🍕#PizzaGate Part 26: Is David Brock Controlled by Hillary Clinton?

in #pizzagate • 8 years ago (edited)

#PizzaGate Part 26 David Brock Overview.jpeg


In #PizzaGate Part 26 I provide an overview of the background to the infamous online internet media watchdog David Brock in order to obtain some context about his life and career. This is because, after David Seaman posted a $1000 contest for anyone finding the most damaging and credible information on David Brock, I got interested in researching more into Brock. Since David Brock has dated the infamous James “jimmycomet” Alefantis, the surprisingly powerful and well-connected Comet Ping Pong “pizza” shop owner, and since Brock is behind many of the billionaire backed media groups such as Media Matters for America (MMA) and Correct The Record (CTR) that have attacked many #PizzaGate researchers, we may be able to find some interesting leads about David Brock. But please keep in-mind that, at the moment, any negative connotations that connections between Brock and #PizzaGate are to be viewed as speculative until further leads are explored.

David Brock’s background is a very bizarre one, as he started out as a liberal in college, but became conservative due to college liberal intolerance. He than wrote several widely circulated articles about the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas scandal, as well as the Troopergate scandal implicating former Arkansas governor Bill Clinton of using his power to get law enforcement to facilitate multiple affairs over many years with random women, some of which have sued Bill for harassment. Brock obtained famed from notoriety from these articles and was even offered $1 million in advance to write a book that was supposed to expose Hillary Clinton’s alleged crimes. But during writing of the book, he had a “sudden” change of heart, wrote the book sympathetic to Hillary, disavowed his previous attacks against the Clintons (but never denied their accuracy), and became the Clintons biggest champion and defender! But given the many “random” deaths of people getting in the way of the Clintons, it is my opinion that Brock likely didn’t want to suffer a similar fate…

I also go over Brock’s strange lawsuit and breakup with his former longtime boyfriend William Grey, in which Brock claimed he was blackmailed by Grey and ended up paying Grey $850,000 to keep quiet! The lawsuit surrounded a home they shared together but which after Brock sold his house, which was demolished months after, countersued to get his money back, eventually settling in a confidential agreement.

Also interesting to note is that Andrew Breitbart tweeted up a storm on February 27, 2012 about the Brock-Grey blackmail lawsuit, and “coincidentally” was 3 days before his eventual “heart attack” on March 1, 2012. David Brock has also had a “heart attack” this year but is expected to recover. This video serves as a background to help connect some of the dots so please let me know if you have any leads and I will mention you if I win the contest!

Also in this video, I offer some commentary on “shills”, update to the DC map illuminati symbolism, as well as briefly talk about the sad saga of Kurt Eichenwald and his now revealed “Japanese tentacle” obsession…

Stay Tuned for #PizzaGate Part 27…

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Recap on Previous Parts

Parts 1, 4-10, 25: Madeleine McCann Case / Podesta / Pedophilia Connections
Part 2, 3: ACORN Controversy
Part 7: Conspiracy Advice for Online Researchers.
Part 11: National Pizza Day Strange Coincidences
Part 12: FBI Document on Pedophilia Symbols and Logos
Part 13, 14: Mindset and Tactics of Pedophiles
Part 15, 17: Kurt Eichenwald is Above the Law
Part 16: Alex Jones has dirt on Bill Clinton
Part 18: Vault 7 Year Zero makes blackmail ease.
Part 19: Memetics and Meme Warfare
Part 20: BLogo / LBLogo / GLogo / CLogo Origins
Part 23: Pedophilia Normalization
Part 24: Misleading "PizzaGate" Search Trends
ALL Parts: #PizzaGate Updated + Media Cover-Up and/or Silence

View All Videos: https://mes.fm/pizzagate-voat

#PizzaGate Part 26

Topics to Cover

  1. Important Note on "Shills"
  2. PizzaGate Updates
  3. David Seaman "Deep Contest 2"
  4. Overview of David Brock

Important Note on "Shills"

Many people have commented stating that George Webb, Alex Jones, David Icke, David Seaman, Donald Trump, and many others (and even Bitcoin) are "controlled opposition" or part of the "NWO", etc., and that I shouldn't share their posts…

Whether they are or not, their audience is made up of people desperately seeking the truth that the fakestream mainstream are covering up.

Thus, I try to avoid speculation as to who is or who isn't a "shill", but rather just focus on specific facts or topics that I agree with them, even though I don't agree with everything they do.

Heck even Defango did a hit piece on me claiming that I cheated on an alien math exam….. HAHAHAHAHA I am not joking… but I still wouldn't go as far as calling him a "shill" or "disinfo agent".

Archive: https://archive.is/LN6R7

In my video above I go over the video that Defango made about my earlier video which is shown in his video being shown in my video above…. # VIDEOCEPTION

For example, I disagree with nearly everything the super-rich Rothschilds do, but sometimes we can find areas of agreement:

Archive: https://archive.is/MSSTL

That is actually Lynn de Rothschild's Twitter account!!

http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/322318-hillary-coming-to-terms-with-her-new-life Archive: https://archive.is/qie7c


Late last month, Lynn de Rothschild, a donor and friend of Clinton’s, took to Twitter to blast campaign chairman John Podesta for the defeat.

“HRC lost because you ran an arrogant out of touch campaign,” she wrote, before calling him a loser.

Also it is important to understand that as alternative media outlets get bigger followings, the level of attacks, threats, bribes, disinformation campaigns, infiltration, and even possibly mind control aimed at them gets exponentially greater.

