There is a global investigation into this, I think @corbettreport coined the phrase, "Open-Source Investigation".
It is certainly taking an organic next step, and I have been following the story very closely. The issue is this. As long as no "official" person takes part of this, nothing will happen to the people involved. I know that is hard to swallow, but this war on fake news has been accelerated due to this #pizzagate story.
Not only that, but I also a future where they use these characters for sympathy to normalise paedophilia... Scoff at that statement all you want, but 30 years ago, if someone told you that homosexual relations will be legal in the future, you would have scoffed at that too, and now look.
I am neither for or against any type of moral law like gay marriage... I can tell you one thing though... harm a child, that's a different story. I do see myself being attacked for saying something like, "I think paedo's should be allowed to do whatever they do", just like people are being attacked for airing their opinions on homosexuality.
It's not looking pretty folks.
It is very ugly. I am worried the current investigation will just drive the perverts to being more careful. I really hope it escallates to the point something can be done.
Hmmm. Sorry to say, but no one is being more careful. I am certain of the fact they are going to try bring this to light, and make paedophilia a sickness, or a "I'm born this way" type vibe to gather sympathy and make this type of behaviour normal. I pray that I am wrong, but I see a clear path to that sadly.
I hate that you are saying it, because honestly earlier today, I thought it. If we both thought it you may be right. I sure hope not.
There is already an association for the people - -
The fact no official investigation may be happening could be that many of those capable of running said investigations are gagged by their superiors who may well be implicated in said investigations.
Per my other reply in this thread, there's every possibility that the law enforcement groups are setting up honey-pot sites for unsuspecting citizen investigators to fall victim to, and with their broad-ranging arrest and seizure powers, they could very quickly shut any of us down. We do not have the privilege of special investigative protections.
I think the safe way is to make sure the good guys with said prosecuting immunity actually are shaken out of their slumber to see justice served.
The concerned citizens saw through the mainstream media smokescreen, but this is a whole different ball game when we start peeking behind the dark curtains.