how symbolic, ritualistic programming is used to control the masses and how it connects in to events such as the 'pizzagate' phenomena

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

gotthard base tunnel opening

while much of the difficulty and confusion surrounding allegations of ritual child abuse arises due to the inherent secrecy involved, there remains a great deal of direct and indirect evidence that such activity goes on in governments. sometimes the evidence is subtle and sometimes it is blatant - yet we would need to be open to the possibility before we might put 2 and 2 together. in the case of the ritual performance i am drawing your attention to here though, the symbology and meaning is totally out in the open - albeit that the full intention is not being openly shared with those outside of 'the network' who orchestrates such events.

what i am referring to here is the opening ceremony of the gotthard base tunnel in switzerland. the ceremony was so long that it had different sections taking place in different locations, but the point here though is it's content. here's a section of the video of the event and below i will break it down, explain some of what is going on - from a social engineering perspective - and how it connects back to other types of rituals that may involve child abuse:

here's my brief summary of the video:

  • many humans appear on stage, dressed as 'workers' in overall - with an overall appearance that is vacant, lost and devoid of emotion. looking more or less like a kind of slave.
  • after various attempts are made by some of them to climb an imaginary rock wall (on a large video screen) they fall and tumble - failing. soul-less military type drum beating accompanies the show.
  • after a few minutes of this the performers get undressed and run around semi naked and then go on to roll around, gesticulate and generally display no sense of emotional connection with anything or any kind of excitement about anything. again, it is like watching robotic slaves.
  • the large video screen displays a giant eye - which students of the symbology used by the secret society groups know very well to have several interpretations - yet generally one that either associates to the 'third eye' (mind's eye) or to something more accurately called 'the all seeing eye'. in this case there is no sense of enlightenment involved, there is only a giant eye overlooking everyone.
  • several angelic figures appear in front of the giant eye and after floating around a bit and generally looking aetheric, yet unexciting - the 'human' performers at ground level are seen to now also be wearing white veils, like the angels above them.
  • a new character appears, along with eery, inharmonic sounds - who has a large set of horns on his head, along with the head of an animal literally on top of his. he moves around on stage and if this were a 'normal' stage show he might be thought of as the lead role.. in this case, however, he is not offering much of any artistic or intelligent expression - he is simply flailing about and screaming.
  • the choreographed weirdness, screeches and unexplained symbology continues on for a long while...

so... what exactly does any of that have to do with the opening of an £8.5 billion tunnel?

most of us would say 'nothing'. as you can see, even the bbc reporters gave up on explaining what it was about. while several 'world leaders' attended and many of the controlled media agencies attempted to claim the event was some kind of amazing spectacle - the reality is quite different. it is well known by researchers of the psyche and of social engineering methods, that occult symbology is used to attempt to form 'groupthink' in the mass population, through the implanting of symbolic associations and ideas into as many of us as possible in an unconscious way. the idea is that without directly saying anything, it can be possible to directly influence the way we think and thus the actions we take. this is also well known to be used by advertising agencies - as demonstrated by derren brown here:

so what is being implanted unconsciously into us by the ceremony? and what is the intention?

answering this question is open to a certain amount of interpretation and not everyone will agree. however, the symbology is quite clear to me in some senses:

  • you, the working people are to be like slaves/automatons
  • the 'angelic classes' will help you evolve out of your nightmare.. just do as we say and don't talk back... to the beat of a military drum, no less.
  • we can flaunt our satanic characters in your faces and there is nothing much you can do about it as it is us who hold the bank accounts with billions in, not you.

the inharmonic sounds and general unpleasantness of the whole thing triggers emotions in response, such as fear, hate and general discomfort. this triggering is key within the process of 'anchoring' ideas within the subconscious and even unconscious mind, since memory is formed through association of feelings and without strong feelings being present in the process, programming cannot take hold.

so now, not only are you being sucked into their symbolic idea - an idea that is physically larger than you and which uses an intimidating form to overpower the observer and to get their attention hypnotically and without care/love being involved... but you are also being 'prepped' and 'prepared' for further programming and ultimately ritual abuse, whereever it may come from in your life. the message is 'we can do whatever we want and you will not escape us or our programming agenda'.

does this all sound insane to you?