This is especially true when they dare touch upon topics that affect the power structure a bit too closely, such as mentioning the work of Dr. Judy Wood on 9/11… (Follow my # 911Truth video series!)

Thus it is important not to "trust" anyone but rather focus on facts you can prove, and arguments you can easily replicate to others.

That is why I make these videos as detailed and well sourced as they are, because I don't want people to "believe" or "trust" what I am saying is true, but rather see the sources and references within those sources in both video, PDF, and article format on Steemit, which then you can pick out any source you want to share with others.

But also in case I get some sort of Psychological Operation aimed at me in the future, make sure to periodically double check that my sources and arguments align with the summary and conclusions at the end of each video! # MESPsyOp

PizzaGate Updates

Hashtag Poll Results:

Archive: https://archive.is/gfiV3

Looks like the majority want me to either keep hashtagging or hashtag even more!! Hahahaha #ThePeopleGetWhatThePeopleWant

More Illuminati Symbolism on Washington DC??!!

Recall from #PizzaGate Part 19:

Retrieved: 19 June 2017
https://www.google.ca/maps/@38.9040235,-77.0378944,15.46z Archive: https://archive.is/IwfQZ


Retrieved: 19 June 2017
https://www.google.ca/maps/@38.8988149,-77.0311549,15z Archive: https://archive.is/u58vB

But in fact I realized that the owl is standing on-top of another pyramid!!

Retrieved: 19 June 2017
https://www.google.ca/maps/@38.8908297,-77.0231106,15.64z Archive: https://archive.is/sQzdu

Now looking at it in 3D gives it a better view of them together.

Retrieved: 19 June 2017
Archive: Can't seem to be able to archive 3D Google Maps… hmmm Let me know if you know a way!https://www.google.ca/maps/@38.8719298,-77.0272088,3198a,35y,38.74t/data=!3m1!1e3

Play around with the map and let me know other strange symbolism you find!!

The Sad Case of Kurt Eichenwald gets sadder and sadder (and more bizarre)…

Recall from #PizzaGate Parts 15 & 17 that I showed proof that Kurt Eichenwald paid for the production of and viewing of child pornography, as well as lying in court, both of which he should be prosecuted and serve jail time.

Annnndd Kurt is now caught with "tentacle" porn??!! # WTF


Oh boy…

Senior Newsweek writer and MSNBC contributor Kurt Eichenwald was caught red handed Wednesday night after posting a screenshot to Twitter which happened to include several open tabs in his browser...

MES Note:

Archive: https://archive.is/ypMJE

Users on 4chan noticed the tabs immediately and ENHANCED

And what did that lead to? Why - Japanese tentacle porn (Hentai)!

Kurt's response

"I was looking up tentacle porn with my kid in order to prove to my wife it exists..."

MES Note:

Archive: https://archive.is/1tPfr

Tucker's on the case…

Tucker Carlson, who presided over Eichenwald's "self immolation" last december as a guest of Tucker Carlson Tonight, couldn't resist covering the latest in the saga of Kurt Eichenwald.

"Well of course! Just another afternoon of surfing the internet for hardcore porn with your kids!" -Tucker


HAHAHAHAHA…. Need more proof that the elites have major issues and make sure to also put people in positions of power or influence that have some bizarre psychological issues?? # YouCantMakeThisStuffUp

Kurt Eichenwald PsyOp???!! #EverythingIsAPsyop

I wouldn't put it past the CIA to possibly use the bipartisan punching bag and laughing stock Kurt Eichenwald as a Psychological Operation to introduce even more bizarre pornography to the public spotlight, i.e. Ideological Subversion.

This may sound far-fetched but again keep in mind that from #PizzaGate Parts 15 & 17, Kurt should be in jail for child pornography; so a quick email from a CIA operative with instructions on keeping a tab open and taking a screenshot is all that it would take.

It also adds to the non-stop mainstream media distraction machine from real issues affecting everyday people.

Archive: https://archive.is/kB87H

HAHAHAHAHAHA at least this Kurt saga provides material for some solid joke material!

PizzaGate Search Trends




As explained in #PizzaGate Part 24, the Google AdWords Keyword Planner search tool provides a more accurate search trends because they show "exact" search results and advertisers spend billions based on the results of the Keyword Planner.

As can be seen, "pizzagate" is dropping off of "fake news" so we have to start picking up the slack!!

David Seaman puts out a contest to find dirt on David Brock!**

Archive: https://archive.is/0vG0Q

David Seaman issued a contest to reward anyone that produces the most damning and credible evidence of wrong doing by David Brock!

The rewards include:

  • Free Trip and accommodation to Downtown Denver, Colorado
  • Interview with David Seaman that gets posted on his YouTube channel that has 150,000+ subscribers.
  • Outline the claims against David Brock in the interview
  • $1000 in either USD, Gold, or Bitcoin

Contest Conditions:

  • Preferred submission type is a YouTube video 5 minutes or less guiding through the findings.
    § Steemit, Medium, Blogspot, etc. also accepted.
  • Include "Deep Contest 2" in the video

Send submissions to: [email protected]

The contest ends on August 1, 2017

I will be researching into David Brock to try to win the contest!

Time for a mini-contest of my own!!

If you have some interesting findings about David Brock please let me know and I will include them in my research.

And if I win the contest, I will give shout-outs to each person that gave me some good leads!


Overview of David Brock


Please note that in my #PizzaGate series thus far that when targeting specific people, my videos have pointed out links to pedophilia and/or corruption either directly or indirectly.

But for this particular video on David Brock, I am providing an overview of his background that will help to lay the groundwork in building up possible leads of criminal activity on his part.

