMES on Voat because, as I argue in the video, and the Baphomet symbolism suggests, Voat likely won’t be that censorship-resistant if it had as much traffic as Reddit…
But a positive that came about the saga with Reddit was that I’ve learned that the Tamera Luzzatto rabbit hole deepens! New potentially BOMBSHELL info such as the “Evie’s Crib” disturbing tags (such as Baby Ambien (Sedative), Public Intoxication, Parental Manipulation, Tranquilizers”), possible ties to highly powerful Occult families, and Luzzatto tweeting praise of Democrat Senator Al "Groping" Franken, means I will definitely be investigating further so stay tuned!
Stay Tuned for #PizzaGate Part 33…
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- Note that YouTube deleted Part 32 for "Event Denying".
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Watch the rest of my ongoing #PizzaGate Video Series:
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NOTE #1: If you don't have time to watch this whole video:
- Skip to the end for Summary and Conclusions (if available)
- Play this video at a faster speed.
-- TOP SECRET LIFE HACK: Your brain gets used to faster speed!
-- Browser extension recommendation:
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- Watch the video in parts.
-- Timestamps of all parts are in the description.Browser extension recommendations:
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Recap on Previous Parts
Parts 1, 4-10, 25, 30: Madeleine McCann Case / Podesta / Pedophilia Connections
Part 2, 3: ACORN Controversy
Part 7: Conspiracy Advice for Online Researchers.
Part 11: National Pizza Day Strange Coincidences
Part 12: FBI Document on Pedophilia Symbols and Logos
Part 13, 14: Mindset and Tactics of Pedophiles
Part 15, 17: Kurt Eichenwald is Above the Law
Part 16: Alex Jones has dirt on Bill Clinton
Part 18: Vault 7 Year Zero makes blackmail ease.
Part 19: Memetics and Meme Warfare
Part 20: BLogo / LBLogo / GLogo / CLogo Origins
Part 23: Pedophilia Normalization
Part 24: Misleading "PizzaGate" Search Trends
Part 26, 28: What does David Brock know?
Part 27: "Spirit Cooking" Elites
Part 29: Luzzatto / Podesta Pool "Entertainment" Email
Part 31: Boycott Hollywood #PedoWood + Introduction to "Weird Eye Anomalies"…
MUST WATCH: 10,000+ Subscribers Recap: My Dive into the Rabbit Hole and #FreeEnergy:
ALL Parts: #PizzaGate Updated + Media Cover-Up and/or Silence
View Full Series:
View/Download ALL Notes:
#PizzaGate Part 32:
I was initially working on making a video about the alleged hacker that found "Cheese Pizza" on James Alefantis' Comet Ping Pong computer server but I felt I first needed to cover the alleged threats that James Alefantis made to PizzaGateGear Ryan. But then I felt that I needed to first give a background on James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong. But EVEN THEN I realized that simply the background information on James Alefantis was a rabbit hole in of itself. So that's why I started working on making a video solely on the background of James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong to serve as some much needed context on how just who we were dealing with.
Annnnnd then I got notified I was BANNED from r/Conspiracy so I had to ONCE AGAIN postpone my video research and this time decided to work on a video go over the ban. After preparing the video notes, I started recording my video, and at about the 1:23:01 mark of my video I received a message from someone with close contact to the moderators of r/Conspiracy looking to help get me unbanned. So I AGAIN delayed my video, and in fact this time deleted the video in the middle of recording it.
So luckily, and with the help of my very own QAnon Reddit Insider, I got UNBANNED!! And so as I've decided to make this video explaining the misunderstanding that led to the ban, the unbanning, importance of sharing info on large websites regardless of your views towards them, and as well as how the Tamera Luzzatto rabbit-hole has gotten deeper…
Topics to Cover:
- MES vs. Reddit r/Conspiracy Saga and How it Got Resolved
- My very one QAnon Reddit insider helped me get unbanned from behind the scenes.
- MES Social Media Upsetting Reddit Moderators #GainingInfluence
- r/Conspiracy's new "Rule 13"
- Reddit's "Self-Promotion Guidelines"
- MES Posts go Viral on Reddit
- The BIG Picture: Website Traffic
- Full Disclosure: Pretty Much Everything is Controlled Opposition
- Follow my new r/ConspiracyMES and v/ConspiracyMES forums on Reddit and Voat!
- Symbolism, Symbolism, Symbolism: Voat, Goat, Baphomet, Triangle/Pyramid, Reddit, Alien
12. Most Important 1-Minute Video in the World: WTC 1 North Tower Literally Turning to Dust before our very eyes!Revisiting my #911Truth Part 3 video on getting banned from r/911Truth for promoting the truth of 9/11: #FreeEnergy
14. Follow my r/911TruthMES and v/911TruthMES forums on Reddit and Voat!Nonstop #911Truth Censorship: Twitter Ads and Analytics Accounts Disabled.- The Tamera Luzzatto Rabbit Hole Deepens…
- Evie's Crib has DISTURBING Tags: Baby Ambien (Sedative), Tranquilizers, Psychopath, Public Intoxication… WTF IS THIS??!!
- SIDEQUEST:, Health on the Net Foundation (HON), and Baphomet
- Tamera Luzzatto literally gives high praise to THE former Democrat Senator Al "Groping Hands" Franken!
- Al Franken, big shot Politician, resigns after multiple women accuse him of Sexual Assault including one whom surfaced a photo of Al Franken GROPING HER CHEST WHILE SHE WAS SLEEPING!! And while they were supporting the troops in the Middle East during the usual ILLEGAL "Wars" aka Ritualistic Mass Sacrifices. #BoycottWar #BoycottGovernment
- Summary and Conclusions
- Alleged Hacker that found "Cheese Pizza" aka CP aka Child Pornography on Comet Ping Pong aka CPP's Computer Server! MUST WATCH INTERVIEW!#PIZZAGATE UPDATE: Interview between Titus Frost and the
MES vs. Reddit r/Conspiracy Saga and how it got Resolved!
Last week, and just after I posted my Tweet Thread about the endless Tamera Luzzatto rabbit hole onto r/Conspiracy, I was notified that I was banned from the subreddit! Given that I had been banned from r/911Truth last year after posting the truth of 9/11 (#FreeEnergy; see #911Truth Part 3), and that the Tamera Luzzatto email is deliberately not mentioned by the fake news MSM, I simply assumed that the ban was just an attempt to censor the Tamera Luzzatto rabbit hole from going too viral. Thus I assumed the ban was irreversible so I took to Social Media to let of some steam against such perceived censorship…. #IHateCensorship
Here is the Message I received from r/Conspiracy:
Retrieved: 1 January 2018
Archive: Not Available
The one word reasoning of "spam" was especially triggering, especially since I had been posting on r/Conspiracy for a year and my posts are usually well received from the non-bot/non-troll audience!
Here was my Twitter rage tweet:
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
Yeah… I go hard against ANY censorship, even perceived censorship!
The r/911Truth moderators have still not responded to my response… #Pathetic #MoreOnThisFurtherBelow Also more on the Luzzatto rabbit hole post! And given that r/Conspiracy has over 500,000 subscribers I didn't think they would respond either…
MES Note: Watch Part 3 of my #911Truth Video series to learn more about the ban, and the censorship tactics used by r/911Truth:
But they actually did respond, but the response was initially more confusing than the actual ban:
After my Tweet, I sent r/Conspiracy a message. In hindsight I should've sent a message first and waited for a response before taking it to Social Media… #MyBad I actually thought they wouldn't bother replying to my message so I only sent it so that I can take a screen shot and show in a video. BUT they did respond!! #NotExpectingThat
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
Archive: Not Available
Initially I was perplexed as to what the Mod was talking about. But now I realize the mod was actually angry at me trashing the subreddit on Twitter… Which is understandable so in hindsight I apologize!
