Ritual Abuse in a ring of UN-Tavistock-Military related Orgs/Foundations Pt.2

in #pizzagate8 years ago

Findhorn {

  1. http://centersgathering.org/directory/findhorn-foundation/ http://archive.is/taYwv

  2. Referencing Kitezh Community - https://www.findhorn.org/2007/10/a-life-devoted-to-children/ http://archive.is/6tCpp

  3. WL File ties Findhorn to Teens and Toddlers and ARK - https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Talk:Schillings_legal_threat_re_Arpad_Busson,_EIM_Group_and_ARK_Schools_to_911forum.org.uk_hoster,_16_Dec_2008

  4. Ties ARK to Findhorn - http://lifeinthemix.org.uk/ark_academies_school.html http://archive.is/oCdTi

  5. Psychosynthesis Activity:

  1. Employee Gabriele Wosien develops Sacred Dance alongside her father:

    http://www.sacreddance-wosien.net/ http://www.sacreddance-wosien.net/Sacred_Dance/sacred_dance.html http://archive.is/DruQu

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http://www.sacreddance-wosien.net/mgwosien/mgwosien.html http://archive.is/J0bY0

  1. Gabriele Wosien hires Svetlana Bakushina - http://www.metanoia-verlag.ch/pages/artikel.php?art=s4uCwWgGXyOI&session=uZRhjYFD7U
  1. Svetlana art collection:








  1. Vision - https://www.findhorn.org/aboutus/vision/#.WEPXNNPLfK4 http://archive.is/YQTwt

  2. "A New Story for Humanity": http://newstoryhub.com/film/watch/ https://www.findhorn.org/aboutus/video/ http://archive.is/xgITm

  3. https://www.findhorn.org/aboutus/video http://archive.is/04Hlu

  4. https://stacymillichamp.wordpress.com/about-stacey-millichamp/ http://archive.is/DuzWz

  5. Deva: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deva_(New_Age) http://archive.is/RM61V

  6. Dorothy Maclean: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_Maclean http://archive.is/nWU0m

  7. David Spangler: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Spangler http://archive.is/1MAPj

  8. Lorian Foundation: https://lorian.org/ http://archive.is/zLdkd

They run courses at Findhorn Foundation allegedly founded by people who were at the founding meeting of the OSS in New York city, which later became the CIA.

One of the founders of the Findhorn Foundation, is, Dorothy Maclean

And I quote :

(b. 1920 in Guelph, Ontario, Canada ) is a writer and educator on spiritual subjects who was one of the original three adults at what is now the Findhorn Foundation in northeast Scotland.
She obtained a 3-year Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario. From 1941 onwards she worked for the British Security Coordination in New York. After being posted to Panama, she met and married John Wood, though the couple would divorce in 1951.

When the Caddy’s were appointed to manage a hotel in Scotland, Maclean joined them as the hotel's secretary.

According to Urantia OSS Timeline :

1940s -- Sheena Govan and Dorothy Maclean, who will in the following decades help Eileen Caddy start Findhorn (see, 1962), a New Age community in Scotland, are actually working for British Intelligence while Ostensibly employed as secretaries at the British Embassy in New York.

The two are present there when the OSS (Office of Strategic services, the forerunner of the CIA) was formed in New York with the help of British Intelligence (see, 1942). -- During the 1940s OSS will begin "the first systematic effort to evaluate an individual’s Personality in order to predict his future behavior".(John Marks' The Search for the Manchurian candidate: hereinafter, "SEARCH", online HERE a must read for those who know little of the MKULTRA programmes) HERE and HERE . HERE.

1942 -- British Intelligence, in New York, helps America set up its own intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

c. 1942-1944 -- Future URANTIA Book translator, Jacques Weiss, fights with the French Resistance. Thus, he is presumably in contact with the OSS, which during these years was helping the "Free French" Sooner or later Weiss would reportedly claim he followed invisible purported celestials whom he called the "hierarchy" (also see, 1980 and 1962).

1947 -- The CIA is created out of the OSS. It begins some preliminary work with drugs, starts a mind-control drug project at BethesdaNavalHospital in Maryland, and investigates

So we can see intelligence agency affiliation here.


From 1941 onwards she worked for the British Security Coordination in New York City. After being posted to Panama, she met and married John Wood, though the couple would divorce in 1951.