Since David Brock has dated the now infamous James Alefantis, and David being almost certainly directly tied into the many character assassinations of people researching into #PizzaGate through his many media watchdog groups (such as Media Matters), I believe it is important to research into David Brock.

But it is also understood that attaching the #PizzaGate label is very damaging to people's character, thus for this particular video please view the connection of David Brock to any of the negative connotations of #PizzaGate as speculative.

Thus I am making this disclaimer to clearly state that thus far there is no concrete evidence or concrete circumstantial evidence, that I am aware of, that ties David Brock to pedophilia or similar corruption, but please comment below any leads that you may have!

In the words of Ed from The Outer Dark and The Outer Light YouTube Channels, #FirstSomeContext

Retrieved: 15 June 2017
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Brock Archive: https://archive.is/0ywRk

David Brock

David Brock (born November 2, 1962) is an American liberal / progressive political operative, author, and commentator who founded the media watchdog group Media Matters for America.[1] He has been described by Time as "one of the most influential operatives in the Democratic Party."[2]

Brock began his career as a right-wing investigative reporter during the 1990s[3] who wrote the book The Real Anita Hill and the Troopergate story, which led to Paula Jones filing a lawsuit against Bill Clinton. In the late 1990s he switched sides, aligning himself with the Democratic Party, and in particular with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

In 2004, he founded Media Matters for America, a non-profit organization that describes itself as a "progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media."[4] He has since also founded super PACs called American Bridge 21st Century and Correct the Record, has become a board member of the super PAC Priorities USA Action, and has been elected chairman of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).[5][6]

The Nation has described Brock as a "conservative journalistic assassin turned progressive empire-builder;"[6] National Review has called him a "right-wing assassin turned left-wing assassin;"[7] and Politico has profiled him as a "former right-wing journalist-turned-pro-Clinton crusader."[5]Brock is a prominent proponent of astroturfing.

Retrieved: 15 June 2017
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing Archive: https://archive.is/Ri3yI


Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by a grassroots participant(s). It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection.

Early life and education[edit]

Brock was born in Washington, D.C., and was adopted by Dorothea and Raymond Brock.[8] He has a younger sister, Regina. Brock was raised Catholic.


Brock attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he worked as a reporter and editor for The Daily Californian, the campus newspaper. Brock arrived at college as a liberal Democrat, but at Berkeley he was "repelled by the culture of doctrinaire leftism" and turned to the political right.[6] The turning point came with a column he wrote for The Daily Californian, which supported the US invasion of Grenada, and led to demands he resign from the newspaper staff. "I thought it was McCarthyism of the left," Brock later said. "I thought it was extremely intolerant."[9] He then founded a neoconservative weekly, the Berkeley Journal.[6]

He graduated from Berkeley with a B.A. in history in 1985.


Conservative journalism[edit]

While he was at Berkeley, Brock published an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal entitled “Combating Those Campus Marxists.”


The Real Anita Hill[edit]
Main article: The Real Anita Hill

In March 1992, The American Spectator published a 17,000-word article in which Brock challenged the claims of Anita Hill, who had accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. Shortly thereafter Brock became a full-time staff member at that publication.


Main article: Troopergate (Bill Clinton)

In the January 1994, issue of The American Spectator, Brock, by then on staff at the magazine, published a story about Bill Clinton's time as governor of Arkansas that made accusations that bred Troopergate.[3] Among other things, the story contained the first printed reference to Paula Jones, referring to a woman named "Paula" who state troopers said offered to be Clinton's partner.[3] Jones called Brock's account of her encounter with Clinton "totally wrong," and she later sued Clinton for sexual harassment, a case that became entangled in the independent counsel's investigation of the Whitewater controversy, and set in motion a series of developments that led to the exposure of Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky and, ultimately, to Clinton's impeachment trial.[6] The story received an award later that year from Joseph Farah's Western Journalism Center, and was partially responsible for a rise in the magazine's circulation.[11]

The Seduction of Hillary Rodham[edit]
Main article: The Seduction of Hillary Rodham

After the success of The Real Anita Hill, The Free Press paid Brock a $550,000 advance to write a book about Hillary Clinton. The expectation was that it would be a takedown in the style of his writings on Anita Hill and Bill Clinton. The project, however, took a different turn, and the resulting book, The Seduction of Hillary Rodham, proved to be largely sympathetic to Mrs. Clinton. Having received a $1 million advance and a tight one-year deadline from Simon & Schuster's then-conservative-focused Free Press subsidiary, Brock was under tremendous pressure to produce another bestseller. However, the book contained no major scoops. In Blinded by the Right (2002), Brock said that he had reached a turning point: he had thoroughly examined charges against the Clintons, could not find any evidence of wrongdoing and did not want to make any more misleading claims. Brock further said that his former friends in right-wing politics shunned him because Seduction did not adequately attack the Clintons. National Review proposed another theory: since "no liberal source in the world would talk to Brock," he could not collect the kind of information he was after. National Review also suggested that while writing the book, Brock had been "seduced" by Sidney Blumenthal, a prominent champion and friend of the Clinton circle.[12][13]

When the book came out, it was widely criticized for not breaking any new ground.