#PizzaGate Part 32 Video was supposed to be earlier this week…
After the ban and taking it to Twitter, as is apparently the norm nowadays, I began working on my video detailing the ban and many other important topics.
Literally in the middle of my video, at the 1:23:01 mark, I received a message on Reddit from a user willing to help resolve the ban. Thus I ended up deleting the video I was recording.
Let's take a look at the message from whom I like to call my very own QAnon…
You may have heard of the alleged insider "leaking" information through puzzles/questions and going by the name QAnon. But it appears I have my very own QAnon working behind the scenes on Reddit watching my back! #Amazing
Retrieved: 4 January 2018
Archive: Not Available
This is was the message that I received while in the middle of the video. And yup, that so-called "Rule 13" may in fact have been the actual cause of this saga… This is also the reason for the "18 votes" reference by the angry moderator mentioned earlier.
My QAnon later forwarded me a message from the moderator that banned me.
Retrieved: 4 January 2018
Archive: Not Available
Ahhh yes, I do post my own content but this is mainly because I don't trust other people's content and usually my posts do well on Reddit so the users don't think it was a problem. More on the Rule 13 and "Self-Promotion" further below.
After speaking with the moderator that banned me, we were both better able to understand our situations; in terms of my frustration with 9/11 censorship, and theirs with nonstop spam:
Retrieved: 4 January 2018
Archive: Not Available
Now this is when I realized I ruffled up some feathers at Reddit….
Fortunately, after talking it out with the other moderator, we were able to finally resolve the situation!
Date Retrieved: 4 January 2018
Archive: Not Available
In hindsight, I can see how taking it right away on Twitter was perceived as pressuring the mods but I actually just assumed it was censorship as usual and didn't think I was going to get unbanned.
Luckily, I was able to get Unbanned with a mutual understanding from everyone!
Date Retrieved: 4 January 2018
Archive: Not Available
And as in the norm in the Social Media age we live in, I took to Twitter:
Retrieved: 5 December 2017
Also big thanks to my own QAnon for watching out for my back!!!
I had always thought Reddit's r/Conspiracy was one of the more open forums on the interwebs, and this saga has helped reinforce that! And that is also why I was quick to trash them on Twitter after first getting banned. Because IF even r/Conspiracy, a CONSPIRACY forum banned me for posting CONSPIRACY stuff, then seriously what is this thing we call life??!!
r/Conspiracy's New "Rule 13": Submission Statements
Let's take a look at this so-called "Rule 13" which may in fact have kicked off this saga.
Retrieved: 5 January 2018
I actually like this rule because it prevents people from spamming links.
Retrieved: 5 January 2018
previous thread
Rule 13 on submission statements has been live for a couple days now, and we wanted to give an update and try to clear up some misunderstandings. As we have said, this is a trial rule, and as such, we feel the need to make our new requirements a bit more explicit, so that you can know what criteria we're using to evaluate the statements, and understand our reasoning behind these requirements. This is the standard we will be using:
- 2+ sentences
- If OP makes multiple top-level comments, one should be clearly labeled as the submission statement.
- written in OP's own words (i.e. not copied from the article or description)
- should explain or elaborate on why the link is being posted to /r/conspiracy and why the userbase should care about it.
The minimum limit is to combat the problem of people writing only a few words. We get that OPs sometimes want to add significant additional content and context, and we very much encourage that, but if you do make several top-level, please clearly mark one comment as the submission statement.
The submission statement should be in your own words (not copied) and should explain why you feel the link is of interest to the users of this sub. I should be clear here: We are notevaluating whether we think your answer is valid, but only that it actually answers the question of why the post should be here.
Here are a few examples of decent submission statements:
- ~~~ embed:conspiracy/comments/7mro94/-/drw6145/ reddit metadata:fGNvbnNwaXJhY3l8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2NvbnNwaXJhY3kvY29tbWVudHMvN21ybzk0Ly0vZHJ3NjE0NS98 ~~~
- ~~~ embed:conspiracy/comments/7mus6j/-/drwrwd3/ reddit metadata:fGNvbnNwaXJhY3l8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2NvbnNwaXJhY3kvY29tbWVudHMvN211czZqLy0vZHJ3cndkMy98 ~~~
And to reiterate, Rule 13 only applies to link posts (including image posts), not self posts, so you don't need to be reporting those.
Now let's review my submission history to see the "18 votes" post that got deleted because of Rule 13, the rule had just been implemented at about the same day I believe and I wasn't sure what that rule was all about then.
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
My post got deleted due to Rule 13, so I reposted it and added a Submission statement and the post went viral! #YES #FollowingRules
Reddit's Guidelines for "Self-Promotion"
After speaking with the mod that banned me, I learned that many people that post mostly their own content on Reddit are usually spam so it was understandable to perceive my posts as spam at a quick glimpse.
Here is the page on the Reddit's Guidelines on Self-Promotion:
Retrieved: 5 January 2018
These are actually decent guidelines and I agree with most of them. The difference though in my case is that I'm not "promoting" my business or myself but rather LITERALLY creating content that I think will do well on r/Conspiracy. Sharing a well thought out Tweet-Thread on the Luzzatto Rabbit Hole or 5+ hour long videos on #FreeEnergy and #911Truth, while my own content, is what EVERYONE should be posting on r/Conspiracy!
Also, I literally don't trust ANY news source enough to share a random "headline" without thoroughly investigating each claim. And that is why I post mostly my own content, because if it has the MES Seal-Of-Approval then you better pay close attention! #MESBombshellInfo
In fact, My "Own" Content even made it to the very TOP of r/Conspiracy!
Another contributing factor to simply assuming my ban was #Censorship was that Reddit had already banned/censored r/PizzaGate in 2016, and my post reminding people about that pure evil censorship went absolutely viral!!
Retrieved: 20 November 2017
Post Archive:
Viral Tending Archive:
My post was the top of reddit for about a day or two!
Retrieved: 30 November 2017
Almost 2k "points" or net votes, even with 34% downvotes from almost certainly bots/trolls!!
Let's look at this VIRAL Tweet!
Here at MES I make sure to remind people of censorship because that is the one thing I hate beyond anything!
Retrieved: 29 November 2017
If there is one thing I'm good at, it's putting BOMBSHELL tweets in an easily digestible, logical, and irrefutable way.
Remember, Censorship doesn't work if they tell you it's censorship.
MES Note: When r/PizzaGate was banned, it was the final straw in why I HAD to step in the "alternative" information scene. You can learn more about my Journey into the Rabbit Hole that is Life by watching my EPIC 10,000+ Subscribers Recap video. This subreddit was waking people up, me included, and fast! So in retrospect it was no surprise that it was shut down to prevent collective group action and awakening against the sick power structure.
LITERALLY anyone that actually believes this STAGED Photo-Op by an ACTOR in Edgar Maddison Welch is anything but a pathetic and lazy false-flag hoax, must be one of the stupidest people to have ever been born!
MES Note: This was actually the first time I looked into "False Flags". Seriously why is there a cameraman in direct line of the "Gunman", the Police, and with a SCENIC blurred gate in front??!!! HAHAAHAH #DontYouBelieveIt
When was the last time you see Disinfo Agent Alex Jones "Apologizing" for ANYTHING?? Initially I thought he apologized because of a possible lawsuit by the surprisingly powerful James "GQ's 49th Most Powerful in DC" Alefantis; see #PizzaGate Part 20. But after researching into 9/11 it is clear that Alex Jones / David Icke / Sean from SGT Report are pure evil disinfo agents (and/or mind controlled cyborgs/clones/etc.) and have been for a very long time (See #911Truth Part 6).
