The more I read into this the less I believe in it. Don't get me wrong, I am not doubting for a second that there are people in positions of authority that abuse children, not even doubting Hillary could be involved and all them people.
The problem is this Satanism stuff that just seems to be there in order to provoke, and then it appears the single origin all of this was wikileaks and those emails from Podesta. Wasn't Julian Assange the one who said he exposes real conspiracies unlike the 911 truthers or something like that?
I hear you. I think that people of interest like Summer Camp are purposefully referencing the potential satanic ritual aspect of the child abuse by people as being ludicrous, which mirrors what's being put out by the controlled msm, since it is the primary thing that people have the most difficulty even beginning to consider. Thus it feeds into the whole plausible deniability, fake news narrative of what I consider to be damage control in the orchestrated coverup of what we feel are interconnected worlwide child trafficking rings. Information is being collected in support of this. You will note that Summer Camp wasn't asked about satanic ritual but he chose to go to that script. Given the photos and comments on them with references to blood and sex along with the videos of Majestic Ape, in my opinion one has to consider the possibility of satanic ritual abuse. From my experience researching down this very dark rabbit hole for a number of years now one would be remiss not to.