Harbin Hot Springs: The Lost Branch Of The Pizzagate Scandal And The Finders Cult

in #pizzagate6 years ago (edited)

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Note: This article may be NSFW and triggering to some.

At the time of penning the initial 2016 report on RA anon's experience, this writer did not expect to find and did not search for, any direct links between RA Anon’s testimony and the Pizzagate scandal. However, since writing those initial posts, others have identified that“Sasha Lord” publicly posted on social media regarding at least one visit to Harbin Hot Springs. This post will attempt to explore the significance of that find.


To recap the initial testimony and research stemming from RA Anon, this writer and others were able to map a series of connections between their allegations and campuses starting with Harbin Hot Springs in late 2016 in the wake of the pizzagate and spirit cooking scandals. As a reminder, RA Anon stated:

"I experienced ritual abuse, or MKULTRA type abuse. I saw the trafficking of children in cages myself. I saw murder. I was given drugs and I experienced near-drowning. I saw others tortured and die. I saw rape, experienced sexual abuse. I was used in child porn. I saw birth, I saw abortion. I saw people cut open, I saw worse. I was electroshocked and I was terrified of masks, and people in costumes. I was utterly traumatized to the point that I had hysterical fits that looked like seizures. I was to the point of being in altered states with names. I thought I had a different family. My life has been severely affected by these events. Years of time have been taken away from me by regression and PTSD/DID."

In further discussion with RA Anon, since the initial post was published, they expressed this resource on ritual abuse as the best representation of their experiences and the resulting trauma involved.

The multiple posts on RA anons' experience are indexed here, and the original version of the initial Reddit post with working image links is preserved via archives.

Sasha Lord

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So, who is Sasha Lord anyway, and why does it matter that she visited Harbin Hot Springs? As the previously cited poster describes it, "the Harbin Hot Springs scandal is notable because it has received almost no press, yet multiple victims have come forward and given very specific information about its links to the CIA and MK-ULTRA-style programs."

A direct connection to pizzagate - and the Clintons - through Sasha Lord makes the issue even more prescient.

According to the now-defunct Pizzagate Wiki, retrieved via archive.is, Sasha Lord was/is " the music performance booker at Comet Ping Pong, she is close friends with the musicians of satanic Heavy Breathing and linked in the "friends" tab of Comet's website."

"Majestic Ape," the character-name of the Heavy Breathing band's lead singer, apparently Amanda Kleinman but speculated to sometimes be James Alefantis, said Lord carried her baby after which Amanda said to have "euthanized" the baby.

Image from the Heavy Breathing band website.

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Again: Sasha Lord held her 30th birthday party at Comet Ping Pong, and it was at this event that the infamous statements referencing the euthanasia of a newborn were made, apparently regarding an infant Lord carried. The bizarre description by Kleinman is reminiscent of the RA Anon drawing of birth as well as other ritual abuse survivors who have described birth as central to their experience.


The archived wiki entry on Sasha Lord adds:

"Due to hacked emails, we are able to see a correspondence between her and a Dave Stone asking for a reference for "Richard Windsor."5 Richard Windsor is the known alias of ex Clinton Foundation board member Lisa P. Jackson.[6]"

This connection is relatively unsurprising, given the apparent favor of Clinton insiders shown to CPP Pizza prior to pizzagate. To recap: Comet pizza is run by James Alefantis, the former partner of pro-Clinton-operative David Brock. In the Podesta emails, we know that there were campaign debate-watch parties and fundraisers held at Ping-Pong, and Alefantis also took part in private fundraising dinners at the home of Hillary's campaign chief, John Podesta.

As a result of Wikileaks' publication of the Podesta emails, the public learned that John Podesta's brother Tony Podesta was involved in "spirit cooking" events with Marina Abramovic, and as a result of researching those who appeared in the emails, discovered that Alefantis' Instagram page was filled with material that seemed to indicate or mock the abuse of children. Archives of Alefantis's entire Instagram page have disappeared over time, with only partial archives of the Instagram posts remaining available.

To summarize: The documentation of Sasha Lord at Harbin Hot Springs represents a direct connection between RA Anon’s testimony and the figures central to the original Pizzagate scandal that was otherwise unknown.

More importantly, it indicates the presence of a Clinton-tied DC insider at Harbin, which is fascinating in light of allegations that Hillary Clinton regularly attended a 'coven' on the west coast of the United States.

Was Harbin, a relatively unknown and obscure commune surrounded by thousands of acres of undeveloped land, and which is protected by a security presence, the location of this group or related to it?

