🍕#PizzaGate Part 11: "Fake News", Search Trends, &, #NationalPizzaDay

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

In #PizzaGate Part 11, I go over some very important recent developments that have been going on in the news, namely the following:

  1. PizzaGate Search Trends
  2. DHS Blue Campaign PizzaGate Reference
  3. Jeff Sessions Sworn In As Attorney General
  4. Donald Trump’s Executive Order Regarding Human Trafficking
  5. National Pizza Day

In terms of the Google Search trends regarding PizzaGate, I have an ongoing theory that “fake news” was manufactured to cover-up PizzaGate. The fact that the Google Search trends suggest this raises the possibility that this is factual. But while this may be true, I illustrate some very important points double checking the search trends through using other terms and taking into account the day or time of the trends. This is because you may be fooled into making false or misleading conclusions, as I did recently when I posted to Voat.co, but luckily a user commented showing me my mistake. This also illustrates the importance of reading criticism from viewers in order to rule out unlikely scenarios, and be left with only the truth. Also, I show how spikes in "fake news" occurs with such instances as the "Golden Shower" fake dossier and Chris Cuomo equating being called "fake news" the same as the ""N-Word"".

Another update I cover is the Department of Homeland Security’s “Take a Second Look” campaign ad against human trafficking. While I covered this in Part 10, I just realized that there was an even more blatant “Pizza” + “Gate” reference in once clip of the video, which also includes a girl that appears Haitian.

The most important update that I cover is the recent Jeff Sessions being sworn in as Attorney General on February 9, 2017. What makes this interesting is that in December at a rally in Alabama, Donald Trump alludes to politicians being bribed with “something else” other than money, and that Jeff Sessions will “catch” these politicians. Many in the #PizzaGate community believe that Trump knows all about the alleged pedophilia going on in the elites, and this “something else” might in fact involve politicians being involved in human trafficking and/or pedophilia.

Now to make the coincidences even crazier, immediately after Jeff Sessions was sworn in, Donald Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) titled “Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking”. This EO requires Jeff Sessions to comply a report on the extent in which transnational criminal organizations are involved in the United States through drug and human trafficking. This EO was signed on February 9th.

If you thought the coincidences were done, you were wrong. February 9th just so happens to be the National Pizza Day in the United States…. YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP… #RealityIsStrangerThanFiction

Stay Tuned For #PizzaGate Part 12…

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ALL PARTS: https://mes.fm/pizzagate

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#PizzaGate Part 8: McCann Case: Clement Freud:
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#PizzaGate Part 6: McCann Case: Yvonne Martin Statements:
#PizzaGate Part 5: McCann Case: Gaspar Statements:

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The tattoos came off of grindr user.



Oh Jimmycomet... how is not in jail speaks volumes about the current state of our world...

In #PizzaGate Part 11, I show the ridiculous amount of coincidences surrounding Jeff Sessions and #NationalPizzaDay

View Video Notes on Steemit: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@mes/video-notes-pizzagate-part-11-fake-news-search-trends-jeff-sessions-nationalpizzaday-and-more

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