The book sold very poorly. A deal to excerpt it in Newsweek fell through because the news magazine's editors decided that it contained nothing new or exciting. The publisher lost millions of dollars and Brock's editor, Adam Bellow, was fired.[16]

Changing sides[edit]

In July 1997, Brock published a confessional piece in Esquire magazine titled "Confessions of a Right-Wing Hit Man" in which he recanted much of what he said in his two best-known American Spectator articles and criticized his own reporting methods.[17][18] Discouraged at the reaction his Hillary Clinton biography received, he said, "I ... want out. David Brock the Road Warrior of the Right is dead." Four months later, The American Spectator declined to renew his employment contract, under which he was being paid over $300,000 per year.

Writing again for Esquire in April 1998, Brock apologized to Clinton for his muckraking journalism about Troopergate.[3][19][20]

In 2001 Brock accused one of his former sources, Terry Wooten, of leaking FBI files for use in his book about Anita Hill. Brock defended his betrayal of a confidential source by saying, "I've concluded that what I was involved in wasn't journalism, it was a political operation, and I was part of it.... So I don't think the normal rules of journalism would apply to what I was doing."[21]

MES Note: David Brock forgetting the definition of journalism…

Archive: https://archive.is/dHQmp

Blinded by the Right[edit]
Main article: Blinded by the Right

In 2002 Brock published Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative. In this book, an "outgrowth" of Confessions of a Right-Wing Hit Man, Brock charted what the Daily Beast called his "remarkable metamorphosis to ardent acolyte from sworn enemy of Bill and Hillary Clinton."[4] Brock apologized for his attacks on the Clintons and Anita Hill and claimed that he had now risen above character assassination. He wrote that he had been "a mad dog, an emotional monster," "a whore for the cash," "a Jew in Hitler’s army," and "a witting cog in the Republican sleaze machine," and asserted that he hadn't known "what good reporting was."[4]


[Christopher] Hitchens responded with disgust, for example, to Brock's "coarse attack" in the book on Juanita Broaddrick, who had accused Bill Clinton of rape. Hitchens was particularly harsh, stating that rather than fact-checking, "Instead, he [Brock] inserts a completely gratuitous slander against a decent woman."[23]

Many readers on the left, however, greeted the book with enthusiasm, and eagerly welcomed Brock. This was especially true of the Clintons. Shortly after the book's publication, Bill Clinton phoned Brock at home and praised it lavishly. Later, according to Politico, "Brock was invited to the former president's Harlem office where he was shocked to discover Clinton had purchased dozens of copies — and stuffed them into a big cabinet." Clinton, it turned out, was mailing them to friends across the country.[5]Clinton "insisted" that Brock contact his speaking agent and give talks around the country attacking conservatives.[24] According to The Nation, Democratic donors "loved Brock's conversion story, particularly since he’d been inside the machine they hoped to replicate."[6] Brock's book is seen as having propelled him into a favorable position among the Democratic Party establishment.[4]

The Republican Noise Machine[edit]
Main article: The Republican Noise Machine

Brock directly addressed the right-wing "machine" in his 2004 book, The Republican Noise Machine, in which he detailed an alleged interconnected, concerted effort to raise the profile of conservative opinions in the press through false accusations of liberal media bias, dishonest and highly partisan columnists, partisan news organizations and academic studies, and other methods.

MES Note: I thought liberal mainstream media bias was widely accepted as fact??


Media Matters for America[edit]
Main article: Media Matters for America

In 2004, Brock founded the progressive media watchdog group Media Matters for America (MMA) which describes itself as being “dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.”[26]

MES Note: The use of the term MMA, similar to Mixed Martial Arts, is not a coincidence… #InformationWar


In 2011, Brock vowed to wage "guerrilla warfare and sabotage" against Fox News.[29] The New York Times, in 2008 profile of MMA, called it "a highly partisan research organization." The Times quoted Democratic operative James Carville as saying that MMA was "more effective than any single entity" on the left. Pollster Frank Luntz called MMA "one of the most destructive organizations associated with American politics today."[30]

When Brock proposed the idea of Media Matters, Hillary Clinton invited him to the Clintons' Chappaqua home to pitch the idea to potential donors.[24] MMA, according to a 2015 article in The Daily Beast, "operates from a posh Washington office space with a multi-million-dollar budget and nearly 100 employees."[4] In 2014, The Nation stated that "Brock, in partnership with fundraiser Mary Pat Bonner—often described as his secret weapon—has turned out to be unparalleled at maintaining rich liberals' loyalty and support."


American Bridge 21st century[edit]
Main article: American Bridge 21st Century

Brock announced in 2010 that he was forming a Super PAC, American Bridge 21st Century, to help elect liberal Democrats, starting with the 2012 election cycle.[33] In 2011, Brock founded the PAC, which seeks "to track every utterance of every major GOP candidate."

Archive: https://archive.is/kAKD9

Archive: https://archive.is/qqVLz

Mike Cernovich explains how Media Matters literally has people transcribing all of his videos, as well as patrolling his Twitter account in real time!