well, it does to me - but re-member, it isn't me that created the ritual, i am just going about interpreting it and explaining it based on years of research into mind control and social engineering programs, plus into the psychopaths behind them. power is their goal and specifically, power over everyone else. they know that they cannot simply directly enslave everyone by force, since their military is made up of those they wish to enslave, so instead they use psycho-spiritual techniques of every description to get the intended result. sadly, in many people, their techniques actually have a measurable effect - as we are very often unconscious to a degree that most of our thoughts are not our own and yet we think they are.

how does this connect back to the ritual child abuse that has so often been proven to involve politicians?

most of us, thankfully, have never encountered direct child abuse in our own lives and also never encountered trauma based mind control. therefore, we lack the puzzle pieces needed to tie together the many 'unexplained' phenomena we see on earth that do in fact make more sense when associated back to an orchestrated plot to alter the thought patterns of most humans on deep levels and in ways that they themselves are unaware of. the MKultra mind control programs of the US government, which took over from the german Nazis at the end of World War 2 is a key data point in understanding all of this and several witnesses have come forwards to explain the extreme evil that was perpetrated against them by elements of their 'alleged' 'own government'. this is not a theory and is a matter of congressional record - with official apologies already having been issued for this. the following videos provide some insight into the background of the topic and may help you to comprehend some of the roots of the evil we sense is real and close, yet we don't fully ever bring into focus enough to act against and stop.

this is an older documentary that reveals the tip of the iceberg of the history abuses operated by the shadow government's operations in america and beyond:

here is a recent interview with fritz springmeier, one of the early exposers of the evils of MKultra and also an early de-programmer of some of the program's victims:

the connecting point here mainly being that these mind control programs use satanic ritual abuse on babies, children and adults, plus also use all the kind of programming techniques visible in the ritual at the swiss tunnel. all of this is connected in covert and overt ways.



so don't watch TV
I wrote a post on Subliminal Advertising , some would call it mind control.

Interesting post. I wondered about the performers in that, too, who were they? That was no normal job - were they in it too? Were they conscious ritual/MC participants?

i don't know anything about that side of it.. and have never seen any research done into it :/

possibly some of them, who can say, but more alot of them are just trendy dancing folk happy to get a gig that pays well !! i think we should also look at the opening of the London Olympic games 2012, which reeked of pure Satanical imagery and actually child abuse too !! was disgusting for me to watch and showed to me how far my country has fallen into the hands of Lucifer !

I just listened to an interview with Fritz last night - it was about pizzagate.


thanks for the link. listening to fritz here, reminds me that he does make a lot of mistakes and so too does the interviewer. it is unfortunate, since it puts off the listeners who have an eye/ear for detail and who may not understand the reality of the topic. there were so many examples in the first 45 minutes that i lost track. the last one was the claim that 'james elefantis' means 'i like children' in french, when it does not. it is similar to the correct phrase in french, but not the same (j'aime les enfants).

Good point! The t-shirt he has on doesn't even translate that way if I remember correctly.

if you mean the photo of the guy with the t-shirt with J' (heart) L'enfants - on it.. that is not james elefantis anyway.

I think it's his boyfriend...sorry it's been a long day...took my 4 hrs to write my post!

ok, i'm not sure who exactly he is

the other point that i find absurd from fritz is his comment about europeans and how people will be 'naked on the beach'.. as if that is a 'bad' thing.. lol. there is so much denial here it is palpable. god didn't make you with a built-in denim shirt fritz... ;)

I'm pretty sure I read that someone mistook the guy in the T-shirt for James Aelefantis and it corrected him saying it's his boyfriend

Jimmy Comet a.k.a. James Alefantis posted on his Instagram the photo of the man wearing the J'❤️ L'Enfant t-shirt which is Christopher Lynch, the co-owner of L'Enfant Cafe & Bar in D.C. who appears to be a friend and not his boyfriend that I have seen or am aware of.

another point where fritz is twisting the truth for his own agenda.. i don't mean to pick on him, but i intend balance and that means pointing out denial whereever it is to get to the total truth. he mentioned the leaked video of the pentagon agents describing a vaccine and virus that he says was intended to prevent faith in god. in truth, the specific quote is that they intended to stop religious fundamentalism and suicide bombing. i am not standing up for the pentagon here and i do not agree with any such bioengineering in any way whatsoever - but he is twisting the truth and i am just pointing it out. here's the video: