🍕#PizzaGate Part 27: Was #SpiritCooking Too Much For Kanye West? + Marina Abramovic + Katy Perry

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

#PizzaGate Part 27 Kanye Katy Perry Spirit Cooking.jpeg

In #PizzaGate Part 27 I explain how I took a side quest while researching into the “97% Climate Change Consensus” which led me into a never ending rabbit hole of the extremely bizarre Spirit Cooking ways of the elites, and then ending up right back at “Climate Change”…

I started off reviewing former president Barack Obama’s tweets about Climate Change, when I decided to see how many of his 90+ million Twitter followers are real. Using the website Twitteraudit.com, his was about 65% real, similar to Donald Trump’s 62%. Then I got thinking about checking my own (about 98% real #ImAsRealAsItGets) and stumbled upon Kanye West’s 92%, which is actually pretty high for a celebrity. But when I checked his Twitter account, it turns out his account had been deleted! Reviewing his archived tweets, it turns out that one of his last tweets were pro-Trump, or at least about Trump that were not anti-Trump, but then those tweets had been deleted later on too! These tweets came shortly after a November 2016 concert in which Kanye West cut the music and gave a speech highly critical of the mainstream media and Orwellian internet giants such as Facebook and Google. He called for unity beyond politics lines, which is in stark contrast to the typical violent anti-Trump rhetoric of many celebrities, and what happens when musicians don’t toe the line of their Hollywood puppet masters? Well, they get forced into a mental institute against their will and there social media platforms removed…

From here I wanted to see what made Kanye West have a sudden change of heart as to the direction his industry was heading, and no better way to peer into this abyss then by checking out the posterchild of the ruling musical elite, Katy Perry’s and her bizarre Twitter account. As being the first person to reach 100 million Twitter followers, it may not be coincidence that she also has over 60 million of those followers likely being fake according to TwitterAudit.com. Her Twitter account and namely her profile picture involves some very creepy and disturbing “eye” or “illuminati” symbolism. Her new music video “Bon Appétit” shows some nasty cannibalism imagery, very similar to leaked images of Marie-Hélène de Rothschild’s, of the super powerful rich elite Rothschild family, 1972 party.

This shocking similarity leads to even more bizarre “illuminati”, “Satanism”, and “Spirit Cooking” that appear to interconnect a “modern artist” Marina Abramovic with some of the very power elites, such as Lady Gaga, Jay Z, Kim Kardashian (maybe this was the final straw for Kim’s husband, Kanye West), and even the likes of the creepy James “jimmycomet” Alefantis, John and Tony Podesta, and George Soros’ son Alex.

All these bizarre connections to even more bizarre “art” raises more questions than answers, but one thing that we do know is that the world has one big #SpiritCooking Club, and you’re not invited… (not that you would want to attend 😉)

Stay Tuned for #PizzaGate Part 28…

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#PizzaGate Part 27

#PizzaGate Part 27 Kanye Katy Perry Spirit Cooking.jpeg

Kanye West & Katy Perry #MKUltra #MindControl #IdeologicalSubverion

NOTE: I was researching for a video on "Climate Change" when a Twitter Audit of Barack Obama's Twitter account lead me on a side quest into another rabbit hole involving Kanye West, Katy Perry, the Rothschilds, and the Illuminati…. # WhyIsThereSoManyRabbitHoles??!

I was reviewing Barack Obama's tweets about "Climate Change" and the "97% Consensus" of "Scientists" while he was the President of the United States, and decided to do a Twitter Audit search of his Twitter followers…

Archive: https://archive.is/ZO3NZ

Archive: https://archive.is/hQ138


Archive: https://archive.is/JgXqw

Keep in mind that Barack Obama has now over 90 million Twitter followers, thus many people across the world are seeing this "97% Consensus" figure.

Side Note: How many of his Twitter followers are real??


Retrieved: 24 June 2017

Archive: https://archive.is/fZp52


About TwitterAudit

Each audit takes a sample of up to 5000 (or more, if you subscribe to Pro) Twitter followers for a user and calculates a score for each follower. This score is based on number of tweets, date of the last tweet, and ratio of followers to friends. We use these scores to determine whether any given user is real or fake. Of course, this scoring method is not perfect but it is a good way to tell if someone with lots of followers is likely to have increased their follower count by inorganic, fraudulent, or dishonest means.

For reference:

Retrieved: 24 June 2017
https://www.twitteraudit.com/realdonaldtrump Archive: https://archive.is/AEDz5

Retrieved: 24 June 2017
https://www.twitteraudit.com/matheasysolns Archive: https://archive.is/yZSOC


I'm as real as it gets ;)

Retrieved: 24 June 2017
https://www.twitteraudit.com/kanyewest Archive: https://archive.is/OErA5


Wow Kanye has a pretty "real" following for a big-time celebrity!

Let's check out his Twitter account to see what makes him so "real"…

Retrieved: 24 June 2017
https://twitter.com/kanyewest Archive: https://archive.is/tVHaQ

WTF what happened to Kanye??!!

Here is the last archive I found of his Twitter page before it was removed…


Seriously WTF is going on…. # MKUltra # MindControl

Also note that someone mentioned how Trump underlined "Great" with the "T" in "Thanks"… # Wow


Also another person found a later archive from Archive.org that showed that the pro-Trump tweets were actually NOT Kanye's last ones, and the pro-Trump tweets were deleted… #WhatsGoingOn

Archive: https://archive.is/JRSet



Note the December 13, 2016 tweets have been removed…

Before Kanye tweeted this, he was under fire from the fakestream mainstream propaganda media for calling out Facebook, Google, and the MSM for being nothing more than a propaganda outlet for Hillary Clinton and demonizing Donald Trump and Trump supporters.


Archive: https://archive.is/pPB1Q

Kanye interrupted his concert to drop some truth bombs!

Instead of doing the typical "Celebrity calling for Trump's assassination", he tried to get people to unite together in spite of the MSM and internet giants constantly dividing people on politics!

Here is the typical "Celebrity":

Archive: https://archive.is/RuJwo

Snoop Dogg illustrating exactly what Kanye warned us about!

Annnnd what happens when Kanye doesn't toe the line of his "masters"?? He gets forced into a mental institute…


Archive: https://archive.is/gAAax

Kanye was sent to forced evaluation??!!!

WTF is this, "re-education" camps??!! # PoliceState

Again, keep in mind that celebrities are often used for their influence to push particular agendas.

Now let's see what other kind of agendas celebrities push, and why Kanye West may have had a change of heart as to the direction his profession was heading…

Retrieved: 24 June 2017
https://www.twitteraudit.com/katyperry Archive: https://archive.is/8M9NR


Archive: https://archive.is/EGshn

Nothing like getting praise for a fake accomplishment!

Now the question remains: Why is Katy Perry being pushed so strongly?


Archive: https://archive.is/7hwr5

Archive: https://archive.is/zAgzW

Archive: https://archive.is/0mYkw

……………………… ummm I don't know anymore…. # ImDone


Archive: https://archive.is/zZmqY

That was actually a secretive Rothschild party, in which photos were leaked… #SpiritCooking


Archive: https://archive.is/Kfyag

On 12/12/72 Marie-Hélène de Rothschild, member of the most powerful elite family in the world, held a Surrealist Ball at Château de Ferrières, one of the family’s gigantic mansions. While these events are usually extremely secretive, photographs of this particular Ball surfaced on the web.

This website shows even more of these leaked and bizarre images…

Even "mainstream" media outlets like Business Insider show pictures of the Rothschild's Ball.

http://www.businessinsider.com/what-happens-at-the-illuminati-ball-2016-7 Archive: https://archive.is/gzdIW


I recently got a peek into this mysterious world during the immersive theater performance known as The Illuminati Ball [www.theilluminatiball.com], which took place at a majestic estate in the woods of Connecticut. Although I've been sworn to secrecy by a man wearing a mouse mask, who held a sword against the palm of my hands while I was blindfolded, I can tell you that it was a night I won't soon forget.