Also, given Alex Jones' many instances of calling out pedo-elites in the past, I believe the alleged hard evidence of Comet Ping Pong Website/Server having "Cheese Pizza" aka Child Pornography on their computer servers was not something the ruling party was expecting to be discovered; thus AJ had to be thrown under the bus. More on the alleged CP in later parts. #StayTuned
THIS is #PizzaGate/#PedoGate/#PedoBlackmail/#SickElites… More on the disgusting Jimmy Savile and the BBC/MI5/CIA/Mossad coverup in later videos so #StayTuned.
Reddit has over a BILLION monthly visits! Basically it is a MONOPOLY in online forum traffic. And getting banned from arguably the largest "Conspiracy" page is a BIG hit in terms of spreading important information to the public. So, regardless of what your viewpoint is on Reddit or even YouTube for that matter, these sites bring with them vast amount of people. And here at MES I am committed to going where ever the people are, while at the same time pointing people to more censorship-resistant platforms such as Voat, Steemit, DTube, Gab, and Minds.
Let's compare the site traffic of Reddit with the so-called Reddit "Alternative" Voat:
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
Reddit has over 1.5 BILLION monthly visits, which is over 200 times more than Voat's 6.6 million visits!
So even if you move to other sites such as Voat, Reddit won't even know you left ;)
MES Note: Imagine if the roles were reversed and Voat had over a BILLION monthly visits. Do you ACTUALLY think #Censorship won't follow suit?? #DONTYOUBELIEVEIT
Let's compare the size of the Conspiracy Forums on Reddit and Voat:
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
r/Conspiracy literally has over 500,000 "free thinkers" subscribed!! WOW
MES Note: EVERY "Conspiracy" website/page/outlet/forum NEEDS to include boldly and clearly the truth of 9/11, which is #FreeEnergy, otherwise those running these sites are nothing more than controlled opposition, whether INTENTIONALLY OR NOT! This in fact is my biggest criticism of r/Conspiracy (and why it is almost certainly "controlled").
Let's compare with Voat's v/Conspiracy:
Retrieved: 5 January 2018
Voat has 28,000+ Subscribers on v/Conspiracy. About 20 times less than Reddit's. But interesting though is relative to the size difference of 200 times for the overall website traffic, it appears that users are actually moving more towards Voat for more "controversial" topics. #Interesting.
NONETHELESS, Follow my newly created r/ConspiracyMES and v/ConspiracyMES forums!
When I got banned, I just assumed I was going to stay banned like in the case with r/911Truth, so I created my very own r/ConspiracyMES. But now that I am unbanned, I am STILL going to keep it because I still think r/Conspiracy is controlled… #EverythingIsControlled Also, I don't want to risk getting banned/censored in the future so best to run my own forum!!
Retrieved: 5 January 2018
Follow my subreddit and post whatever you want!!!
My Number 1 Fan!!! =D
Retrieved: 5 January 2018
Thanks Libertyforlemons indeed!! Guess I got to make some t-shirts…. ;) Comment below what kind of MES T-Shirts you would like!!! #ThisIsGonnaHappen
Follow my Voat subverse as well!!
Retrieved: 5 January 2018
Now even though I haven't been banned from v/Conspiracy or v/911Truth, I still get occasional trolls/bots down-voting/trolling me though, I HATE the way those forums are moderated. 9/11 ALREADY proves the Global World Government exists and has been for a VERY long time! Thus ALL "alternative" outlets need to make this VERY clear!
And that is why I have created both r/ConspiracyMES and v/ConspiracyMES, to be the VERY Real Conspiracy forums that the Reddit and Voat forums are supposed to be…
Also, the best part about being a Moderator is I can call out disinfo trolls and then block them!
While in hindsight, the user's comment wasn't THAT bad, I just wanted to illustrate the powerful abilities of being a moderator.
Retrieved: 2 January 2018
MES Note: My reply is pretty harsh and was during the ban so that wasn't the right time for that user to post his, nonetheless nonsensical comment. #AngryMES.
I wanted to illustrate this point because as I will explain later in this video, and as many have experienced themselves and have messaged me about, a common CENSORSHIP tactic used is adding "rules" such as to not call people trolls/disinfo agents etc., EVEN IF THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY TROLL/BOTS!! Thus the resulting censorship and perception management strategy would be to send a bunch of trolls/bots and spam a forum or user until the user responds accordingly, and thus the pathetic controlled moderators ban BOTH the real user and the pathetic troll/bot! This is how I was banned from r/911Truth as I will illustrate further in this video. #PrettyImpressiveNWOTacticNoneTheLess
As ALWAYS, let's take a look at some Symbolism ;)
The absolute fine-tuned coverup of 9/11 and #FreeEnergy technology already proves that nearly everyone or every thing of influence is either controlled, or quick to be controlled once the people in these positions start researching 9/11. THAT is how the control grid works so well, why very few people are actively involved in the coverup, and why the entire CIA/NSA spy apparatus is a crime against humanity! For example, imagine you are a news anchor or a politician. You believe the official story of 9/11 until one day you come across the work of Dr. Judy Wood. BEFORE you can even fully grasp the consequences, the likely scenario is the CIA gets notified that a politician has triggered one of their many flagged keywords, such as: 9/11, Dr. Judy Wood, #FreeEnergy, #AbolishTheCIA, and "Politics is a Complete Joke and No One should Vote unless the politician is speaking the absolute truth of 9/11 and #FreeEnergy"… Then the CIA can do their usual tactics such as inducing cancer, heart attacks, pedo-blackmail, threats, microaggressions, get you fired, smear you in news, etc. Now THAT is control and POWER!
So even without looking at Symbolism, it is clear that Voat with its 6+ Million Visits is likely "controlled" as well. After all, Voat's official mascot is a Goat ;) HAHAHAHA (and the usage of the Triangles/Pyramid etc. #NothingIsRandom)
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
What is Voat?
Voat™ (pronounced voat as in goat) officially launched in April 2014 as a media aggregator website featuring user-posted content.
Mascot and Logo
This is the official Voat mascot. The mascot was drawn by voat user genial and generously donated to Voat.
…. Take it for what you will, but here at MES goats (cough Baphomet cough) raise some alarm bells! Ahahahaha #EverythingRaisesAlarmBellsAtMES
Let's revisit our good old pal Baphomet once again….
MES Disclaimer: As always when I reference the Government Controlled Orwellian Wikipedia, it is to quickly get a mainstream narrative of names, events, and places. If you find anything questionable please let me know as I could always use new video material!
Retrieved: 8 July 2017
Baphomet (/'bæfo?m?t/; from Medieval Latin Baphometh, Baffometi, Occitan Bafometz) is a term originally used to describe an idol or other deity that the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping and that subsequently was incorporated into disparate occult and mystical traditions. It appeared as a term for a pagan idol in trial transcripts of the Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 14th century.[1] The name first came into popular English usage in the 19th century, with debate and speculation on the reasons for the suppression of the Templars.[2]
Since 1856, the name Baphomet has been associated with a "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Eliphas Levi[3] which contains binary elements representing the "sum total of the universe" (e.g. male and female, good and evil, etc.).[4]
The 19th century image of a Sabbatic Goat, created by Eliphas Levi. The arms bear the Latin words SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (join together)
Modern interpretations and usage
Baphomet, as Lévi's illustration suggests, has occasionally been portrayed as a synonym of Satan or a demon, a member of the hierarchy of Hell.