Dorothy Maclean left Findhorn in 1973 and subsequently founded an educational organization in North America with David Spangler.


In 1972, with funding from Sydney and Jean Lanier, and later from Laurance Rockefeller, Thompson founded the Lindisfarne Association


http://www.swans.com/library/art18/barker119.html http://archive.is/QDIe0


Looking back at Kitezh and it's history we cited earlier. In (Haven.12) the Kitezh history given lists Kitezh's website url http://communities.gaia.org/kitezh/ as a source. That url is currently dead, but looking at the Wayback Machine for this url, it has activity leading all the way up to 2008 when it was deleted (Haven.13). According to the page that you get redirected to, communities.gaia.org, GAIA's mission "is to promote a new, global consciousness which sees our entire planet as a living organism with Humankind as an integral part of the entity" (Haven.14). What you discover (via a link on GAIA's site) is that Kitezh is one of many communites that is part of the "Global Ecovillage Network" (GEN), as seen in Findhorn's video, which is "an internal network of ecovillages, administratively divided into three autonomous regions:

  1. ENA: The Ecovillage Network of the Americas. ENA is further divided into 9 regions covering the Western Hemisphere from Canada to South America.
  2. GEN-Europe, which is organized nationally with about 20 national networks active at this time.
  3. GENOA, or GEN Oceania/Asia, which has national networks in Australia, New Zealand, Philippines and Sri Lanka and evolving networks in Japan, India and other countries of the region.

GEN’s primary purpose is information exchange among the thousands of projects across the world that are building and living in small intentional and traditional communities in harmony with nature, as well as information dissemination to the larger world. GEN does this with seminars, newsletters, educational programs at many ecovillages, and an active website with easily accessible contact addresses of members, resource lists, and links to related activities. GEN has consulting status with the United Nations agency ECOSOC" (Haven.15).

On GEN's website, they list both the Gaia Trust and Gaia Education as two of their four main "partners" (Ecolise and Sircle Project being the other two). On Gaia Trust's page on GEN's website they give this description: "Gaia Trust, Denmark is a charitable entity supporting sustainabilty projects around the world. It was founded in 1987 on the initiative of Ross and Hildur Jackson, with the intention of supporting the transition to a sustainable and more spiritual future society through grants and proactive initiatives.

Two NGOs especially have been supported for many years and continue to be supported, namely the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education. Many other smaller projects in the areas of local sustainability initiatives, permaculture, etc. occasionally receive supporting grants" (Haven.17). Gaia Education, of which Ross Jackson is also on the board, has this description on their own website:

"Gaia Education is a leading-edge provider of sustainability education that promotes thriving communities within planetary boundaries... This initiative was launched at Findhorn in October 2005 by a group of Ecovillage educators calling themselves the GEESE (Global Ecovillage Educators for Sustainable Earth.) The key program is a UNITAR-endorsed 4 week holistic introduction to designing sustainable settlements" (Haven.16).


Relevant links (from [Haven]) {

  1. Since 1993 Kitezh has functioned as a non-government, non-profit home and school for orphaned Russian children in a community of foster families who live together on a large piece of land in a rural area 300km south of Moscow in Kaluga region near Baryatino.
    KITEZH is a revolutionary eco-village community, providing a unique form of family-based care for homeless and orphaned children in Russia. Here they find a positive experience of family life which enables them to recover from the trauma of earlier years to become open, loving, valuable and contributing members of society. With the right kind of support, Kitezh is becoming a real and inspiring alternative model to the present state-run child-care institutions.Kitezh - http://www.friends-partners.org/ccsi/nisorgs/russwest/kitezh.htm http://archive.is/9J3vi

  2. Gaia listed as a source in article above: http://communities.gaia.org/kitezh/ Wayback Machine history: http://sli.mg/kqjsOR

  3. redirected to: communities.gaia.org/

  4. GEN - http://gaia.org/global-ecovillage-network/ http://archive.is/4RAw8

  5. Gaia Education: http://gaia.org/gaia-education/ http://archive.is/o1LQF

  6. Gaia Trust - http://gen.ecovillage.org/en/gaia-trust http://archive.is/4zY1G


Findhorn's Ties to UN Via Ark and Lucis Trust:

