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RE: New Tame Pizzagate Memes | New URL | Some Thoughts to Help Move Things Forward

That's some good advice. People just need to stay on point and report the facts. Many are failing to do that and instead using the hashtag and story as simple clickbait to promote their fantasies and cash in. Meanwhile their followers look up to them and their bullshit and these stories branch out into different sects.

It's always the same pattern. Using flat earth or mandela effect as examples. One road takes you down a religious angle, the next goes science, the next is government. All of these people believe in the same rubbish and begin fighting over who's right. It's insanity but nobody cares because there's money involved.

As I said yesterday people will and are doing this with the pizzagate stuff. Soon nobody won't be able to tell the facts apart from the bullshit and this all goes into the conspiracy pile where the average intellectual types won't even look.


I'm glad you get it. I agree with everything.