I-I think you're looking too far into it mate.
From what I've seen they always do the exact same on the toy videos and the like because there's nothing else to really do, so they just repeat what they're doing.
What do you mean specifically though? Maybe I'd understand if you explained more.
I made a comment replying to the main post here that you might find interesting...and probably highly distrubing, but hey, that's how I do it: censor nothing.
From what I've talked about with that person, and others I know/have known, there aren't really any fetishes that pedophiles have. My theory on why is because they aren't saturated with weird sexual things and kids are ESPECIALLY not into weird shit, and thus it doesn't really develop in them.
The closest you might get is something like the toilet training bit, but with actual kids, and them having some (hands you some shutters) f-f-fantasies regarding it. But sleepovers and bondage is just silly fun or casual play as who doesn't like a good sleepover and light bondage is part of many games and encourages sillyness.
Anyhow, I'd definitely say parents know when they're producing videos for people to probably masturbate to, such as the following video creator...
They know, they just don't care. Well, they used to make videos for pedos and pond-scum, or so it seemed in my opinion, but looking again it seems like they've, after getting popularity because of the pedos & pondscum, started producing actual childrens videos.
At first they did toys videos, then they made the video above, boom tons of hits, then they tried a few others, nothing, then they put out like 3-4bath videos, slowed down, did a couple more it looks like, and now they're swimming in cash.
No more bath videos for almost a year it looks like. I WONDER WHY