I think we found a CUTE version of Baphomet! HAHAHAHAHA
Hahahaahah Now you know why I've been warning you in my past few videos to avoid my channel if you want to keep your sanity!! Hahaah
Again, even without considering the symbolism of Voat (or Reddit's alien/robot), use your detective skills as to how controlled (not if) the website would be if it had 1 billion monthly visits… or 5 billion? Or 100 million? Or 20 million? Or 1 million? #Etc. #EverythingBigIsControlled #911ProvesThis
Retrieved: 1 January 2018
This is the story of how a bored college kid let his mind wander in class and wound up changing the world. Wait—haven't we heard this one before? You bet we have. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg—all were bored college kids who went on to accomplish a thing or two. But in the case of University of Virginia senior Alexis Ohanian, who in 2005 co-founded Reddit, the innovation wasn't just a highly influential social hub that's celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. It was Snoo.
And what's Snoo? Why, nothing—what's new with you?
Stay with us, folks. "What's new?" was actually the operating premise behind Reddit, the so-called "front page of the Internet" where popular vote determines the most relevant posts of a given day. And that made Snoo (the slangy shorthand for "what's new") a fine name for the character that Ohanian drew to represent his new site. According to Reddit's director of outreach Ashley Dawkins, Snoo "is a trademark, a mascot and an important part of the Reddit family." Indeed, given Reddit's sheer size and influence (7.6 billion monthly pageviews), Snoo isn't just one of the best known characters on the Web; it's not too much of a stretch to say he's the most famous space alien since E.T.
And why a space alien? "I doodled it while bored in marketing class," Ohanian has written (on Reddit, of course). "Not sure why it's an alien. I just kind of like the idea of having a time-traveling alien mascot."
Interesting stuff… MES Note: Here at MES, I don't consider any of these bogus "started from the bottom now I'm a giant NWO social mind control internet monopoly" STORIES, because they are just that: Stories. And if you think for one second that "bored college" students are coming up with these SUPER-ADVANCED technologies, and in the case of Google/Apple founded in "garages", and in the case of Bitcoin/Blockchain created by an "anonymous" Satoshi Nakamoto, then PLEASE LEAVE right now and never watch any of my videos EVER again! #DontWantLiarsWatching #DontYouBelieveIt
Also, don't believe for one second that the creators of many of these HIGHLY OCCULT Logos were just casually drawn up, or the creators were "not sure" why they did what they did… #SymbolismIsEverywhere
Let's Revisit from #911Truth Part 3 on how I was banned from r/911Truth.
Now my quick response to getting banned on r/Conspiracy stems from the CLEAR censorship I received from r/911Truth and frankly ANYWHERE I mention the truth of 9/11, #FreeEnergy.
The technique used to ban me on Reddit's r/911Truth involved literally overloading my TWO Posts with nonstop spam trolls/bots so that when I called them out for actual spamming, the pathetic Reddit "Moderators" banned BOTH of us! #Wow #ImImpressedActually
Retrieved: 3 November 2017
Seriously WHAT is this AI troll bot garbage??!!
MES Note: THIS is the state-of-the-art AI that currently exists… HAHAHAHAHA and it's pretty much troll bots to attack anyone mentioning the most important event of our lifetime, and the one event that can bring down the entire global control grid… #FreeEnergy
The spam bot "IpsumProlixus" literally posts by the minute and I had to wait every 9 minutes before responding to his garbage! #WTF
Absolutely pathetic! r/911"Truth" bans me from TELLING THE TRUTH! And they have STILL not responded #Pathetic.
Watch #911Truth Part 4 to see how that pathetic moderator "SovereignMan" has been set up to censor and attack Dr. Judy Wood's work.
Recall from #911Truth Part 4 that the r/911Truth moderator "SovereignMan" used to be a moderator for r/Conspiracy as well! #ItsABigCIAOperation
The fact that the moderator "SovereignMan" that banned me from r/911Truth was ALSO a moderator for r/Conspiracy also heavily convinced me initially that I was getting deliberately censored on r/Conspiracy.
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
….. Those that are behind the global world conspiracy literally have control of every significant media/social media outlet.
And as expected "SovereignMan" has a strange obsession with trying to discredit Dr. Judy Wood's brilliant work!
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
If there was any doubt that SovereignMan is a biased government controlled disinfo agent, this exchange removed all that doubt… #LockHimUp #Treason
Watch my #911Truth Video series to learn more about the most important event in the world! #FreeEnergy
Retrieved: 5 July 2017
Wow 276 results for SovereignMan… Well at least he is working hard for his Government money…
MES Note: Some of the results may include him because his name shows up in the moderator list but nonetheless there are still MANY comments by SovereignMan similar to the "Spira" exchange.
For those that haven't been watching my BOMBSHELL #911Truth Video series, here is the most important 1-minute video in the entire world!
Retrieved: 4 November 2017
The WTC 1 North Tower is not just turning to dust before our very eyes, but our very concept of reality is also turning to dust! #WhatIsThisSorcery??!!
Also recall from #911Truth Part 2 that my Dr. Judy Wood ad was disapproved, from Part 5 my entire Twitter Ads account disabled, and from my 10,000+ Subscribers video that even my Twitter ANALYTICS account is disabled! #WTF
From #911Truth Part 2: Twitter Ad Disapproved
Via Email:
Retrieved: 1 January 2018
Received: 25 June 2017
Archive: Not Available
THIS was the tweet that was not approved… #ShakeMyHead
Retrieved: 11 June 2017
I might be taking the most feared mantle from Dr. Judy Wood if this #Censorship keeps up…
From Part 5: Twitter Ads Account Disabled
Retrieved: 1 January 2018
Archive: Not Available
So much for the "Advertiser Friendly" garbage Twitter/YouTube/Google/NWO push… #NotAdvertiserFriendly
From my EPIC 10,000+ Subscribers Recap Video: Twitter Analytics Account Disabled
Retrieved: 1 January 2018
Archive: Not Available
Here are the tweets that got my Twitter Ads and Analytics Accounts disabled:
Retrieved: 17 July 2017
Retrieved: 17 July 2017
THIS is #911Truth and not the disgusting disinfo pushed by A & E for 9/11 "Truth", or the pure evil Sean from SGT Report, Alex Jones from DisinfoWars, and David Icke from #ReptilianWars! See #911Truth Part 6 to see how these disinfo agents (or AI Clones/Robots) know full well about 9/11 and continue to push LIES!
And BOMBSHELL Info such as giant sky scrapers turning to dust before our very eyes is why I HAD to create my own r/911TruthMES and v/911TruthMES forums!
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
Follow my subreddit!!
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
Follow my subverse!!
Just as for r/ConspiracyMES and v/ConspiracyMES, I created r/911TruthMES and v/911TruthMES because THESE are what 9/11 Truth forums are SUPPOSED to be! And not the pathetic calls for an "INDEPENDENT" Investigation HOPING the government would incriminate itself… #NOTGONNAHAPPEN! Also, we already know what happened: The Global WORLD Government murdered its own people on 9/11 using suppressed #FreeEnergy technology to justify genocide of millions in the Middle East and the continual enslavement of billions in the world. ANYONE that is presented with these facts and still pushes BOGUS "building 7", "thermite", "mini nukes", etc., garbage doesn't deserve to call himself human…
The Tamera Luzzatto Rabbit Hole Deepens…
Now while the r/Conspiracy Ban saga was pretty taxing on all parties involved, I was however able to find some even more potentially BOMBSHELL info regarding the surprisingly powerful Tamera Luzzatto…
Let's first look at the Tweet Thread that went viral both on Twitter and Reddit!