The Heart Consciousness Church owns Harbin Hot Springs, which by its own description includes "thousands of acres of undeveloped land." That's quite an investment of cash for a 501c organization, much less a nudist commune. For this and many other reasons, it appears that the organization is not simply a spa retreat favored by nudists. It is first and foremost a religious organization practicing "rituals and ceremonies" on a regular basis.

Harbin Under Donald James Hamrick


I've previously discussed Harbin Hot Springs and related organizations in terms of their ties to both ritual abuse allegations and pedophilia activity by leaders of Harbin-tied organizations.

However, as part of those previous posts, I've only briefly discussed the Church of Heart Consciousness, which is described as owning and running Harbin entirely. My interest in Harbin arose from the indirect connection between it and RA Anon's abuse experience. RA Anon was not the only one to raise the alarm on Harbin, however.

A commenter on a blog post centered on Harbin can be seen below:

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The original research posted by myself in early December 2016 also related the following statements regarding Harbin, in the Harbin Pastebin:

"My name is Eleazar Solomon at mizrach612 at HOT, if anyone wants to contact me. I knew Donald James Hamrick (AKA Zeera Charnoe) personally. His private psychotherapist was Dr Joseph G(r)oss in NYC. Hamrick was an agent of the CIA, and was part of an orchestrated CIA experiment with middle class youth involving a commune (HARBINGER HOT SPRINGS) with free sex and drugs supplied by the CIA. The operation was called CHAOS and also PROJECT ONE. Rooms had two-way mirrors installed, and all phones were tapped to provide direct input into the CIA controlled OP.

"Virtually no one knew, or was even aware of the Project, except possibly John Wester, who was HAMRICKS’ closest aide for a number of years, and who knew HAMRICKS’ CIA contacts were and the nature of the MK-ULTRA experiment. The Vice President of IBM, LOU MOBLEY was Hamricks' CIA handler, and MARION PETTIE, the head of a CIA front org, known as THE FINDERS, was a frequent visitor to the HARBINGER COMPOUND. The whole experiment involved a secret GOVERNMENT GROUP called the 5412 GROUP. Hamrick was deeply involved in this experiment, and clearly knew of the CIA providing drugs, providing money for many things, including the drugs" (Harbin.10)."

More information, which is definitely worth following up on, can be found in the 2016 Pastebin devoted to Harbin that was posted as part of this author and other's extensive research in the weeks following the pizzagate scandal and subsequent contact from RA Anon.

Harbin Hot Springs Under Robert Hartley, or "Ishvara" and the Church Of Heart Consciousness


In addition to the allegations of abuse at Harbin under Hamrick, allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct were lodged by a former employee of the church/cult/commune, Christopher Musser, who wrote regarding the site under the leadership of Robert Hartley, aka "Ishvara." The former employee described Harbin and its Church as a "predatory cult that cheats many of their guests and employees, and encourages illegal and dangerous behavior... Harbin management is very good at controlling the release of negative information about their “church."

Musser claims that workers endure "institutionalized sexual harassment, support ineffective money-for-sex workshops that seek to rob vulnerable guests of their hard-earned dollars, and subject themselves to dangerous working condition."

Additionally, the pdf details the presence of prostitutes at the site, and states: "Young, naked women are “coin of the realm” because they’re the ones everyone else comes to see and hookup with, bringing in most of the guests, and therefore most of the money, too. And to purchase 3 surrounding ranches totaling hundreds of acres for many millions of dollars, like Harbin recently did, requires an awful lot of money."

Musser does not speculate on the potential for human trafficking as a source of said "many millions of dollars," but it is a possibility that I believe must be kept in mind.

Musser goes on to allege that a Harbin security officer runs a site used to organize orgies attended by Harbin staff, writing:

"[younger workers] are expected to become “poly” and have sex with the many Harbin managers who attend the quarterly Harbin sex parties at Middletown’s Twin Pines Casino Hotel... Here’s their website. This site is maintained by a member of the Harbin security team. This sex party is regularly well-attended by department managers and other staff." [Emphasis mine]

The HedonSalon website's banner image, shown below, appears to show a nude woman on a table covered in food, a reference to cannibalism - which is rampant in ritual abuse. The placement goes a step beyond sexual objectification and is very similar to the imagery of women-as-food seen in events held by the Rothschild family and attended by Marina Abramovic.


Above: image via Hedonsalon


Above: Image of 1972 surrealist Rothschild event

While the "Hedonsalon" website does not specify the locations at which the orgies occur, it describes the setting as very close to Harbin and "Napa Wine Country," also a location reputed to be a hotbed of ritual abuse. Commenters on the "HedonSalson" website also directly reference visiting Harbin, and certain iterations of the site speak directly about activities of some kind being hosted by Harbin.