The group, whose donors include George Soros, has more than 80 staffers.[26] It has researchers based in Washington, D.C., plus "a national network of professional trackers" who follow the moves and statements of every conceivable contender for the Republican nomination.[6] The Nation has described American Bridge as "the natural next step" after MMA, explaining that "Brock took the Media Matters method—which involves monitoring virtually every word uttered by the right-wing media—and transferred it to the realm of Republican politicians."[6]


Correct the Record[edit]
Main article: Correct the Record

In late 2013 Brock founded Correct the Record, described by The New York Times as Hillary Clinton's "own personal media watchdog," keeping track of all negative news surrounding her.[24] Brock had first come up with the idea for the group that summer. "Having left the State Department," he said, "Clinton didn't have the kind of robust operation that one would have if one was holding public office. That's where I saw the need." The organization, whose staff "is crammed into a newsroom-style bullpen in the back corner of the offices of American Bridge 21st Century," "keeps constant watch for any conceivable attacks against her, and then aggressively beats them back before they take hold."[36]


The American Democracy Legal Fund[edit]

Brock also founded and runs the American Democracy Legal Fund, a nonprofit that has been accused of existing solely to create “a steady stream of lawsuits accusing Republicans of ethics and campaign finance violations.”[32]

American Independent Institute[edit]
Main article: American Independent Institute

In 2014, Brock relaunched the American Independent News Network, formerly a network of progressive state-based reporting outlets, into the American Independent Institute, a group which provides grants for liberal investigative journalism projects. Brock serves as the group's president.[41] The Institute finances journalists "investigating rightwing activities."[26] In 2014, it gave $320,000 in grants "to reporters investigating right-wing misdeeds."[6]

MES Note: Compare that with David Seaman's $1000 reward for finding David Brock's "misdeeds"… # WeGottaStepUpOurGame


Killing the Messenger[edit]

In his 2015 book Killing the Messenger: The Right-Wing Plot to Derail Hillary Clinton and Hijack Your Government, Brock described "how the Clintons quickly switched from prey to patrons, setting him on his current path as a fundraiser and progressive provocateur." In the book, Brock accused The New York Times of being a “megaphone for conservative propaganda” directed inordinately at Clinton.[5] …
At the same time, in the words of Politico, he depicted Bill and Hillary Clinton "as personal and political angels."[5]


In October 2015, Brock gave a presentation at Georgetown University entitled "Is the Mainstream Media in Cahoots with Conservatives?".[46]

MES Note: …… HAHAHAHA So much garbage here! Clintons angels?? NYT / MSM has conservative bias???.... # WOW

Purchase of Blue Nation Review[edit]

In 2015, Brock formed an investment vehicle, True Blue Media, to purchase an 80 percent stake in Blue Nation Review, an online news website. Blue Nation Review was later re-branded as Shareblue.[47]

Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign[edit]

The Los Angeles Times has described Brock as “integral to Hillary's run” for the presidency in 2016.[32]


It was reported on February 1, 2016, that Brock was still drawing a salary from American Bridge 21st Century, which was legally prohibited from coordinating with the Clinton campaign, while also drawing a salary from Correct the Record, which was "directly working with the Clinton campaign on Internet-based pushback against the controversies that have dogged her presidential bid." This situation was described as "pushing campaign finance boundaries," with experts saying that Brock had found loopholes to circumvent campaign finance restrictions. Robert Maguire of the Center for Responsive Politics suggested that Brock was "running a shadow campaign" via a network of groups that Maguire called "the Brocktopus."[52]


Personal life[edit]

Brock was formerly the domestic partner of William Grey; their relationship ended in a bitter, three-year-long legal battle in which "Brock and Grey traded angry accusations, ... replete with charges of blackmail, theft and financial malfeasance" related to a Rehoboth Beach, Delaware house that the two once shared.[54] Grey filed a lawsuit against Brock in January 2011, and Brock countersued Grey in March 2011.[54] The dispute was settled at the end of 2011 on confidential terms.[54] On 22 March 2017, Brock suffered a heart attack whilst at work at Media Matters headquarters; he was expected to fully recover.[55][56]

MES NOTE: Why no mention of Brock dating James "Jimmeycomet" Alefantis??


Comments about Brock[edit]

In 2001, Jonah Goldberg wrote in National Review that while Brock has been "hailed by liberals for 'coming clean,' they would never really trust him." He quoted reporter Jill Abramson as having said that "the problem with Brock's credibility" is that "once you admit you've knowingly written false things, how do you know when to believe what he writes?"[12] Similarly, The Guardian referred in 2014 to "residual unease among some liberal operatives that Brock's conversion story fits into a pattern of opportunism and self-promotion rather than ideological transformation."[26] Observing in 2015 that Brock had admitted to mudslinging before, The Daily Beast noted a difficulty in dispatching fears he would do it again.[4]

Brock's claim that the Clintons have never committed any wrongdoing has received criticisms from many, including fellow Democrats, who have cited instances of abuse.[57] Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks criticized Brock’s negative coverage of the Bernie Sanders 2016 Presidential Campaign, specifically the invention of the "Bernie Bro" controversy.[58][59] Uygur said that Brock’s January 10, 2017 open letter of apology to Sanders and his voters[60] was disingenuous because it was motivated by a desire to raise money from wealthy democratic donors and to foster a perception of himself as being a member of the US progressive movement.[58]

Retrieved: 16 June 2017
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blinded_by_the_Right Archive: https://archive.is/zGeDf

Blinded by the Right

Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative is a 2002 book written by former conservative journalist David Brock detailing his departure from the conservative movement. It is also the story of his coming out as a gay man. In the book, he states that he visited gay bars with Matt Drudge and other conservatives.

Retrieved: 16 June 2017
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troopergate_(Bill_Clinton) Archive: https://archive.is/ZFve7

Troopergate (Bill Clinton)

Troopergate is the popular name for a political controversy that emerged in the 1990s in which several Arkansas State Troopers claimed they had arranged sexual liaisons for Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton during his time in office (1979-81, 1983-92) and had helped deceive his wife, First Lady of Arkansas Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Core allegations[edit]

The allegations by state troopers Larry Patterson and Roger Perry were first reported by David Brock in the conservative magazine American Spectator,[1] in a piece entitled "His Cheatin' Heart"[2] that was released in December 1993 with a magazine publication date of January 1994.[3]


The core allegations that the troopers made were that, while on official duty, they:[2][6]

• Scouted women and asked them for their phone number to give to the governor;
• Secured motel rooms and other assignation points;
• Drove Clinton in state vehicles to these assignation points and kept watch while he did what he did;
• Lent Clinton their own state cars to make his escapes less noticeable;
• Delivered gifts to the women afterward; and
• Informed Clinton about where his wife was and lied to his wife about where he was.