Retrieved: 28 December 2017
Disturbing use of words: TRANSPORT kids, FOR SURE kids will be in the pool, AGES of kids are listed…
Fake News NY Times is garbage!
Orwellian Wikipedia is garbage!
THIS IS NOT A NORMAL BLOG!! Also note how Evie is mentioned as being a new addition to future Uber-Transport visits to the FARM with THE Ruby, Emma (Emerson), and Maeve Luzzatto mentioned in the Pool Entertainment Email… #WHATTHEF***ISTHIS?!!
Seriously, a random math channel is the BEST place to get news on potentially bombshell illegal and widespread CRIMINAL activities!
MES Note: The Fake News MSM's deliberate silence on the Luzzatto email also contributed to my thinking I was banned for posting it. Still not 100% convinced this was not the reason… ;)
Fake News Snopes is Garbage!
Fake News BBC is Absolute Garbage! #DefundBBC
Evie's Crib is connected to Jack's Place, in which Jack IS OWNED… WTF
PREMIUM SUBSCRIBERS!! This is NOT a funny "joke"… and posting HUNDREDS of baby photos on a public blog is NOT normal! Seriously WHAT IS THIS??!! Watch Part 29 to see just how absolutely disturbing and bizarre the rabbit hole goes…
Someone replied to my post sharing some very intriguing info!
Hmmm definitely have to look further into "Bonnie".
Normal adults would NOT have these questions ever raised about them! EVER!
Just How Far Does the Tamera Luzzatto Rabbit Hole Go??
Someone commented on the post I shared of that BOMBSHELL Tweet on Reddit, and with some MORE Bombshell Info!
Retrieved: 28 December 2017
Retrieved: 28 December 2017
Please read this thread, and if you agree, please do upvote. People like the ones active in the thread I linked below will downvote no matter what.
I’m creating this thread because I saw the post on the front page today about the bizarre heated pool email received by John Podesta and written by Tamera Luzzatto. The thread I am talking about is this one:
What deeply concerned me were the top comments trying to justify and debunk the whole email and more specifically, Tamera’s blog called “Evie’s Crib”. It seems like this is a recurring theme in Pedogate related threads. There is a group active in /r/conspiracy that is actively trying debunk Pedogate by pointing out irrelevant information about the subject being discussed. This comment in the thread linked above is a prime example of this. He shows some of the blog posts which are innocent, not mentioning anything actual pizzagate researchers have pointed out. I will show you what actually IS relevant below. Somehow though, the comment gets upvoted massively and gets a spot as one of the top comments. Accounts like these purely exist to try and debunk (mostly pedogate) conspiracies. The thread itself is upvoted to the front page yet almost all of the top comments are bashing the subject.
Tamara Luzzatto wrote this email: part is deeply disturbing to a lot of people:
We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.
People started to investigate Tamara and found her blog, Evie’s Crib. First of all, the entry text to the blog is rather weird. “For a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you.”
When we look further, we can see some deeply disturbing tags for a blog about a baby.
Tags such as Discomfort, Parental Manipulation, Public Intoxication, Skullduggery, Transquilizers, Malpractice and more.Lastly, but not least: Swordfish69, famous Pedogate reseacher has uncovered evidence that the Luzzatto family are both linked to occult kabbalah worship and the Black Nobility, a globalist faction based in Northern Italy and Switzerland. Moshe Chaim Luzzatto was a messianic cult leader accused of promoting black magic through a secret cult during the 18th century
This is worth the read. It’s amazing what this guy has found so far. You can look at all of his submission here.
"ELITISTS_ARE_SATANIC" (great accurate name BTW) shares the blatant down-vote "debunking" brigade which I experience daily, and ESPECIALLY in regards to ANYTHING Luzzatto, while the fake news MSM won't dare touch it… #IThinkWeFoundSomethingHereFolks
The Tags E_A_S mentioned in regards to "Evie's Cribs" are something I didn't see before!!
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
Highlighted Tags:
…. I guess we can add these disturbing tags as just more "jokes" and "coincidences"… WTF… especially the Baby Ambien (Sedative) tag… #SkullDuggeryIndeed
Just what is "Baby Ambien"…
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
What is Ambien?
Ambien (zolpidem) is a sedative, also called a hypnotic. Zolpidem affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with sleep problems insomnia).
Ambien is used to treat insomnia. The immediate-release tablet is used to help you fall asleep when you first go to bed.
It is not known whether Ambien will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while using this medication.
Zolpidem can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.
The sedative effects of zolpidem may be stronger in older adults.
Do not give this medicine to anyone younger than 18 years of age.
The recommended doses of Ambien are not the same in men and women, and this drug is not approved for use in children. Misuse of this medication can result in dangerous side effects.
………… Not sure why they are making jokes about drugging babies with unapproved drugs for minors… THIS IS NOT NORMAL PARENTING Behavior or "Joking"…
MES Note: is certified by the Health on the Net Foundation, which is closely tied to the World Health Organization. Thus serves as a "mainstream" science/health website.
Retrieved: 31 December 2017
Retrieved: 31 December 2017
Health On the Net Foundation
Health On the Net Foundation (HON) is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 under the auspices of the Geneva Department of Employment, Social Affairs and Health and based in Geneva, Switzerland. This came about following the gathering of 60 of the world's foremost experts on telemedicine to discuss the growing concerns over the unequal quality of online health information. The unanimous conclusion of this gathering was to create a permanent body that would, in the words of the program, "promote the effective and reliable use of the new technologies for telemedicine in healthcare around the world". The HON Foundation became one of the first organizations to guide both lay users and medical professionals to reliable sources of health information in cyberspace.
The mission of the foundation is to guide the growing community of healthcare consumers and providers on the Internet to sound, reliable medical information and expertise. In this way, HON seeks to contribute to improved health care through patient empowerment and better informed health professionals.
The Foundation
Health On the Net holds consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and a special relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO). The French National Health Authority appointed Health On the Net in 2007 as its official body to certify health websites based in France.
As a “Liaison A” to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Health Informatics Technical Committee (ISO/TC 215), Health On the Net contributes to the elaboration of standards developed by the committee.
Interesting NWO Globalist stuff…. MES NOTE: Until the UN/WHO/NWO acknowledge #FreeEnergy (and MANY other suppressed technologies such as #AntiGravity, #CancerCures, etc.) their intentions are to be ALWAYS held as questionable at best and down-right pure evil agenda driven at normal circumstances.
Retrieved: 8 January 2018
ANYWAYS, I just wanted to drive the point home that the mainstream narrative is that Ambien should NOT be used by babies!
MES Note: Also note the typical "Snake around a Branch" symbolism used EVERYWHERE and in particular in health related organizations… #NWO #OccultWorldOrder #OldWorldOrder #OWO
This is the same symbolism found in BAPHOMET'S PANTS…. HAHAAH
……….. Hahaha #UnCanny. Also notice how the @ + snake/rod combo looks also like a phallic symbol… similar to Baphomet's ACTUAL phallic symbol looking like a phallic symbol LOL #YouCantMakeThisStuffUp
Recall also from #PizzaGate Part 28 that Baphomet's pants makes even more bizarre appearances…
That's the US Public Health Service and the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO)….
Is there anywhere Baphomet's rod hasn't been in??? Hahaha #MathSleazySolutions
MES NWO Note: The NWO has been screwing us for years and they love reminding us… #BoycottEverything
Now let's get back to the Luzzattos:
And as explained by E_A_S above, the user swordfish69 did in fact find some potentially game-changing info regarding the Luzzatto family!
