Pizzagate is the ongoing citizens’ investigation into government-sanctioned child trafficking and pedophilia. The term Pizzagate comes from the dark web’s use of “cheese pizza” as a code word for “child pornography” and from the bizarre connections between certain establishments in a D.C. neighborhood loaded with pedophilia symbols [1, 2, 3]. Pizzagate is many things, but there are some things that it definitely is not.
The evidence is very real, ranging from creepy but subjective art choices [4], even creepier Instagram photos and comments [5], WikiLeaks emails [6], and official government documents [7]. Yes, some individuals are making extraordinary claims on little more than suspicion and perhaps overactive imaginations. However, that does not diminish the investigation’s core findings.
There have been thousands of “crazy conspiracy theories” over the years, but Pizzagate is the only one to inspire an orchestrated censorship campaign [8] and obvious collusion between the mainstream media, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube [9]. The cover-up proves conspiracy.
“Fake news” did not create Pizzagate; Pizzagate created the necessity for the ruling elite’s “fake news” agenda. The inciting incident was the John Podesta email leak. The Hillary Clinton campaign began pushing Neo-McCarthyism to distract from the wanton corruption revealed in the Wikileaks emails. The Clinton Foundation is a criminal cartel, and the more researchers investigated, the more disturbing evidence they uncovered.
Two days before the election, the Clinton campaign released a tweet telling voters to not believe the rumors and lies, particularly some real “whoppers” that might be released before the election [10]. This warning was a direct response to leaked reports from FBI insiders about the damning evidence found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop [11, 12], the same Anthony Weiner who is married to Hillary Clinton’s trusted ally, Huma Abedin, and who has a history of sexting under-aged girls [13, 14]. After the election, Pizzagate only continued to gain momentum, forcing the elites to push the “fake news” agenda through their usual propaganda channels: the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN. The campaign has only intensified in recent days, spilling into supposed comedy shows like the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, a man who himself was implicated in the Wikileaks emails as collaborating with the Clinton campaign [15].
Claims that Pizzagate is an elaborate government scheme to trick people into believing a phony pedophile ring are false. Sadly, the government’s history of pedophilia is all too real [16, 17, 18]. However, the plutocrats never let a crisis go to waste. Now that the Pizzagate story is too large to contain, it may indeed be used to push through “fake news” legislation and to crack down on Internet freedom.
Alt-Right Nazis or delusional Trump supports did not start the investigation, nor are researchers pursuing Pizzagate to smear Hillary Clinton or the Democratic party. Hillary does a good enough job of that on her own. She’s like Lady Macbeth without the personal hygiene fetish; the blood is all over her hands. Pizzagate researchers are concerned with only two things: determining the truth and protecting children.
Yes, this particular ring involves the Clintons and the DNC, but Washington has a long, sordid history of pedophilia on both sides of the aisle. During the 1980s, the Reagan and Bush administrations were home to several sex scandals involving “call boys” [19], and Republicans were behind the Franklin Cover-Up [20] and the White House page program scandal [21].
Child trafficking and pedophilia are the backbone of American politics. Convicted pedophiles like Jeffrey Epstein, who helped create the Clinton Foundation [22] and who was once pals with Donald Trump [23], have enormous power in Washington because they are the means with which politicians blackmail their enemies. The only way someone can rise to power in Washington is if they have a closet overflowing with skeletons [24]. Pure, honest men and women never ascend to true power; those positions go to only the weak and compromised.
Yes, many of the key players in the Pizzagate investigation are homosexual, including Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis and his former lover David Brock, who runs the Clintons’ gestapo branch, Correct the Record [25], and who launders money for the Clinton Foundation through the Bonner Group [26]. These men are not suspected of pedophilia because they are homosexual. They, along with supposedly heterosexual men like John and Tony Podesta, are suspected of pedophilia because they make jokes about pedophilia on social media [27], promote musicians who celebrate pedophilia [28], support artists who depict pedophilia [29], and are friends with convicted pedophiles [30, 31, 32, 33]. Trying to shame Pizzagate as homophobic is the cheap, intellectually bankrupt tactic of the truly desperate.
This is the biggest misconception of all. Yes, Comet Ping Pong did help inspire the name Pizzagate, but the restaurant is one tiny piece of a much larger mosaic of corruption.
There are outlandish-sounding theories that Comet Ping Pong is a child trafficking front and perhaps the site of satanic ritual abuse, complete with a sinister basement and underground tunnels. Well, in fairness, there are indeed abandoned tunnels beneath Dupont Circle, where Comet calls home [34]. And this neighborhood is named for the Du Pont family, which has its own vile history with pedophilia [35, 36].
While murder rooms and subterranean tunnels for transporting and perhaps sacrificing children may capture the imagination, the truth is likely much simpler. Comet Ping Pong is merely a safe zone for pedophiles. Pedophile symbols and art are featured prominently throughout the restaurant [37], serving as silent agreements. Customers know they are accepted and understood. And if a powerful politician can be lured into playing a game of “ping pong” or slipping into one of the restaurant’s special bathrooms, so be it; the blackmail collection gets a little bigger.