The troopers said that these episodes involved dozens of women, from long-running mistresses to one-off encounters.[2] As far as they were aware, all of the women involved had been consensual involvees and that no alcohol or drugs abuse had been part of the encounters.[2] One of the long-running group was Gennifer Flowers, who had come forward with her tale of a 12-year relationship with the governor at the start of the Bill Clinton presidential campaign, 1992; this had caused an early crisis in that endeavor which Clinton and his wife had to address in a televised and much-discussed 60 Minutes interview.[6]

MES Note: This is the Gennifer Flowers that Trump joked about inviting to the Presidential Debate HAHAHAHA # TrollLevelOver9000


As for the governor and his wife, Brock wrote that, "As the troopers saw it, the Clintons’ relationship is an effective political partnership, more a business relationship than a marriage."[2]


No official findings

No investigation of the Troopergate allegations by any official state body of Arkansas appears to have taken place. Nor was it a subject of the 1990s Independent Counsel investigations into the Whitewater controversy and related matters. Clinton was never charged with any wrongdoing in relation to the Troopergate allegations.

Jones lawsuit[edit]

The Brock story had mentioned a woman named "Paula", a reference to the then-unknown Paula Jones.[4] This reference was cited by Paula Jones in her May 1994 sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton. According to Gennifer Flowers's deposition in the suit, she claimed that Clinton told her to contact Larry Patterson or Roger Perry to communicate.[9]

The lawsuit, Jones v. Clinton, was initially dismissed, whereupon Jones appealed. In 1998, Clinton settled with Jones for $850,000, the entire amount of her claim, but without an apology, in exchange for her agreement to drop the appeal.[10]Meanwhile, the Jones matter had begun a chain of events that led to exposure and instantiation of the Lewinsky scandal.[1]Thus, arguably, state-level Troopergate indirectly led to the federal Impeachment of Bill Clinton.[1]


Brock apology[edit]

In a 1998 article for Esquire magazine, Brock said he wished he had never written the original Spectator story.[4] Following the admission, Brock publicly apologized to President Clinton for his Troopergate story, which he stated was written not "in the interest of good government or serious journalism," but as part of an "anti-Clinton crusade."[3][4]

However, in his apology Brock did not say that anything in his 1993 article was specifically false: "I'm saying that story was bad journalism, that I don't stand by the story any more. I can't point to anything specific ... [that] might be wrong."[4] He said that both he and the troopers had had impure motivations.[4]

Adding more credibility to Troopergate is Colin Powel's leaked emails….

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-14/guess-who-colin-powell-talking-about-hes-still-dicking-bimbos-home Archive: https://archive.is/eaOHu

Having exposed the apparent strong mutual dislike between The Obamas and The Clintons, the leaked Colin Powell emails had another gem of an admission about just what other 'elites' think of The Clintons, and in particular Bill.

Just two years ago, Powell told billionaire megadonor Jeffrey Leeds just how he feels about Hillary "I would rather not vote for her," and Bill "still dicking bimbos at home."

Source: @WillRahn

Would love to be a fly on the wall when they next meet.

That is actually a real email… I don't know anything anymore….

Retrieved: 16 June 2017
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewinsky_scandal Archive: https://archive.is/nCW1Y

Lewinsky scandal

The Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that involved 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. The sexual relationship took place between 1995 and 1996 and came to light in 1998. Clinton ended a televised speech with the statement that he did not have sexual relations with Lewinsky. Further investigation led to charges of perjury and led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in a 21-day Senate trial.[1]

Date Retrieved: 16 June 2017
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitewater_controversy Archive: https://archive.is/Sn2fD

Whitewater controversy

The Whitewater scandal (also known as the Whitewater controversy, or simply Whitewater) began with an investigation into the real estate investments of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates, Jim and Susan McDougal, in the Whitewater Development Corporation, a failed business venture in the 1970s and 1980s.


A U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigation did result in convictions against the McDougals for their role in the Whitewater project. Jim Guy Tucker, Bill Clinton's successor as governor, was convicted of fraud and sentenced to four years of probation for his role in the matter.[5] Susan McDougal served 18 months in prison for contempt of court for refusing to answer questions relating to Whitewater. The Clintons themselves were never prosecuted, after three separate inquiries found insufficient evidence linking them with the criminal conduct of others related to the land deal,[6] and Susan McDougal was granted a pardon by President Clinton before he left office.

The term Whitewater is sometimes used to include other controversies from the Bill Clinton administration, especially Travelgate, Filegate, and the circumstances surrounding Vince Foster's death, that were also investigated by the Whitewater independent counsel.[7]


Removal of documents[edit]

Within hours of the death of Vince Foster in July 1993, chief White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum removed documents, some of them concerning the Whitewater Development Corporation, from Foster's office and gave them to Maggie Williams, Chief of Staff to the First Lady. According to the New York Times, Williams placed the documents in a safe in the White House for five days before turning them over to their personal lawyer.[25]


Wikipedia does a very bad job at explaining what exactly the scandal was but I believe it involved predatory lending, where they targeted people that couldn't make the payments in hopes of taking over their property, as well as making bad/illegal government-back loans, thus stealing millions or even billions from tax-payers!