Retrieved: 30 December 2017
That post is a MUST READ! Given that Tamera Luzzatto was former Chief of Staff to BOTH John D. Rockefeller IV AND Hillary Clinton, as well as Chairman Rockefeller's Primary Liaison at a panel on National Commission on Children (See #PizzaGate Part 29 #YouCantMakeThisStuffUp) it would not be surprising at all if the Luzzatto family did indeed stem from some very powerful Occult lineages!
I will definitely be investigating further into this strange and powerful Luzzatto family!
**Annnnd Tamera tweets in support of her "Cherished Friend" Al "Groping" Franken right after his resignation amid multiple sexual assault accusations… #YouCantMakeThisStuffUp
Tamera has high "praise" for her "cherished friend" Al Franken… #BirdsOfAFeather??!**
Retrieved: 6 January 2018
What kind of wording is this??!! This is NOT the right time to be praising such an allegedly sick person!
Other Democrats also give praise at literally the worst time…
Retrieved: 6 January 2018
Al Franken gave his last speech as a US senator on Thursday — the final of three speeches he has delivered this week to culminate his work in the Senate and share his Democratic vision for future.
To a room of mostly Democratic colleagues in the Senate, the Minnesota Democrat made a heartfelt case for economic and social equality. He made a plea to protect the nation’s safety net and spoke against voter suppression. He urged his Republican colleagues to recognize the effects of climate change, and to “stand up for truth.”
MES Note: So much propaganda. "Climate Change" should be replaced with purpose-full destruction of the planet by those ruling the world actively suppressing #FreeEnergy technology. #PhoneyBoneOfContention
His remarks were followed by the glowing reflections of four of his Democratic colleagues — Sens. Amy Klobuchar (MN), Dick Durbin (IL), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), and Jeff Merkley (OR) — all of whom thanked Franken for his lasting legacy and service to the American people.
Lost in the proceedings was that Franken, who announced he will depart on January 2, is resigning because of eight credible allegations of sexual misconduct, including groping and forcibly kissing women, once while allegedly saying, “It’s my right as an entertainer.”
Franken is resigning because the same Democratic colleagues who shook his hand and patted him on the back Thursday had called on him to resign — in an overwhelming and seemingly unpartisan acknowledgement of a zero-tolerance policy surrounding sexual assault and harassment in the Senate.
But Thursday, by all accounts, was not the goodbye of a man resigning in disgrace.
Instead, it was a confirmation that Franken will be remembered by his Senate colleagues as a giant of the Democratic Party and of the institution of the Senate. That he will have a voice that is supported and lauded.
A "giant" of the Democratic Party accused of "sexual misconduct"… How many more cases do you need before you realize politicians aren't just corrupt but ARE CHOSEN because they are corrupt and moralless. Remember, these are the same spineless people that pass "laws" that enslave humanity, remove privacy, illegally tax, and send people to die in mass ritualistic sacrifices often referred to as "war". #BoycottGovernment
Let's look at the accusation that started the downward public spiral of Franken.
Retrieved: 6 January 2018
On Thursday, KABC anchor Leeann Tweeden came forward with an accusation that Minnesota senator Al Franken kissed her and groped her without her consent in 2006, while they were on a USO tour. She included a photograph of Franken—who was then just a liberal comedian but has become a Democratic senator and theoretical 2020 presidential candidate—fondling her while she was asleep.
Condemnation on social media was swift and aggressive, as it should have been. Hearing a story like Tweeden's is one thing, but the photo showing Franken's shit-eating grin while he "jokingly" touches her breasts is damning:
Retrieved: 6 January 2018
Tweeden, who has worked as a sports broadcaster and model, explained in a blog post that Franken had written a skit to entertain the troops, which in his script required the two of them to kiss:
He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth... I felt disgusted and violated.
These allegations are hard for liberal supporters of Franken to hear. In his professional life, he has been an outspoken advocate of women's rights. After the Harvey Weinstein allegations came to light in October, Franken announced he was working to pass the Arbitration Fairness Act, which would reform laws that "prevent people who experience workplace harassment from going to court." He's consistently supported women's reproductive health rights, and in April, he reintroduced the Paycheck Fairness Act in an effort to help close the gender wage gap.
Franken became famous as a writer and performer on Saturday Night Live, and transitioned into being a politician after writing several books that attacked the right, including Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot. In 2008, when he was running his first Senate campaign in Minnesota, he had to deal with a controversy over his more risque material and past, including rape jokes he made in the SNL writers' room.
Accusations are one thing, regardless of how credible they are, but a photo of Franken LITERALLY groping a sleeping Leeann Tweeden do not fare well in the court of public opinion.
Hollywood entertainer, alleged sexual assaulter, and Senator… Again anyone with influence is almost certainly controlled in some way…
Let's read a bit more from the powerful words of Leeann Tweeden on her experience with Senator Al Franken, whom was even possibly considering running for President…
Retrieved: 6 January 2018
In December of 2006, I embarked on my ninth USO Tour to entertain our troops, my eighth to the Middle East since the 9/11 attacks. My father served in Vietnam and my then-boyfriend (and now husband, Chris) is a pilot in the Air Force, so bringing a ‘little piece of home’ to servicemembers stationed far away from their families was both my passion and my privilege.
MES Note: Not only is she getting groped/allegedly assaulted by Al Franken, but it was also stationed in the Middle East on an illegal war built upon an illegal premise of 9/11 being anything other than arguably the largest Psychological Operation in Human History!
Also on the trip were country music artists Darryl Worley, Mark Wills, Keni Thomas, and some cheerleaders from the Dallas Cowboys. The headliner was comedian and now-senator, Al Franken.
Franken had written some skits for the show and brought props and costumes to go along with them. Like many USO shows before and since, the skits were full of sexual innuendo geared toward a young, male audience.
As a TV host and sports broadcaster, as well as a model familiar to the audience from the covers of FHM, Maxim and Playboy, I was only expecting to emcee and introduce the acts, but Franken said he had written a part for me that he thought would be funny, and I agreed to play along.
When I saw the script, Franken had written a moment when his character comes at me for a ‘kiss’. I suspected what he was after, but I figured I could turn my head at the last minute, or put my hand over his mouth, to get more laughs from the crowd.
On the day of the show Franken and I were alone backstage going over our lines one last time. He said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him. Then he said it again. I said something like, ‘Relax Al, this isn’t SNL…we don’t need to rehearse the kiss.’
He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable.
He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.
I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.
I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.
I felt disgusted and violated.
Not long after, I performed the skit as written, carefully turning my head so he couldn’t kiss me on the lips.
No one saw what happened backstage. I didn’t tell the Sergeant Major of the Army, who was the sponsor of the tour. I didn’t tell our USO rep what happened.
At the time I didn’t want to cause trouble. We were in the middle of a war zone, it was the first show of our Holiday tour, I was a professional, and I could take care of myself. I told a few of the others on the tour what Franken had done and they knew how I felt about it.
I tried to let it go, but I was angry.
Other than our dialogue on stage, I never had a voluntary conversation with Al Franken again. I avoided him as much as possible and made sure I was never alone with him again for the rest of the tour.
Franken repaid me with petty insults, including drawing devil horns on at least one of the headshots I was autographing for the troops.
But he didn’t stop there.
The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.
It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:
I couldn’t believe it. He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep.
I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated.
How dare anyone grab my breasts like this and think it’s funny?
I told my husband everything that happened and showed him the picture.