Von Buhler's Illuminati Ball was greatly inspired by one of the strangest dinner parties ever hosted by Marie-Hélène de Rothschild, of the elite Rothschild family, in 1972. Leaked photos from the evening reveal guests such as Salvador Dali and Audrey Hepburn dressed in elaborate, surrealist garb. Mrs. Rothschild herself greeted guests in a white gown and stag's head with diamond tears.

Leaked image from Marie-Hélène de Rothschild's 1972 event. Image courtesy of The Illuminati Ball


The super-rich and super-powerful Rothschilds are some extremely bizarre people. # OutOfTouchWithSociety


Archive: https://archive.is/se42P

………………….. WTF is this??!!

That's Pop "Star" Lady Gaga and the #SpiritCooking Queen herself Marina Abramovic…

https://news.artnet.com/art-world/jay-z-defends-marina-abramovic-accusation-proof-donation-300413 Archive: >https://web.archive.org/web/20170517090130/https://news.artnet.com/art-world/jay-z-defends-marina-abramovic-accusation-proof-donation-300413

Jay Z and Marina Abramovic during the 2013 shoot for “Picasso Baby.”
Photo via Consequence of Sound.


Archive: >https://web.archive.org/web/20160909165116/https://news.artnet.com/art-world/marina-abramovic-institute-dispute-jay-z-300786


Artwork by Alex Reyes.

Who is this woman and why are big-time "celebrities" being part of her "art"??

Archive: https://archive.is/co88B

Kanye West's wife, Kim Kardashian also seems to be a big fan of Marina… # WTF

Is this what pushed Kanye over the edge??!!

Even James "jimmycomet" Alefantis posted about Marina…

Note: I couldn't find the link to the original Instagram post or Archive because his Instagram has been made private and it may have been removed from the archives…

Please let me know if you find it!

Notice the bizarre use of "faggot" by jimmycomet…

https://www.google.ca/search?q=define%3Afaggot&oq=define%3Afaggot Archive: https://archive.is/bjmdd

Annnnd Marina happens to pop-up in John Podesta's leaked emails inviting him to a # SpiritCooking dinner at her place… # ItsASmallWorld

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15893 Archive: https://archive.is/ER8xb


Are you in NYC Thursday July 9
Marina wants you to come to dinner

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

Dear Tony,

I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?

All my love,



Marina has "Spirit Cooking" dinners with John and Tony Podesta???

And New York Times features her too…

WTF is #SpiritCooking??

Archive: https://archive.is/sbW78

Archive: https://archive.is/qQy25

……………… Suddenly I'm not hungry anymore…

Archive: https://archive.is/k1NQU

His right hand looks pretty scarred up….

Is that a Band-Aid on the middle finger of his left hand??!! HAHAHAHAHA



Even the son of infamous Billionaire George Soros, Alex Soros enjoys some good old fine dining…

Archive: https://archive.is/n24ys

Notice the same #SpiritCooking "Watermill Center"… hmmm we need to investigate this place…

https://www.instagram.com/alexsoros/ Archive: https://archive.is/LilR4

Yup that is actually George Soros' son.

Archive: https://archive.is/1YV3a

…. I had to take this to Twitter…

Archive: https://archive.is/l6ekH

Hahahaha actually I rather not be invited to this #SpiritCooking Club…

Summary and Conclusions

….. I don't know what I just covered…

Stay Tuned for #PizzaGate Part 28…

View the rest of the ongoing series: https://peakd.com/pg/@mes/videos


WOW! Superb work my friend!

Thanks friend! :)

Keep spreading the truths no one else will 👍🏼 Thank you

Will do! The truth is the most dangerous thing to the elite power structure.