Stacey Millichamp served on the Leadership Team at the Findhorn Foundation where she "collaborated on the design and delivery of coaching programmes for the personal and professional development of the 170 core staff members" (Findhorn.12). Currently, Stacey is one of the senior staff for Teens and Toddlers, "a programme originally conceived by Laura Huxley, widow of the writer Aldous Huxley, in the late 1970s in California, USA" with the hopes that " 'if [young people] were to live in a loving state of consciousness, the benefit would be universal.' ... Whilst the original Teens and Toddlers programme was the brainchild of Laura Huxley, it was her friend and mentee, Lady Diana Whitmore, who brought the programme to the UK and has been the driving force behind the its growth ever since. Diana", who is currently a member of the trustee board of the Findhorn Foundation, "founded the Psychosynthesis Trust over 25 years ago and has served as President ever since." (TAT.1,2).

What is psychosynthesis? It was founded by a man named Roberto Assagioli. "Psychosynthesis departed from the empirical foundations of psychology in that it studied a person as a personality and a soul but Assagioli continued to insist that it was scientific. He developed therapeutic methods beyond those found in psychoanalysis. Although the unconscious is an important part of his theory, Assagioli was careful to maintain a balance with rational, conscious therapeutical work" (Ark.4,5). Roberto Assagioli was a "disciple" of Alice Bailey, the founder of the Lucis Trust. "The activities of the Lucis Trust promote the education of the human mind towards recognition and practice of the spiritual principles and values upon which a stable and interdependent world society may be based" (Lucis.1). "The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and World Goodwill is recognized by the Department of Public Information at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). As such the Trust and World Goodwill are part of a community of many hundreds of NGOs that play an active role in the United Nations, particularly in spreading information about the UN and fostering support for UN programs. Since their inception Lucis Trust and World Goodwill have given their support through meditation, educational materials and seminars, by highlighting the importance of the UN's goals and activities as they represent the voice of the peoples and nations of the world" (Lucis.2). World Goodwill says this on their about us page: "Goodwill is one of the most basic spiritual qualities of the human being and the great untapped resource at the heart of every human community. This energy is potentially a powerful force for social change – yet its power remains largely unrecognized and underutilized. World Goodwill fosters understanding of this energy and the role it is playing in the development of a new humanity" (Lucis.3).

Ark, "an education charity that exists to make sure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to a great education and real choices in life" is the primary funder of both Teens and Toddlers and the Lucis Trust. Ark was co-founded by a group of hedge fund financiers including Paul Marshall and Ian Wace of Marshall Wace and Arpad Busson of EIM Group, who is founding chairman of its board of trustees (Ark.6). According to the WSJ, Arpad Busson, a major Clinton donor, and the EIM group have been investigated for laundering Terrorist Money, including Osama Bin Laden (Ark.7).

This 4chan post seemed to independently find a connection from Arpad Busson to Teens and Toddlers and Ark. Tavistock publishes info by Diana Whitmore, connecting Soros to Ark: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/101301264

Ark {

  1. WL File ties Findhorn to Teens and Toddlers and ARK - https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Talk:Schillings_legal_threat_re_Arpad_Busson,_EIM_Group_and_ARK_Schools_to_911forum.org.uk_hoster,_16_Dec_2008 https://archive.is/typbK

  2. http://arkonline.org/about-us/what-we-do

  3. https://psychosynthesistrust.org.uk/about-psychosynthesis-trust/meet-the-team/meet-our-teachers/diana-whitmore/ http://archive.is/JlLXJ

  4. Roberto Assagioli founded psychosynthesis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto_Assagioli http://archive.is/x1Htg

  5. Psychosynthesis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychosynthesis http://archive.is/na3O1

  6. Ark Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ark_(charity) http://archive.is/Cxw9c

  7. }Founders from EIM group Laundering Terrorist money: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB1006296219385259760 http://archive.is/yJwoE

Lucis Trust [Lucis] {

  1. About Us - https://www.lucistrust.org/about_us/lucis_trust http://archive.is/wHJjs

  2. Support of the UN - https://www.lucistrust.org/about_us/support_un http://archive.is/VM8wi

  3. World Goodwill - https://www.lucistrust.org/world_goodwill http://archive.is/s6xlJ

great invocation..