Comet Ping Pong’s true significance is that it served as the entrance to the rabbit hole. Comet’s repeated mentions in the Podesta emails prompted investigators to search for unusual connections. It was soon discovered that Alefantis, who was named one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington [38], had an Instagram account loaded with pedophilia references and in-side jokes, as well as direct links to DNC elites like Podesta [39], Clinton [40], and even President Obama [41].
The absurdity that a pizza shop owner had such power among the ruling elite raised red flags and inspired further investigation. The Comet Ping Pong website revealed a hidden, password-protected “members only” directory that housed enormous encrypted zip files and provided users with options for uploading and downloading [42]. While certainly a unique feature for a pizza website, such setups are standard operating procedure for child pornography distribution.
The money trail led from Alefantis and Podesta to the Clinton Foundation and produced direct financial connections to child trafficking [43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51]. Pizzagate is really an investigation into the Clinton Foundation and its unfathomable depravity. That is where the bodies are buried [52, 53, 54, 55]. Pizzagate is about the Clinton Foundation, not one creepy pizza joint and its perverted clientele. Follow the damn money [56].
If you think government-related child trafficking and pedophilia rings are “crazy,” you haven’t been paying attention. Read up on Jimmy Saville and the U.K. pedophile ring that stretched to the highest levels of the British government [57]. Belgium’s political elite covered up the horrific Dutroux Affair [58]. Australia and Norway have recently busted their own government pedophile rings, and since the Pizzagate Investigation began, both countries have severed ties to the Clinton Foundation [59, 60]. South Korea recently impeached President Park Geun-Hye because she was revealed to be involved in a secret shadow government that seemed to follow the Clinton Foundation’s blueprint [61].
Wikileaks was the match. Comet Ping Pong and Alefantis were the fuse. The Clinton Foundation is the bomb.
The references cited here are only a small fraction of the overwhelming evidence documenting the Clinton Foundation’s corruption. While these sources will provide a surface understanding of the criminal syndicate, there’s plenty more out there to read, and it’s readily available. You just have to want to read it. Remember, ignorance is a choice. Choose wisely.
[1] FBI Pedophile Symbols
[2] Besta Pizza Pedophile Symbol
[3] “DC Pizzagate: A Primer”
[4] Tony Podesta’s “Art” Collection
Marina Abramovic’s Spirit Cooking
Wikileaks Email from Abramovic to Tony Podesta
Abramovic on Spirit Cooking and Its Intent
Abramovic Occult Party
[5] Archive of James Alefantis’s Instagram Page
“Pizzagate: How 4chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite”
[6] Wikileaks: Handkerchief Email
Wikileaks: Dominos Email
Wikileaks: “Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This” Email
Wikileaks: Pizza JPG
Journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling Arrive Home with President Bill Clinton
Wikileaks: Hot Dog Stand Email
Wikileaks: Obama Spent $65,000 on “Hot Dogs”
Wikileaks: Email Mentioning Three Young Girls Being “Entertainment”
Wikileaks: Email with the Hillary Pizza Logo (“Do not forward :)”)
Wikileaks: Hillary Pizza Logo
Wikileaks: Stratfor Testing a Website for Purchasing “Pizza”
[7] FOIA – Marco Rubio’s Concerns Over Human Trafficking and the State Department
[8] Timeline of Pizzagate Censorship
[9] Mainstream Media Scrubbing All Previous Articles About the Norway Pedophile Ring
“New York Times Censors Norway Pedophile Ring”
“Does Norway Pedo Ring Bust Have Clinton Connections?”
“Pizzagate: New York Times Boss Mark Thompson Covered Up BBC Pedo Jimmy Savile”
“Mark Thompson, the BBC Scandal, and the Future of the New York Times”
“New York Times Top Shareholder Is a Clinton Foundation Donor”
“Who Has a Bigger Conflict of Interest: Donald Trump or the New York Times?”
[10] “Clinton Campaign: If 'whopper' email is published by WikiLeaks in next 2 days, 'it's probably a fake'”
[11] The FBI Anon Conversation
[12] “New Clinton Emails Found During Anthony Weiner Sexting Probe”
[13] “Anthony Weiner’s cellphone records subpoenaed by U.S. Attorney investigating his alleged sexts to 15-year-old”
[14] “Anthony Weiner Accused of Sexting Relationship with a 15-Year-Old Girl”
[15] “Wikileaks Email Shows Colbert Report Gave Clinton Foundation Control Over Production”
[16] “State Department Dan Rosen’s Arrest: Cheat Sheet for Journos”
[17] “Military Staff Trading in Child Rape and Torture”
[18] “5,200 Pentagon Employees Busted for Buying Child Porn”
“Operation Flicker: Child Pornography Found at High Levels of Government”
[19] Tom Brokaw, 1989, "White House Call Boy Scandal" Reagan/Bush White House Pedophile ring
White House ''Call-Boy'' Scandal Revisited: Wither Paul Rodriguez, Ace Reporter?