It should be pointed out that while some images and themed orgies/sex parties involve potentially occult references and religious themes, the majority of the events are oriented to random themes, ie, dressing as superheroes & villains. Although distasteful, this is not conclusive evidence of ritual abuse or illegal activity in and of itself.

However: if human trafficking takes place at Harbin, one would imagine that such trafficked individuals would be present at such parties. More evidence is needed to confirm or debunk this possibility.

Musser also goes on to recount the many instances of suicide and unusual deaths that have occurred at the Hot Springs, without stating that these deaths may be intentionally caused:

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Musser states that Harbin's pools are "where the predators hang out, and they can also be very dangerous, too. I’ve heard residents call them “The sewers of Harbin.” People die in the pools, and on the grounds, maybe one a year on average."

Musser also describes multiple instances of sexual assault at the hands of Hartley ("Ishvara") and others involved with Harbin.

New Age Church Of Being (NACOB)

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The above image, from Harbin's facebook page, is subtitled: "Rituals, seasonal rejuvenation and rebirth are around the bend. Everything will eventually come around, full circle."

Harbin's older, now-deleted page devoted to the Church of Heart Consciousness, which owns Harbin included a subsection, titled: "New Age Church of Being"

The current iteration of Harbin's page on the Church of Heart Consciousness includes no reference to NACOB whatsoever. Why does Harbin want to hide the existence and/or activities of NACOB?

Looking to the older subsection on Harbin's now-deleted page, we see that Harbin described NACOB's activities including rituals and trance dancing:

"Bodywork, Yoga, Trance Dance, Holistic Foods, Meditation, prayer circles, and quiet places are some of the expressions of New Age Religion to be found at Harbin. The New Age Church of Being, or NACOB, oversees those aspects more traditionally thought of as religion: Rituals, ceremonies, and rites of passage including New Moon and Full Moon ceremonies in the Warm Pool, weekly Kirtan (Hindu devotional chanting), Full Moon Pipe Ceremonies, Pagan rituals marking the Seasonal Cycles (especially May Day and Halloween), and monthly men’s and women’s traditional Sweats during the rainy season."

I've previously written about the use of "body work" and trance dancing in ritual abuse.

Harbin's now-deleted page on the Heart Consciousness Church also stated regarding NACOB training:

"NACOB Ministers are trained through a six-month program open to residents. The meetings are generally once-a-week, with formal classes in philosophy, history, comparative religions, and traditions alternating with more informal classes for sharing, hands-on practice, and rituals. Many of these classes are taught by the students themselves (and indeed, each student is required to teach a class as well as conduct a ritual). For some, we invite experts."

Where then does Harbin recruit the "outside teachers" from? Is NACOB the inner circle at Harbin which potentially performs ritual abuse?

Harbin's deleted page states of NACOB's graduates: "What do students have when they graduate? .... They are able to recognize and take responsibility for trance states induced by rituals."

The relevance of "trance states induced by rituals" to ritual abuse should not have to be explained. This is as close to a description of ritual abuse that one could hope to find, without an outright admission of illegal activity.

The differentiation between Harbin's Heart Consciousness Church and NACOB is both seemingly unnecessary and confusing, with NACOB described as the "more explicitly religious organization" by both Harbin and the Wikipedia page devoted to Harbin. Again, why did Harbin feel the need to create a separate organization from the Church which owns the Harbin complex, and which visitors must join to gain entry? Was the creation of NACOB intended to hide Harbin's activities from casual visitors?

The Wikipedia page dedicated to Harbin Hot Springs also states that the New Age Church of Being was incorporated in 1996 at Harbin. The page goes on to state:

"Robert Hartley (AKA Ishvara) bought the land in 1972 to be a Gestalt center.[8] Sold to the Heart Consciousness Church (HCC) in 1975, Harbin/HCC operates as an intentional community where approximately 150 residents live and operate the Retreat Center for outside visitors.[9] Harbin/HCC maintains a more specifically religious organization, the New Age Church of Being, incorporated in 1996. Harbin is a center for the expression of New Age beliefs. Harbin's clothing-optional policy, its pools, and the natural beauty of the local landscape are part of Harbin's appeal to visitors, who must agree to membership, if only temporarily, for admission." [Emphasis mine]

As referenced in the preceding Wikipedia quote, the current version of the Church of Heart Consciousness's page states that "for admission to Harbin property, Heart Consciousness Church Membership is required by at least one person in your reservation party."

