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RE: New James Alefantis #PizzaGate Instagram Images and Comments Part 1 - Steemit Exclusive

in #pizzagate7 years ago

THANK YOU TITUS the work you do is unbelievable and the lack of recognition this get is terribly depressing. I watched an interview with an expert in subversion. He said it takes 10-15 years to demoralize a nation (lenghth of timebit takes to educate one generation of youth) talked about how there becomes a point inwich the demoralization of a country will effect the populations grasp over reality in a way that cannot be reversed by any knowledge, proof, or even by witnessing the truth themselves. This makes subversion like a virus. Its a tactic that can only be stopped by the complete removal of those people and thier demoralizied ideology.

It's terrifying to notice that we are a country victimized by this psychological warfare.

i have been struggling with sanity trying to open peoples eyes I am flabbergasted by the way people dont see what is wrong inside these cryptic communications. people will not accept any of these connections as enough proof implicating these people in such deporable acts. The fact these people wont even say there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant at the very least an unbias investigation from police is frustrating and literally knocks on the wall of insanity. There are some people who have an irreversible demoralized idolology and no truth can change that.

what a war we have if that's what we fight


Yes I still cant believe most people are alseep. 😭😭😭😭😭