  • Please correct me if you have a better explanation by commenting below, as it is hard to keep track of every scandal the Clinton Crime Family are involved in!

Note that the pure-evil Orwellian Revisionist Wikipedia, unsurprisingly, didn't mention that ex-FBI Director fired by Trump, James Comey, was a "deputy special counsel" in the Whitewater case, so pardoning the Clintons is something he has been doing for years!

http://time.com/4276988/jim-comey-hillary-clinton/ Archive: https://archive.is/2YdMT


Comey’s first brush with them came when Bill Clinton was president. Looking to get back into government after a stint in private practice, Comey signed on as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. In 1996, after months of work, Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case. Worse, her behavior fit into a pattern of concealment: she and her husband had tried to hide their roles in two other matters under investigation by law enforcement. Taken together, the interference by White House officials, which included destruction of documents, amounted to “far more than just aggressive lawyering or political naiveté,” Comey and his fellow investigators concluded. It constituted “a highly improper pattern of deliberate misconduct.”

Comey parlayed the Whitewater job into top posts in Virginia and New York, returning to Manhattan in 2002 to be the top federal prosecutor there. One of his first cases as a line attorney in the same office 15 years earlier had been the successful prosecution of Marc Rich, a wealthy international financier, for tax evasion. But on his last day as President in 2001, Bill Clinton pardoned Rich. “I was stunned,” Comey later told Congress. As top U.S. prosecutor in New York in 2002, appointed by George W. Bush, Comey inherited the criminal probe into the Rich pardon and 175 others Clinton had made at the 11th hour.

Retrieved: 18 June 2017
http://www.dictionary.com/browse/parlayed Archive: https://archive.is/xdo60


Despite evidence that several pardon recipients, including Rich, had connections to donations to Bill Clinton’s presidential library and Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, Comey found no criminal wrongdoing. He was careful not to let the investigation be used for political purposes by either party. When pressed for details in one case, he said, “I can’t really go into it because it was an investigation that didn’t result in charges. That may be a frustrating answer, but that’s the one I’m compelled to give.”

Comey Translator: "The Clintons are guilty but I like living"


http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/02/27/media-matters-boss-paid-former-partner-850g-blackmail-settlement.html Archive: https://archive.is/Uful7

Media Matters chief David Brock paid a former domestic partner $850,000 after being threatened with damaging information involving the organization’s donors and the IRS – a deal that Brock later characterized as a blackmail payment, according to legal documents obtained by FoxNews.com.

In an acrimonious lawsuit settled at the end of last year, Brock accused William Grey of making repeated threats to expose him to the "scorn or ridicule of his employees, donors and the press in demanding money and property." Brock claimed in legal papers that he sold a Rehoboth Beach, Del., home he once shared with Grey in order to meet Grey’s demands, which he called "blackmail" in the lawsuit.

Brock, 49, heads the non-profit Media Matters for America, which bills itself as a watchdog of the conservative media but has recently come under fire for allegedly coordinating with Democrats in what could be a violation of its tax-exempt status.

Brock’s bitter legal battle with Grey, who is described in a Sept. 14, 2010, police report obtained by FoxNews.com as his domestic partner of more than 10 years, began after Brock began dating Washington, D.C., restaurant impresario James Alefantis about five years ago. For the next three years, Brock and Grey traded angry accusations, which were documented in the police report and were the foundation of a pitched legal battle replete with charges of blackmail, theft and financial malfeasance.

Read the police report detailing the lawsuit

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/interactive/2015/09/01/2010-police-report-filed-by-david-brock-against-ex-partner-william-grey.html Archive: https://archive.is/oUsCY

Alefantis was also named as a defendant in Grey's lawsuit.

In his response to Brock's lawsuit, Grey "denies that he committed any "acts of blackmail.""

Grey threatened to go public about Brock and Media Matters' finances after he accused Brock in a civil suit filed in Washington of taking $170,000 in possessions, including an $8,000 Louis Vuitton suit bag, paintings, a rug, a chandelier, a painted bust of a Roman soldier and a pair of carved wooden chairs upholstered with purple fabric. Those possessions were displayed in the Washington townhouse where the couple entertained liberal movers and shakers in happier times.

MES Note: The late Andrew Breitbart had tweeted about these bizarre possessions:

https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Aandrewbreitbart%20brock&src=typd Archive: https://archive.is/eK7fl

Note that Andrew Breitbart died 3 days later on March 1, 2012 due to a "heart attack" at age 43…. WHAT THE F**&&k??!

I am actively researching into the death of Andrew Breitbart because I do not trust the official narrative at all, so stay tuned for future parts!

Brock took Grey’s threats seriously and called police in 2010. In the police report, filed by Metropolitan Police as a stalking incident, Brock accused Grey, also 49, of attempting to blackmail him with a series of emails threatening to "release specific derogatory information about [Brock] and his organization to the press and donors that would be embarrassing to him and cause harm to the organization …"

Some of those emails came out as the lawsuit, filed by Grey on Jan. 28, 2011, wound its way through Superior Court of the District of Columbia last year.

Read the complete lawsuit filed by William Grey

MES Note: The link to the lawsuit document has been removed and was not archived.

I will search for this document in later videos, but if you can find it please let me know!

"Please finish this today so I don’t have to waste my time emailing anyone – Biden, Coulter, Carlson, Huffington, Drudge, Ingraham," Grey wrote in a 2008 email.
Nearly two years later, Grey accused Brock of "financial malfeasance" and threatened to undermine Brock’s fundraising efforts.

"Next step is I contact all your donors and the IRS," Grey wrote in an email dated May 19, 2010. "This is going to stink for you if you do not resolve this now."
Brock said in court papers that he paid Grey "under duress."

On March 8, 2011, Brock filed his own suit against Grey for more than $4 million, demanding Grey return the $850,000, plus pay millions more in punitive damages. The two settled two months ago under terms that remain confidential.

Read the complete counterclaim filed by David Brock

MES Note: This link is also no longer working.

Paying off Grey may not have been easy for Brock, even with his salary of nearly $300,000 at Media Matters. Records show Brock had pulled massive amounts of equity from the six-bedroom Rehoboth Beach house as its value skyrocketed during the real estate bubble.

Sussex County property records show he took out a $273,000 mortgage to buy the pale yellow colonial and carriage house for $606,666 in 1995. As the converted inn, built in 1793, continued to rise in value, Brock refinanced his loan on at least two occasions. Records show he had a $1.44 million mortgage on the property, as well as two more loans against the home totaling just over $500,000.

MES Note: Notice the 6's in the mortgage amount… # SatanismSymbolism??

Brock received $1,587,500 for the home on May 25, 2010, in a sale to McLean, Va.-based Vardell Realty Investments. It could not be determined how much Brock still owed on the $1.44 million mortgage, or how much he netted from the sale, if any.

Records indicate that Brock had paid off the two smaller loans at the time of the sale.

Within a year of selling the house, Brock apparently had second thoughts about paying off Grey. In the civil suit, Brock accused Grey of three counts of blackmail, citing a statute that defines blackmail as threatening "to expose a secret or publicize a fact, whether true or false, tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule, to impair the reputation of any person."

He countersued to get his $850,000 back, plus $500,000 for each of three counts of alleged blackmail, and another $2 million in compensatory damages based in part on what Brock’s lawyers called abuse of the judicial system and legal fees.

Grey, who relocated to Massachusetts, declined to comment when contacted by FoxNews.com. Brock and Alefantis remain in Washington, where Brock has released a new book attacking Fox News. He is also under scrutiny from several members of Congress amid reports Media Matters for America is in possible violation of IRS laws governing nonprofits.

The Rehoboth Beach home was torn down months after Brock sold it, amid much community opposition, so the buyer could divide the parcel and build two homes. It remains a vacant lot.

Perry Chiaramonte contributed to this report.


The background of David Brock is a very very bizarre tale.

David Brock, an adopted child, started out as a liberal democrat in college but after experiencing liberal intolerance to his writings, became a neoconservative.

He gained notoriety for his role in writing about the Troopergate scandal, in which former governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton was alleged to use his power to get law enforcement to arrange women for sex with the governor.

Brock's role in Troopergate, as well as in the Anita Hill / Clarence Thomas scandal, helped land Brock a $1 million book deal to try to expose Hillary Clinton.

It was during writing this book that Brock made a sudden shift in politics, and in fact instead of exposing Hillary, the book was largely "sympathetic to Mrs. Clinton".

This led Brock to switch sides, disavow his previous work against the Clintons (although never denied the accuracy of the claims), and write his now famous "Blinded by the Right" book detailing his switch.

Since that switch, he has worked closely with the Clintons and helped form big think-tank groups that are funded by millionaires and billionaires such as George Soros, and whose sole purpose are to patrol the media landscape to combat conservative view points, and especially to defend Hillary Clinton from all criticism.

Brock has dated the now infamous James Alefantis, surprisingly powerful "pizza" shop owner, and his many media watchdog groups, such as Media Matters, have made major efforts to discredit anyone looking into claims of corruption and child trafficking by Alefantis and his Comet Ping Pong pizza shop.

Brock has also paid off his former long-time lover William Grey $850,000 whom he accused of blackmail, and which Brock claimed to sell off their former house to meet Grey's demands.

The house that Brock and Grey have shared was demolished months after Brock sold it, and then about a year later countersued Grey for the money back; which led to a confidential settlement…

Brock's background is a very strange one and illustrates just how powerful the Clintons are so maybe Brock wasn't willing to test his luck in going after them…

Also interesting "coincidence" is Andrew Breitbart dies days after tweeting up a storm about Brock's blackmail lawsuit….

And for even more "random" and "accidental" deaths, Ex-Chef of Clinton / Bush administrations suddenly died via "drowning"…

http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/24/politics/white-house-chef-missing-found-dead/index.html Archive: https://archive.is/K3SRz

Story highlights
• Former White House chef Walter Scheib died by drowning, according to an autopsy
• He had been reported missing after hiking in the mountains near Taos, New Mexico

(CNN) - A former White House executive chef found dead in the mountains of New Mexico drowned, according to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety.

An autopsy determined the nature of Walter Scheib's death was accidental, a department statement said.

…. I don't know anymore…

Also interesting is that David Brock also had a "heart attack" on March 22, 2017, age 54, but is expected to recover…

I will be researching more into David Brock to see if I can connect some dots in hopes of winning the David Seaman contest, but if you have any possible leads please let me know and I will mention you if I win!!

Stay Tuned for #PizzaGate Part 27…

Watch the rest of my ongoing #PizzaGate Video Series: https://peakd.com/pg/@mes/videos


Have an upvote just for length... wow! lol

hahaha thanks! #LengthMatters

Excellent investigative research! I think Defango. Goodman, Webb, etc. might be actors in a play. Perhaps Defango reacted as he did because you are a real person and were becoming too involved in their fake narrative?
