🍕#PizzaGate Part 1: Madeleine McCann Disappearance (DTube)

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

UPDATE: After researching the McCann case in more detail, it is clear that there was a cover-up in the case, in which Madeleine almost certainly died before her reported disappearance. Also, the efits almost certainly were used as a warning message to the Podestas to keep to what ever blackmailed agenda there might have been.

Learn MORE by watching #PizzaGate Part 4:

and Part 30: https://youtu.be/wrL08JgvD7U

The #PizzaGate phenonomen has gone completely viral on the online world, despite getting virtually zero exposure on Main Stream Media. But instead of explaining what #PizzaGate is directly, I have decided to compile all the evidence and arguements I can find in a somewhat chronological format, and let the evidence speak for itself for what #PizzaGate really is. This is because #pizzagate is looking like it might be an incredibly dark and secretive hidden world.

In #PizzaGate Part 1, I start off goving over the disappearance of 3-year old Madeleine McCann from a holiday resort in Portugal on May 3, 2007. Six years later, the London police department, known as the Scotland Yard, released e-fits of some of the suspects. Two of the e-fits were created from two different witnesses perceived to be describing the same person. But given that other witnesses described suspicious men near McCann's holiday appartment nearing and during the day of her disappearance, it is also possible that the e-fits also represent two different men.

Now the real interesting part of the e-fits, which have fanned the flames of the entire #pizzagate phenomenon, is that the two e-fits look IDENTICAL to John and Tony Podesta! Even the mole on Tony Podesta's forehead is shown in the efits. John Podesta was Hillary Clinton's Chairman for this year's presidential campaign, the Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, and Counselor to Barack Obama. Tony Podesta is a lobbyist, founder of the Podesta Group. Both John and Tony Podesta are considered two of the most powerful people in all of United States, and quite frankly in the entire world.

To further indicate that the Podesta's were involved in the McCann case, the recent Wikileaks emails of John Podesta reveal that he may have deleted emails prior to May 3, 2007, the day of McCann's disappearance. In fact the email on May 4, 2007 that was sent through his email was actually by his Assistant Elizabeth Cooley.

This is quite simply such a huge storyline, but the mainstream media, along with John and Tony Podesta, and Elizabeth Cooley, have been utterly silent about this. There appears to be a delibrate coverup, and this video argues in great detail that that just might be the case.

Stay tuned for #PizzaGate Part 2...

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I never thought about that. I’m surprised to hear that McCann may have died before her dissapearance. Whatever really happened, there is obviously a major cover up taking place. Thanks again for the research! Upvoted and resteemed!

Yup. The Madeleine case goes deep, and global; especially when MI5 and CIA are interconnected in the coverup.

UPDATE: After researching the McCann case in more detail, it is clear that there was a cover-up in the case, in which Madeleine almost certainly died before her reported disappearance. Also, the efits almost certainly were used as a warning message to the Podestas to keep to what ever blackmailed agenda there might have been.

https://youtu.be/EIzjickYpEA and Part 30: https://youtu.be/wrL08JgvD7ULearn MORE by watching #PizzaGate Part 4:

View Video Notes on Steemit: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@mes/video-notes-pizzagate-part-1-madeleine-mccann-disappearance

Also watch my entire series at https://mes.fm/pizzagate-playlist

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To your point about Pizzagate not reaching MSM - the time it did way back in January 2017, @benswann lost his job for reporting on it.