I wanted to shout my story to the world with a megaphone to anyone who would listen, but even as angry as I was, I was worried about the potential backlash and damage going public might have on my career as a broadcaster.
But that was then, this is now. I’m no longer afraid.
Today, I am the news anchor on McIntyre in the Morning on KABC Radio in Los Angeles. My colleagues are some of the most supportive people I’ve ever worked with in my career. Like everyone in the media, we’ve been reporting on the Harvey Weinstein sexual misconduct allegations since they broke, and the flood of similar stories that have come out about others.
A few weeks ago, we had California Congresswoman Jackie Speier on the show and she told us her story of being sexually assaulted when she was a young Congressional aide. She described how a powerful man in the office where she worked ‘held her face, kissed her and stuck his tongue in her mouth.’
At that moment, I thought to myself, Al Franken did that exact same thing to me.
I had locked up those memories of helplessness and violation for a long time, but they all came rushing back to me and my hands clinched into fists like it was yesterday.I’m still angry at what Al Franken did to me.
Every time I hear his voice or see his face, I am angry. I am angry that I did his stupid skit for the rest of that tour. I am angry that I didn’t call him out in front of everyone when I had the microphone in my hand every night after that. I wanted to. But I didn’t want to rock the boat. I was there to entertain the troops and make sure they forgot about where they were for a few hours. Someday, I thought to myself, I would tell my story.
That day is now.
Senator Franken, you wrote the script. But there’s nothing funny about sexual assault.
You wrote the scene that would include you kissing me and then relentlessly badgered me into ‘rehearsing’ the kiss with you backstage when we were alone.You knew exactly what you were doing. You forcibly kissed me without my consent, grabbed my breasts while I was sleeping and had someone take a photo of you doing it, knowing I would see it later, and be ashamed.
While debating whether or not to go public, I even thought to myself, so much worse has happened to so many others, maybe my story isn’t worth telling? But my story is worth telling.
Not just because 2017 is not 2006, or because I am much more secure in my career now than I was then, and not because I’m still angry.
I’m telling my story because there may be others.
I want to have the same effect on them that Congresswoman Jackie Speier had on me. I want them, and all the other victims of sexual assault, to be able to speak out immediately, and not keep their stories –and their anger– locked up inside for years, or decades.
I want the days of silence to be over forever.
Leeann Tweeden is morning news anchor on TalkRadio 790 KABC in Los Angeles
This is quite the powerful testimony backed up with a photo of Al Franken LITERALLY groping her chest while she was sleeping! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS "MAN"??!!! In an (Illegal) War Zone and as an ADULT looking to run for Senator/President, what kind of DISTURBING behavior is this??!! And TAKING A PHOTO ON HER CAMERA???!! This is the same woman allegedly assaulted by Al… #TheResignationWasAForgoneConclusion
Summary and Conclusions
If you have been wondering why I haven't made a video in quite a while, it was partly because of the hectic Christmas/New Year's break but MAINLY because of the non-stop interruptions and/or sidequests that have arisen while researching #PizzaGate Part 32. Nonetheless, here is a summary of the MES vs. Reddit r/Conspiracy Ban Saga, its resolution, and the Tamera Luzzatto rabbit hole deepening!
*MES vs. Reddit r/Conspiracy Ban Saga and its Resolution8
- I was banned last week right after my Tamera Luzzatto BOMBSHELL post went viral on Reddit's r/Conspiracy.
- I had initially thought it was just #Censorship for pushing the Luzzatto rabbit hole, especially since Luzzatto was the name avoided by EVERY mainstream outlet even when "debunking" #PizzaGate.
- I then took to social media and trashed Reddit's r/Conspiracy against what I perceived as Censorship on the assumption I wasn't going to get unbanned.
- Fortunately my very own QAnon worked behind the scenes to get all parties involved to discuss the ban, which I then learned was due to the newly implemented "Rule 13" and Reddit Guidelines of "Self-Promotion".
-- Rule 13 involves implementing a Submission Statement with each link/image post to clarify why you are posting what you are posting.
-- My case differs with regular Reddit "Self-Promotion" guidelines in that I create my own posts deliberately FOR forums such as r/Conspiracy. And usually my posts go viral! - Luckily we were able to all gain a mutual understanding, I apologized to the Moderator that I pissed off with my Twitter rage tweet, and now I'm unbanned! :)
The BIG Picture: Website Traffic
- Reddit gets over 1.5 BILLION monthly visits, about 200 times more than Voat's 6.6 million visits. #WOW #Monopoly
- Reddit's r/Conspiracy has over 500,000+ subscribers, likely making it the largest "Conspiracy" forum in the world!
- Voat's v/Conspiracy has 28,000+ subscribers; about 20 times less than Reddit's! But interesting how it's only 20 times less instead of 200 times, suggesting that users are moving towards Voat for more "controversial" topics…. #Interesting
- Thus it doesn't matter if you "like" a given outlet or not, MANY people are still going to be there whether you are or not.
- Also neither of these forums actively promote the most important and blatant "conspiracy" which is the real truth of 9/11, #FreeEnergy, thus both are by default "controlled" in my humble opinion.
Follow my r/ConspiracyMES subreddit and v/ConspiracyMES subverse!!
- I created my very own Reddit r/ConspiracyMES and v/ConspiracyMES right after I was banned from r/Conspiracy because I didn't think I was going to get unbanned.
- And even though I got unbanned on r/Conspiracy, I still considered them as controlled opposition for simply not making 9/11 and #FreeEnergy as THE centerpiece of the entire forum.
- Also, I disagree entirely with the general trivializing the VERY Real Global World Conspiracy as the typical "conspiracy theories" nonsense. We are enslaved so we have to call it like it is.
- Thus my ConspiracyMES forums are what "conspiracy" forums should be!
- Moderating my own forum gives me the power to call out trolls/bots and block them! #SuperPowers
- Follow my new r/ConspiracyMES subreddit:
- Also Follow my new v/ConspiracyMES subverse:
- Post any bombshell info or leads you can find!!
MES T-Shirts???
- #Yes #WorkingOnIt ;)
Symbolism, Symbolism, Symbolism, and MORE Symbolism
- Even without looking at symbolism, it is clear that the coverup of 9/11 in all aspects of life proves that just about EVERYTHING is controlled either intentionally OR NOT. And the CIA/NSA/NWO Global surveillance grid means that if you are a person of influence and you search online about 9/11 and Dr. Judy Wood, it wouldn't take long for those almost certainly FLAGGED keywords to raise alarm bells BEFORE you even have a grasp on what it is you are embarking on! #AbolishTheCIA
- That being said, even Voat, the censorship-resistant "alternative" fall in this category of being "controlled". While it is a small site now, don't you believe for one second that it wouldn't be just another Reddit if it got too big.
- After all, Voat does have triangle/pyramid logos and a GOAT (cough Baphomet cough) as the Official Mascot…. So yeah… there's that LOL
- "NWO Symbolism" ALWAYS arises!
- Voat, Goat, "Sabbatic Goat", Baphomet
- Reddit's "Snoo" mascot is an alien but besides that I can't see any other symbolism in particular. The antenna is the "3rd eye"?? #AlienLogoIsGoodEnough
Recap on when I got banned from r/911Truth and censored on Twitter for sharing the actual truth of 9/11: #FreeEnergy
- Recall from #911Truth Part 3 that I was bombarded by an advanced AI Troll/Bot (or mildly paid disinfo agent) because I made TWO posts about the REAL 9/11 Truth, Dr. Judy Wood, and #FreeEnergy!