https://www.lucistrust.org/the_great_invocation WIKI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucis_Trust http://archive.is/4QA45


https://www.lucistrust.org/about_us/support_un http://archive.is/VM8wi


https://www.lucistrust.org http://archive.is/syQJM






https://www.lucistrust.org/worldwide_network/list_groups http://archive.is/YMDKK https://www.lucistrust.org/worldwide_network/notes_from_the_field_service http://archive.is/RbhBx

https://www.lucistrust.org/worldwide_network/introduction2 http://archive.is/67VQi

https://www.lucistrust.org/worldwide_network/units_service http://archive.is/ZwzG5


Wiki on Psychosynthesis




https://www.scribd.com/document/35048524/083-Children-Our-Ultimate-Investment-funded-by-ARK-Dulverton-DCSF http://archive.is/KR782

https://www.scribd.com/document/22543765/029-ARK-Absolute-Return-for-Kids-and-the-charity-Children-Our-Ultimate-Investment-C-OUI http://archive.is/D0HWa

Indy Media page on Ark

http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/09/409398.html http://archive.is/97MCB

ARK online

http://arkonline.org/?p=54 https://archive.is/W3Lg

Analysis on why ARK = Evil

http://www.lifeinthemix.org.uk/ark_academies_school.html# http://archive.is/0iCEn

ARK main page

Founder of Ark, Busson;

http://archive.is/yJwoE#selection-3993.0-3993.77 https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2005/jul/06/schools.newschools http://archive.is/6CO2z

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodora_Children%27s_Charity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ark_(charity)

Sources/links on ARK charity

https://archive.is/W3Lg http://archive.is/kcugQ

Moses= ARK donors.

Directory of centers: http://centersgathering.org/directory/

^^ Over 20 centers here. All will likely be leads.

In 2014 The Haven hosted the International Holistic Centers Gathering (CG.5). It is listed as a "featured center" on http://www.centersgathering.org, the official website of the International Holistic Centers Gathering. Their self described vision is "the transformation of individual lives and a global culture of holistic, ecological and spiritual awareness and practice.

The International Holistic Centers Gathering serves as the principal meeting point for Centers both well established and new, that address the new consciousness currently emerging worldwide. A valuable instrument of planetary awakening it aims to include all centers on all continents" (CG.3). Among their directory of centers is Breightenbush Hot Springs, Esalen Institute, Findhorn Foundation, and Mount Madonna Centre (CG.1). That means that, including The Haven, 4 of the 6 places listed on Ecstatic Living's site are Centers that address this "new consciousness". Ecologia Youth Trust, Findhorn Foundation and Kitezh Community were three of the 27 centres that attended of the 2012 IHCG (including Harbin Hot Springs, The Haven, Breightenbush Hot Springs, and Esalen Institute).

In 2014 The Haven hosted the International Holistic Centers Gathering (CG.5). It is listed as a "featured center" on http://www.centersgathering.org, the official website of the International Holistic Centers Gathering. Their self described vision is "the transformation of individual lives and a global culture of holistic, ecological and spiritual awareness and practice.

In a blog post by Tess Raithby on The Haven's website, Tess describes her trip in 2013 to the Kitezh Youth Exchange, founded in 1992 by Dmitry Morosov. She says "the community... [has] created their own Haven, their own safe place to bring children into" and established "ways of working with these children that were unfamiliar" to her. In fact, The Haven held their own "Kids in the Spotlight" program with the youth at Kitezh, which was their reason for visiting the community (Haven.10).

So what exactly is Kitezh? "Since 1993 Kitezh has functioned as a non-government, non-profit home and school for orphaned Russian children in a community of foster families who live together on a large piece of land in a rural area 300km south of Moscow in Kaluga region near Baryatino... There are 20 permanent resident adults, who care for 30 children as foster parents and teachers. Their goal is to provide for 50 families with 200 children with the long-term intention to create 50 Kitezh villages elsewhere in Russia" (Haven.12). Liza Hollingshead, founder of Ecologia Youth Trust, first met Morosov in 1992, just a year after he founded Kitezh. In 2012 on centersgathering.org, Hollingshead writes "Over the past 20 years, through the vehicle of Ecologia Youth Trust, I became more and more involved in supporting this extraordinary experiment. In 1996 we took a group of our Youth Project teenagers to Kitezh where they camped in a field and learned to eat buckwheat and dill! The following year Dmitry brought a small group of children, all orphans, to Findhorn and they visited other parts of Scotland as well" (CG.3).