[20] The Franklin Cover-Up
“Conspiracy of Silence” Documentary
[21] “The Foley Cover-Up Timeline”
[22] “Billionaire Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein Created Clinton Foundation”
“Billionaire Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Sent Bill Clinton $3.5 Million from Secret Swiss Bank Account”
“Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew on Sex Offender’s Jet Much More Than Previously Known”
“All Aboard the Lolita Express: Newly Released Flight Logs Reveal the Many Trips Bill Clinton and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz Took on Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Jet with Anonymous Women”
[23] “The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton”
“The Talented Mr. Epstein”
[24] Newsbud on the Record: The Podesta Scandal & the Importance of Media Integrity
[25] “Be Nice to Hillary Clinton Online — or Risk a Confrontation with Her Super PAC”
[26] “Money Laundering Scheme Exposed: 14 Pro-Clinton Super PACs and Non-Profits Implicated”
[27] Chicken Lover
Haitian Special
Baby and Money
Taped Child
Comet Sleepover
Beauty Pizza
[28] Inside Comet Ping Pong: Heavy Breathing featuring Majestic Ape
Heavy Breathing Image
Heavy Breathing Fundraising Video
Heavy Breathing: Majestic Ape Making a Pedophilia Joke
[29] Tony Podesta’s Taste in Art
Tony Podesta’s Favorite Artist: Biljana Djurdjevic
[30] “Pizzagate: Madeleine McCann / Sir Clement Freud / Podestas in Portugal”
[31] The Real Hastert Scandal: Pedophilia, Drug Money, and Blackmail
[32] Wikileaks: Tony Podesta saying he keeps in touch with Denny Hastert
Wikileaks: Might Be Time for Denny Hastert to “Vanish”
[33] “Judge Unseals More Details in Jeffrey Epstein Underage Sex Lawsuit”
[34] “A Long-Forgotten Underground Tunnel in D.C. Is Finally Getting Some Fresh Air”
[35] “Judge Said Du Pont Heir ‘Will Not Fare Well’ in Prison”
[36] “Du Pont Heir Accused of Raping Second Child”
[37] Comet Ping Pong Art
[38] “50 Most Powerful People in Washington DC”
Federal Election Commission “Alefantis” Search
[39] Wikileaks Email Exchange Between James Alefantis and John Podesta
[40] Hillary’s Thank You Note to James Alefantis
[41] Obama Playing Ping Pong
James Alefantis’s White House Trips
[42] “4chan User Finds Password-Protected Directory with Large Zip Files on Comet Pizza Website”
[43] The NCMEC Connection
[44] “The Clinton Foundation Reeks: Crooks, Thieves, and Hoods”
[45] “Body Organs of Over 18,000 Syrian Children Sold in Six Years”
[46] “Exposed: Clinton Foundation’s Ties to Suspected Human Organ Trafficker”
[47] “Elpida Home Pedo Logo Discovered – Owned by Radcliffe Foundation, Which Is Owned by Frank Giustra, Who Donated Big Money to the Clinton Foundation”
[48] “Hillary: The New York Times Will Never Tell Us This”
[49] “Clinton Foundation Tied to Convicted Child Trafficker Laura Silsby, Media Silent”
[50] The Hawaii Connection
[51] The Saudi Arabia Connection
[52] “Assange Just Leaked Proof Implicating Hillary Clinton in the Murder of DNC Whistleblower Seth Rich”
[53] “Journalist Monica Petersen Found Dead Undergoing Child Trafficking Investigation”
[54] “Day 47 – Where Is Eric Braverman?”
[55] “The Clinton Body Count”
[56] “100 Most Damaging Wikileaks”
“Clinton Foundation Audit of 2011 found 7% of expenditures went to charity, 10% to travel and events, and 22% on salary”
“How Did $17 Million Disappear from Clinton Foundation?”
[57] Jimmy Saville Scandal
“Jimmy Saville and the 9th Circle” Documentary
[58] “Belgium’s Silent Heart of Darkness”
“Belgium Still Haunted by Paedophile Scandal”
“Beyond the Dutroux Affair: The Reality of Protected Child Abuse and Snuff Networks”
“Belgium’s X-Files: Dutroux Affair Uncovered Pedophile Networks”
[59] “Survivor of Alleged Elite Paedophile Ring Including Former Prime Minister Speaks Out”
“How Paedophile Rings Operate in Australia”
“Australia Joins Norway: It Cuts Clinton Foundation Donations to Zero”
[60] “Busted! Politicians, Police Caught in Huge Norwegian Pedophile Ring”
“Police Crack Down on Norway’s Largest Pedophile Abuse Network”
[61] “Pizzagate, Meet Choi Sun Sil Gate: South Korean President Park Geun Hye Impeached”
[*] The best place to continue your research is the Voat Pizzagate Community:
Thank you so very much for all of your work and this fantastic post which provides a wealth of information with links to source.
You may well already be aware of this but if not, please note that the full length video of the lovely Majestic Ape speaking at Sasha Lord's birthday party is "no longer available due to a copyright claim by Amanda Kleinman."
Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!
Their souls are damned for all eternity.
Shame on them !!!
I just like truth, and I hate scum. Which, you'd think would be normal but... maybe not.