- Reddit's response to me responding to this pathetic troll AND reporting him/her/it to the Reddit Moderators? Banning BOTH of us from r/911Truth!!! WTF! #Disgusting
- The moderator, SovereignMan, that banned me from r/911Truth after posting just TWICE about 9/11 and #FreeEnergy just so happens to have been a moderator for r/Conspiracy as well!
- Also recall from #911Truth Part 2 that my tweet about Dr. Judy Wood was disapproved from Twitter Ads.
- Recall from #911Truth Part 5 that my entire Twitter Advertising Account has now been disabled.
- Recall from my EPIC 10,000+ Subscribers Recap video that even my Twitter Analytics Account has been disabled, again because of #911Truth
- Follow my r/911TruthMES and v/911TruthMES forums and discuss the REAL truth of 9/11 without the censorship and trolls as in the government controlled forums on Reddit and Voat!
My Experience with Censorship has made me HYPERSENSTIVE to any perceived Censorship!
-- Banned from r/911Truth and by a former r/Conspiracy moderator.
-- My Twitters Ads and Analytics accounts disabled.
-- r/PizzaGate was banned when I first got interested in researching "conspiracies".
-- YouTube Demonetizes and Censors nearly ALL of my "controversial" videos.
-- And MUCH more.My experience with #Censorship is EXENSTIVE:- And given that a former r/Conspiracy moderator banned me from r/911Truth for telling the truth of 9/11 (#FreeEnergy), and whose comment history shows deliberate attempts to discredit anyone sharing Dr. Judy Wood's brilliant work, AS WELL the fact that the Tamera Luzzatto rabbit hole is literally not for the faint of heart, I don't think it was too unreasonable for me assuming right away it was censorship as usual when I got banned from r/Conspiracy.
The Tamera Luzzatto Rabbit Hole Deepens…
- While the r/Conspiracy Ban Saga was pretty taxing on all parties involved, what I did learn was that the Tamera Luzzatto rabbit hole is even MORE disturbing than previously thought…
- Here is the BOMBSHELL Tweet Thread that went viral on Reddit:
-- DC Power Broker and Former Chief of Staff to a Rockefeller AND Hillary Clinton, Tamera Luzzatto, literally emailed another group of powerful DC Players, including John "Dominos on Cheese" Podesta, about "transporting" little children to an adult pool party for "entertainment" and specifying the children's ages.
-- Tamera Luzzatto and the 3 children mentioned in the disturbing pool entertainment email also make an appearance on an extremely disturbing "Evie's Crib" blog dedicated entirely to babies…
-- Fake News New York Times, Snopes, BBC, Wikipedia, and the entire MSM won't dare even MENTION this email, not even in their #PizzaGate "Debunking" garbage articles. -- The owners of Evie's Crib are friends with the owners of another extremely disturbing "Jack's Place" blog and which is also dedicated entirely to babies! #WTF - After the post went viral users commented on some other potentially BOMBSHELL leads to further deepen the Luzzatto rabbit hole! Some of these potential leads are listed below:
-- Also Evie is referenced as being a future addition to the visits to the infamous farm mentioned in the infamous pool entertainment email.
-- Evie's Crib has some VERY disturbing tags such as Baby Ambien (Sedative), Tranquilizers, and Parental Manipulation! #TheseAreNotNormalParents #TheseAreNotFunnyJokesOnAPUBLICForum -- The Luzzatto family tree may extend to some very powerful Occult lineages… #VeryInteresting #StayTuned
SIDEQUEST:, Health on the Net Foundation (HON), and Baphomet
- serves as a mainstream narrative of medicine and lists Ambien as a dangerous drug FOR CHILDREN!!!
- is certified by the Health on the Net Foundation (HON), which itself is closely linked to the World Health Organization (WHO).
- All of these "Globalist" UNELECTED NWO organizations have the typical Snake/Serpent on a Rod/Staff symbolism; which is also located in Baphomet's pants… #HisRodIsEverywhere
Tamera Luzzatto gives high praise to Big Shot Democrat Al "Groping/Alleged Assaulter" Franken…. #BoycottPolitics #BoycottGovernment**
- Tamera Luzzatto literally not doing herself any favors by tweeting praise for her "Cherished Friend" Al Franken after he resigned from the Senate for allegedly assaulting multiple women, and a photo of him surfaces of him LITERALLY groping a woman's chest while both were in the Middle East giving support to the troops fighting in an ILLEGAL "War", or better known as Ritualistic Mass Sacrifice.
- Al Franken is just another in the long line of sexually defiant politicians, and given the amount of human lives are due to the pure evil laws and wars passed by these "politicians", the reality that politicians are given positions of power because they are moralless psychopaths becomes more and more apparent each time a new "scandal" resurfaces. #BoycottGovernment
Anyways this video was a bit all over the place, but I felt it needed to be made almost as a real-time biography of my journey into the rabbit hole that is life. The ban/unbanned saga with r/Conspiracy was a truly bizarre set of events but it has given me more reason to create my own forums to avoid possible future censorship; as well as to show people what "conspiracy" forums are supposed to be! Also this saga has opened up some more avenues of research into the Luzzatto family, so stay tuned for future parts as I will be diving deeper!
allegedly had "Cheese Pizza" on their Computer Server…#PIZZAGATE UPDATE: As explained in my 10,000+ Subscribers Recap Video, Comet Ping Pong
Last year, a person claimed to have hacked Comet Ping Pong's website to bypass the password protected section, and found "Cheese Pizza", aka CP aka Child Pornography, on the computer server and what may have been a Checkout section where users can buy CP with bitcoin… These are some serious claims, and I managed to talk to the alleged hacker on the phone and he forwarded me the email exchange between him and the Washington DC Police. He claims that he called the DC Police, walked them through how to access the CPP website's protected section, and showed them the CP, and that they were going to investigate it further but they never did… The email exchange suggests this is the case as well.
MES Note: There are very stringent laws against accessing or downloading CP, even for the purpose of reporting to the police, thus the hacker had to walk the police through how to access the website.
I will be covering these BOMBSHELL claims in my later #PizzaGate videos, so stay tuned!
The hacker's first public appearance was during a monumental live stream interview with Titus Frost, and I highly recommend everyone listen to it! Anyone that pushes #PizzaGate but doesn't tell you about the alleged hacker and interview with Titus Frost is someone you should think twice about what their motives are…
Retrieved: 30 November 2017
That is one of the email exchanges that the hacker forwarded to me…
Retrieved: 30 November 2017
Titus Frost, on his backup channel Dean Fougere because of the typical YouTube/CIA/NWO censorship, showed a recent phone recording of the hacker and Washington DC Police trying to get answers why the DC Police never investigated CPP further, and you can see a clear walk-around by the DC Police… #Pathetic… More on this in my later videos!
I believe that the alleged hacking of CPP to show concrete evidence of a crime by the surprisingly powerful James Alefantis might just be the main reason for both the fake news MSM literally doing a trial by media discouraging any actual police investigation, and why Disinfo Agent Alex Jones had to be reeled in from his usually loud mouth nonsense… Comet Ping Pong, if an actual investigation were to take place, might actually have meant that the United States Government may have to fall…
Stay Tuned for #PizzaGate Part 33…
Watch the rest of my ongoing #PizzaGate Video Series:
r/911truth is flooded by AI/Human paid trolls which only reacts at the "free-energy"/"JudyWood" words, it provides me a lot of fun
Yup! Wonder what they think of the Hurricane Erin being steered on 9/11... #NotACoincidence
Hey its you! I have talked to you on reddit and twitter. I followed you on twitter years ago for the maths ;)
Anyway I'm on steemit now good to see you here.
hahaha everything is maths! And Welcome aboard!