Centers Gathering [CG] {

  1. Directory of centers: http://centersgathering.org/directory/ http://archive.is/mR7eT

  1. Connecting The Haven, Esalen Institute, Mount Madonna Center, Breightenbush Hot Springs, and Findhorn Foundation: http://centersgathering.org/ http://archive.is/JRvkD

  2. Findhorn, Kitezh, and Ecologia Youth Trust: http://centersgathering.org/2012/05/08/findhorn-kitezh-and-ecologia-youth-trust/ http://archive.is/CYm1D

4 - 2012 attendance and partnership with GEN: http://centersgathering.org/2012/05/21/which-centres-attended-the-2012-gathering/ http://archive.is/gBvrZ

  1. 2014 IHCG was at The Haven: https://centersgathering.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/registration-now-open-for-the-2014-holistic-centers-gathering/#more-2247 http://archive.is/XlXgp


http://centersgathering.org/directory/findhorn-foundation/ http://archive.is/taYwv


http://centersgathering.org/directory/esalen-institute/ http://archive.is/P7wLL }

Esalen & Tavistock, Abraham Maslow, etc


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Esalen in Wikileaks

Gazebo Pre-School at Esalen





Michael Murphy - CTR Founder

"In the 1980s, Murphy helped organize Esalen's pioneering Soviet-American Exchange Program, which became a premier vehicle for citizen-to-citizen relations between Russians and Americans. In 1990, Murphy and Esalen initiated Boris Yeltsin's first visit to America — a trip that contributed to Yeltsin's change of heart regarding the United States and capitalism and that became part of ending the Cold War. This success led to other Esalen citizen diplomacy programs with China, and an initiative to unite the Abrahamic faiths (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) based on the commonalities they share."

Ed Kelly, Ph.D.

Edward F. Kelly, Ph.D., is Research Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia, and lead author of Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century, which was developed under the auspices of the Esalen Center for Theory & Research.
Ed moved to Virginia from the University of North Carolina, where he used EEG and fMRI neuro-imaging techniques to study somatosensory cortical plasticity in humans, having previously spent over ten years working full-time in experimental para-psychology, first at J.B. Rhine's Rhine Research Institute and subsequently in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Duke. At UVa he has returned to his central long-term research interests, which revolve around mind/brain relations, and functional neuro-imaging studies of altered states of consciousness and psi.

Jeffrey J. Kripal, Ph.D.

Jeffrey J. Kripal, chairman of the Board of Trustees, is a historian of religions by training, receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago Divinity School in 1993. He currently holds the J. Newton Rayzor Chair in Philosophy and Religious Thought in the Department of Religious Studies at Rice University, where he also chairs the department.
His areas of interest include the comparative erotics of mystical literature, the history of American metaphysical religion, the history of Western esotericism, particularly as this complex has encountered and incorporated Asian practices and ideas in the modern period, and, most recently, the interface between the paranormal and American popular culture. For more information, please visit his website. https://archive.is/1hLNF

Adam Crabtree

Adam Crabtree is a psychotherapist in private practice, specializing in dissociative identity disorder and other dissociative disorders. He is on the faculty of the Centre for Training in Psychotherapy and director of the LingYu psychotherapy training program in Toronto.

He is author of Multiple Man: Explorations in Possession and Multiple Personality. He has published the only extensive modern bibliography of mesmerism and its offshoots: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism and Psychical Research, from 1766-1920, an Annotated Bibliography.

His study of the origins of dynamic psychiatry and psychology is titled From Mesmer to Freud: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing. He is author of writings in the areas of the history of psychotherapy, hypnosis and psychical research, as well as papers on William James and Charles Sanders Peirce. He wrote Trance Zero: The Psychology of Maximum Experience and is a contributing author of Irreducible Mind: Toward A Psychology for the 21st Century. He has called for a reconsideration and redefinition of hypnosis as a species of trance and has just completed a book manuscript with that theme: Memoir of a Trance Therapist: A Biographical History of an Idea.