A pdf which will be discussed further throughout this post by a former Harbin employee also references this fact, as well as the potential motivations for it:

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Knowing that Sasha Lord visited Harbin, we can infer that either Sasha Lord is a member of Harbin's Church, or that someone she travelled there with had joined up.

The Finders Cult

Ted Gunderson's documentation of The Finders Cult is incredibly significant in understanding the intersection of the occult, mind control studies by intelligence agencies, and trafficking in ritual abuse. This post cannot delve into the issue in full, but others have written on the subject and I've often referenced the Finders in discussing its similarity with or connection to other rings and issues, including the ring of campuses known as the centers gathering.

Excerpts from a CIA-foiled investigation of the Finders cult:

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To reiterate the association between the Harbin location and the Finders cult, we return to the above-mentioned two separate testimonies by different people on different platforms, in terms of Finders cult founder and leader Marion Pettie's repeated visits to Harbin when it was run by Donald James Hamrick.

Both comments are cited above in this post, but to focus on the relevant points, Beersheva in response to a blog post in 2015:

"I know of personally, that Donald Hamrick was a CIA operative, his "handler" was LOU MOBLEY, ex IBM Vice-President, and that Hamtick frequently saw Marion Pettie (of the FINDERS) at the Harbinger Commune."

In a separate response to a youtube video, someone naming themselves Eleazar Solomon wrote:

"The Vice President of IBM, LOU MOBLEY was Hamricks' CIA handler, and MARION PETTIE, the head of a CIA front org, known as THE FINDERS, was a frequent visitor to the HARBINGER COMPOUND. The whole experiment involved a secret GOVERNMENT GROUP called the 5412 GROUP."

I've also previously written regarding the Finders cult connections with the Human Potential Movement, a movement espoused as a central tenet of Harbin's existence and intimately involved with Esalen, as well.

Harbin's description of the Heart Consciousness Church calls it the "embodiment and a manifestation of the New Age: that common thread uniting the Human Potential Movement, the Holistic, Natural Movement, and Universal Spirituality." I have previously discussed the CIA ties to the Human Potential Movement, including its ties to the founder of the CIA-linked Finders Cult.

The Washington Post confirmed the connection between the Finders Cult and the development of the Human Potential movement in a 1987 report, which stated:

"The commune evolved with the human potential movement of the 1970s, with a heavy emphasis on shedding inhibitions and delusions, said former associates, most of whom did not want to be identified out of embarrassment for having been in the group, or out of fear of current associates."

This is incredibly significant, as it suggests a potential ongoing connection between the current Harbin ownership (a church which centers on the Human Potential Movement by its own description) and the Finders Cult.

Even more shocking, is the possibility that Marion Pettie's son is a member of an organization that operates at Harbin via Ecstatic living: Sky Dance Tantra.

Musser writes in the previously-discussed pdf on Harbin:

"Harbin hosts many training sessions, such as “Skydancing Tantra,” where you can learn how to “Experience God” by masturbating in front of the other people in the workshop for only $500, meals and lodging included. An accounting manager confided in me one time she “didn’t know how Harbin got away with this,” because it sure seems like prostitution, doesn’t it?"

This writer previously wrote regarding the connections between Harbin Hot Springs and Ecstatic Living, which is described by Skydancing Tantra's website as "accredited."

Skydance Tantra describes an individual named David Pettie as a member of their organization, writing thus:

"David Pettie has completed the SkyDancing Tantra Coach & Teacher Training and is on track to become a certified SkyDancing Tantra professional. His membership with SkyDancing Tantra Institute (USA) is in good standing."

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The founder of the Finders Cult, Marion Pettie, has been described as having two sons: David Pettie and George Pettie.

One source states: "Pettie's son, David Pettie, is a member of the Community, Pettie's other son, George, may be the one who was in Air America."

While there is no available evidence to my knowledge that confirms that Sky Dance Tantra's Pettie is in fact Marion Pettie's son, the coincidence is astounding. I hope that further research will confirm or debunk this potential association.


No one could have guessed that John of God would be accused of running "baby farms" in the months during which I wrote my first comparison between his and Abramovic's work: similarly, there may be unknown depths to the activities at Harbin Hot Springs and in relation to it that will only be revealed in future, and in hindsight of which, posts like this will have barely scratched the surface.

At minimum I hope that this post brings to light the direct connections between Pizzagate and Harbin, as well as the possible ties between Harbin and the Finders cult, gives rise to further scrutiny of the organization in addition to what myself and a few others have uncovered.

Addendum: A Pastebin with additional links and archives of Hedon Salon, etc is available here


Ritual abuse is a myth

Thanks for the shilling you pedo fuck.